iSaved Demi and Selena

Aug 04, 2010 14:54

iSaved Demi And Selena

Title: iSaved Demi And Selena

Fandom: Disney RPF/iCarly

Pairing: Demi/Selena Carly/Sam

Disclaimer: I own nothing in this fic except the idea.

Rating: PG

Summary: "Demi is that you?" A voice called from behind the singer's back. As she turned around, she was stunned at the young teenage girl that was looking back at her.

A/N: For my first Demi/Selena fic ever, I decided to cross it over with a fandom that I was familiar with. That being iCarly. So hope you guys like it :)

Friends were important to Demi. They really were. She needed her support group in order to keep her grounded. Keep her from letting the fame get to her head, making her think that she was untouchable.

So when she heard that Seattle was one of the cities on her tour route, she was ecstatic. She immediately jumped at the opportunity to call one of her earliest child hood friends. Someone that she's long since lost contact with, but never forgot.

As she stepped off the airplane and walked to the baggage claim area, she looked through the sea of people, searching for that familiar face. The child hood image of her old friend drifted towards her mind as a smile spread across her lips.

"Demi is that you?" A voice called from behind the singer's back. As she turned around, she was stunned at the young teenage girl that was looking back at her.

The previous image of her child hood friend had been replaced with a young sophisticated beautiful girl. She couldn't believe it. This couldn't be the same person that she knew in the past.

The girl she knew wore her hair in pig tails, had geeky braces in her teeth and chubby cheeks, almost like a chipmunk harvesting nuts for the winter. Instead she was looking back at a slender petite figure, dressed in a pair of designer jeans and a multi colored t-shirt.

In deed, her friend had come a long way.

"Carly? Oh my god, Carly Shay?! I can't believe it's you." Demi squealed happily as she wrapped her arms around her best friend.

The brunette mimicked the same gesture as she embraced the rock star in her arms giggling happily.

"Demi, it's been so long. It's so good to see you again" The web show host temporarily dropped her hands to the side as she took in the site of her long time friend. She'd see Demi Lovato before through magazines and interviews, but this was the first time in nine years that she had seen her face to face.

"God you look so good Demi!"

"So do you!" Demi replied back, picking up her bags from the carousel. Seeing her old friend brought back a lot of pleasant memories from the days of their younger years. It was almost enough to make the singer forget all the crap that had happened between her and Selena for the past year.

"So? Are there any hot hook you care to share with your old pal?" Carly asked the rock star, hooking her arm in Demi's. Demi merely smirked at Carly's comment.

"There will be plenty of time for that later."

As the two girls walked out of the airport terminal, they were suddenly ambushed by a group of photographers, taking snap shots of the two girls.

"Hey Demi, who's the new girl?"

"Is she Selena's replacement?"

Random questions came flying at the two girls as she just ducked her head and ignored the oncoming flashes. Demi was use to this by now. She was use to the constant stalking of paparazzi's and random reporters. But Carly wasn't.

She wasn't use to having her private space invaded by a bunch of leaches who were trying to ride the coat tails of certain celebrities. But one question caught her off guard.

Was she Selena's replacement? What the hell did they mean by that? As she was about to ask her friend, Demi just bobbed Carly's head down, avoiding the flashing lights.

"Just keep looking forward." Demi whispered to her startled friend. Carly merely nodded as she walked towards the parking lot with Demi in tow.

Away from the prying eyes of the press, Demi had a laugh filled reunion with Carly's older brother Spencer.

"Dems, What up girl?!" the older Shay sibling shouted out enveloping Demi in a big brotherly hug. Demi giggled happily feeling her body lift from the ground as she felt herself spinning around in Spencer's arms.

"Not much. Managing to stay out of trouble. You?" she asked. The sculptor merely shrugged and waved his hand.

"You know me. I'm a choir boy."

"Yeah right." Carly scoffed mockingly, which earned her a playful shove from her older brother.

"Come on, let's head back. I've got Spaghetti tacos just waiting to be inhaled." The older brother stated, helping demi with her bags.

During the ride back to their apartment complex, Carly's mind was surrounded by the question the photographer was asking. Did something happen between Demi and Selena that caused them to stop talking? The same Selena Gomez that was always joined at Demi's hip?

Carly wasn't about ask right now, since Demi and Spencer seemed to be engaged in a rather intricate discussion about which was the better snack food; Beef Jerky or Fat Cakes.

But her interest was certainly peaked at this point.


Sam leaned her head back in extacy as she popped in another piece of cheese in her mouth. She moaned in pleasure as the combination of cheese and grapes exploded over her taste buds. While enjoying her snack, she propped her foot back up on Carly's coffee table, reveled in her culinary wonderland.

"So what do you think Sam?" An all too familiar voice asked from behind her.

The blond haired teenager merely groaned in frustration as her moment of snack food bliss was rudely interrupted. She turned her head to the young male teenager who held up two different colored polo t-shirts.

"Does it really matter Fredweird? You still look like a nub." She replied nonchalantly popping another cracker into her mouth before washing it down with a tall glass of wahoo punch.

"ha ha ha. You're soooo Funny." Freddie replied back sardonically.

"But seriously, which one of these do you think Demi would like?" He asked hopefully once more switching between the two shirts.

Sam took notice of Freddie's behavior and the need to impress the Disney celebrity that would soon be gracing their apartment. The blonde suddenly broke out in a fit of laughter as she figured out what Freddie was up to.

"Are you serious? Are you seriously serious? You're trying to impress Demi Lovato? The Demi Lovato?" Sam asked again, her voice laced with boisterous laughter while Freddie just narrowed his gaze on the giggling blonde.

"What? It could happen."

"Oh yeah sure!" Sam continued her ridicule "Nerdy tech geeks always gets her hot!"

Freddie just scoffed as he walked towards the bathroom area to change. Opting for the blue polo shirt, he slipped it over his head as he walked back out towards the living room area.

"I can't believe it. We're actually going to meet Demi Lovato!" The iCarly tech producer exclaimed happily, sitting down on the reclining arm chair adjacent to the sofa.

“How come Carly never told us she new someone famous?”

The blond friend shrugged her shoulders as her fingers pressed down on the TV remote switching through random channels.

“I dunno. Maybe she doesn't want her to know that she's friends with a dorkwad like you.” Sam let out another giggle as she flipped to the cartoon station, her attention devoted to the current episode of Girly Cow. Turning towards the once again offended Freddie Benson, Sam's facial features softened. Giving their tech producer a break, she decided to actually play nice...for now.

“Carly was never to brag. You know how she is, humility is a trait she likes to wear on her sleeve.”

“But know how awesome it would be if we could get Demi Lovato on iCarly?”

Sam nodded her head in agreement. As much as she disagreed and fought with Freddie, she couldn't but concur with his idea of having a huge teenage celebrity on their web show.

Sam's thoughts were interrupted as the front door to the Shay's apartment opened up. Spencer walked through the threshold with a huge smile on his face.

“Hey guys, guess who I found hanging by out front door!” He then gestured for Carly and her friend to enter.

As soon as Demi walked through the door with Carly's arm looped through her's she was immediately greeted by Carly's two friends. She felt right at home.


carly shay, gomato, demi lovato, sam puckett, spencer shay, cam, freddie benson, selena gomez, rpfs crossover, icarly

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