ME TOO! Animated ones are the best ♥ And I'm glad that you *stare* -- you have to watch Merlin, hehe. You are watching too little British TV shows anyway. ;D I know!! No time D: I'm so glad when all this sh*t is over and I'm finally having holidays.
I might start, you know that. And I knoooow, I need more British shows! But it seems I just can't get into those. :/ Idk, I don't like Doctor Who, and I can't get into Torchwood either. And I think there was something else I tried. :S
Awwww, I know. *huggles* You know, if there's ever anything I can do to help (even if it's just to send you a cheer or two), just ask, yes? When's your last exam?
You also tried Skins! :D I know, which is very weird because you love everything that is British. Hmm.
Of course I know that! You are always such a great support and I ♥ you for that. <3 My last exam is on February, 6th. And I thought about coming to Berlin on that weekend, but you are in London at that time. So I thought, I could also come to Berlin on February, 5th?! Idk... it'd be stressful! :S
Yes, I know.... I'm excited... even though I hate the dubbed voices (Sawyer and Sayid are really bad dubbed), but I will watch it anyways, just because I can see them again ;)
Oh, tell me. I especially hate Sawyer's dubbed voice. When I first heard it I started laughing because it doesn't fit him in the slightest.
Oh, that sounds good! Well, I'm doing ok as well. A little stressed because of the upcoming exams. Idk, I get these little panic attacks from time to time because I'm running out of time. But I still need to get so much done. I think you probably not what I mean since you always have so much stuff to do yourself!
Fantastic! Congratulations on passing your exam, btw! I only read everyone's entries lately and don't manage to comment. :( However, was this your last exam for this semester?
animated moodthemes = &hearts I could stare at them for hours lol btw how's Merlin?
LOST S4 on German TV tomorrow, eeek. :D I'm so excited! I've already seen the first four or five episodes in English but that's been a long time ago :/
Ich kann mich gar nicht mehr dran erinnern. Es war irgendwann mitten in der Nacht wo ich den zufällig gesehen hatte. Und ich war nur so glücklich, dass ich LOST im deutschen Fernsehen auch nochmal erlebe. :D
Btw! Viiiiiiiiiiiiiiielen lieben Dank für deine Weihnachtskarte ♥ ich musste erst kurz überlegen, weil ich ja damit gar nicht gerechnet hatte. Aber! dafür fühle ich mich jetzt voll schlecht, weil ich dir doch keine Email geschrieben hab, gnaw. I fail, sorry. Heißt das aber jetzt, dass man dir Post schicken darf? ;D
Comments 40
ANIMATED moodtheme! *stares* I love those the most!
And you need to make ALAN ICONS! :P
Btw, d'you have any idea yet when you're coming to Berlin again?
ME TOO! Animated ones are the best ♥
And I'm glad that you *stare* -- you have to watch Merlin, hehe. You are watching too little British TV shows anyway. ;D
I know!! No time D: I'm so glad when all this sh*t is over and I'm finally having holidays.
Honestly, I have no idea. SIGH! >:
Awwww, I know. *huggles* You know, if there's ever anything I can do to help (even if it's just to send you a cheer or two), just ask, yes? When's your last exam?
I know, which is very weird because you love everything that is British. Hmm.
Of course I know that! You are always such a great support and I ♥ you for that. <3
My last exam is on February, 6th. And I thought about coming to Berlin on that weekend, but you are in London at that time. So I thought, I could also come to Berlin on February, 5th?! Idk... it'd be stressful! :S
Yes, I know.... I'm excited... even though I hate the dubbed voices (Sawyer and Sayid are really bad dubbed), but I will watch it anyways, just because I can see them again ;)
Yeah, doing great! And you?!?
Oh, tell me. I especially hate Sawyer's dubbed voice. When I first heard it I started laughing because it doesn't fit him in the slightest.
Oh, that sounds good! Well, I'm doing ok as well. A little stressed because of the upcoming exams. Idk, I get these little panic attacks from time to time because I'm running out of time. But I still need to get so much done. I think you probably not what I mean since you always have so much stuff to do yourself!
However, was this your last exam for this semester?
Thank you. *squishes more*
I'm so frightened because I don't wanna fail, ugh. But I'm sure I will...
Whee! *squishes twice as much* ;D
btw how's Merlin?
LOST S4 on German TV tomorrow, eeek. :D
I'm so excited! I've already seen the first four or five episodes in English but that's been a long time ago :/
Everything's fine :)
And Merlin is fantastic. Very, very cute and simply amazing. If you ever have time you should definitely check it.
Same here, but I can simply not not watch it when it's on German telly. Whee, excited! :D
And that's good to hear. *hugs*
Oh man allein der Trailer von ProSieben hat mich schon so aufgeregt... Egal hauptsache Lost ♥
Ich kann mich gar nicht mehr dran erinnern. Es war irgendwann mitten in der Nacht wo ich den zufällig gesehen hatte. Und ich war nur so glücklich, dass ich LOST im deutschen Fernsehen auch nochmal erlebe. :D
Btw! Viiiiiiiiiiiiiiielen lieben Dank für deine Weihnachtskarte ♥ ich musste erst kurz überlegen, weil ich ja damit gar nicht gerechnet hatte. Aber! dafür fühle ich mich jetzt voll schlecht, weil ich dir doch keine Email geschrieben hab, gnaw. I fail, sorry. Heißt das aber jetzt, dass man dir Post schicken darf? ;D
Gern geschehen. ♥ Ist doch net schlimm. Ich hab's ja auch spontan abgeschickt. Yep, der Postkasten wartet sehnlichst auf mehr Inhalt. xD
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