Say hi to Audrey, everybody!
welcome to haven (and why you should watch)
My newest girl is from the Syfy Channel original series Haven, which just wrapped its second make-Natalie-wanna-tear-her-hair-out season (with bonus Brandon Walsh!). In the show, FBI agent Audrey Parker is sent to a small town in Maine called Haven, pursuing an escaped criminal. Of course, this show being set in the Stephen Kingverse and being on Syfy, it's not that easy. While there she finds out a lot of the people there are developing supernatural afflictions, called the Troubles, which tend to ruin lives and make a lot of things unfun. On top of that, she finds a photo from a newspaper article from 1983 titled "Who Killed the Colorado Kid?" and the woman in the photo looks just like her. Since she grew up an orphan with no knowledge of her parents or where she comes from, Audrey stays in town to help the Troubled and try to find out more about the woman she believes to be her mother, and slowly but surely, things get weird.
That would be the quick and dirty, unspoilery version of things. I worry about spoilers so I don't want to say too much except that I love it and you should watch it. And that Brandon Walsh was on it. And it also has WWE Superstar Edge as a recurring guest star, and they actually credit him as WWE Superstar Edge (and he's kind of great on it). And that it's fun to look for Stephen King references. And through the credits for clues. And it keeps my brain working. And I end up yelling "SOMEONE JUST MAKE OUT WITH SOMEONE. NOW." at least once every couple episodes. And it has one of my
favorite casts ever. And if you're still not sold yet,
here's Eric Balfour in his underwear.
Also it just got renewed for season three today, making for a VERY HAPPY ME.
the basics on audrey
Audrey, for all intents and purposes, is a pretty normal girl. She's coming in two years pre-canon, so she'll be arooooound 26 agewise, blonde, blue-eyed and pretty pretty, and unless otherwise stated, will always be packing her gun. Seriously. She wore guns under her dress at her birthday party. She's a crazy good shot, too. While nice and friendly, has trouble connecting to people and doesn't actually make friends easily. Also she's a workaholic who may or may not get your name right, which may have something to do with that making friends thing. She is snarky and pretty badass for a for-all-intents-and-purposes normal girl, and should be nice and sociable. She's also huge on helping people; in canon her actual purpose seems to be helping the Troubled and trying to save people. If you're new to powers or need help in that department, Audrey's a good person to go to.
For Fandom purposes, the FBI maybe caught note of a weird little town in Maryland and has sent Audrey to keep an eye on things and report back. Please note, she will not actually be reporting back. Or she will, but she won't be trying to send stories about everyone's powers, weirdness or secrets to any government agents. It's canon that she covers stuff like that up, so she'll be doing the same here and no one has anything to worry about there.
Also, she's not who she says she is, and she doesn't have the slightest clue about that yet.
Half the show's arc has to do with who Audrey is, which means that I don't actually know who she really is yet. I am insane, yes. When season three shows up, expect me to spend my Friday nights cursing on Twitter because I just got jossed. I'm sure this will happen, which is why she's coming from before canon with some slight fudging of a couple details so it's easier to work around things.
In short, canon sort of drives me nuts a little bit. But in a really good way.
powers (sorta) and what they mean for you
Audrey doesn't really have powers of her own. However, she's mostly immune to yours. One of the reasons she's able to help the Troubled is because she's unaffected by their afflictions, with a few exceptions. (Technically speaking, this sort of thing may mean she's Troubled herself and doesn't know it.) Since we also don't know exactly what the Troubles are or what causes them (I told you canon drives me nuts), her immunity is being extended to Fandom. This means while she can get attacked by a vampire, she can't get glamoured by one, or while she can have an AU kid, she won't be changed over AU weekend. This means you also can't mindtrick her or read her thoughts, and so on and so forth along those lines. If you've got any question whether or not your character's power should be able to affect her, just let me know.
If you've got a character who can tell this sort of thing, feel free to notice there's something off about her. She's human, just different. I'm perfectly willing to play with it, so you can even tell her there's something off about her, but she won't know you're right and can't confirm anything.
There is one other thing, but I really do worry about spoiling things too much. Let's just say that Audrey will not be allowed to be in any sort of mortal peril while in Fandom because I'm not entirely sure how that'll work with her.
Comments, questions,
handy links to season one on YouTube because I am a pusher?