Title: Friends
Fandom: Red Dwarf
Pairing: Lister/Rimmer hints
Prompt: Xenophobia
Rating: G
Disclaimer: I own no one.
My Tables. ---
Rimmer isn’t comfortable with the Cat. At first, he was an alien, and Rimmer knew how to deal with that.
Thankfully, Lister never brought up his embarrassing attempt to defend him when they met the Cat.
If Lister had brought that up, a whole round of difficult questions could have followed.
Maybe Lister knew that and so never asked. Rimmer was grateful to him for that.
Then the Cat was Lister’s friend. Rimmer still knew how to deal with him.
He could hate the Cat safely. Lister would be irritated, but not angered. Rimmer never liked his friends, after all.
Title: Boredom leads to
Fandom: Red Dwarf
Pairing: Lister/Rimmer hints
Prompt: Zeitgeist
Rating: PG-13ish
Disclaimer: I own no one.
My Tables. ---
If there is any one word you can use to describe life on Red Dwarf, it would be this: boredom.
There are occasional exciting bits, but it’s mainly a life of futile attempts to fill the days.
Fighting with Rimmer is a good way to fill the day, but that gets old after a while.
Once, Lister got so bored he tried to chat up Rimmer. When he unexpectedly succeeded, it felt like phonesex - fun, but there’s no touch.
They agreed never to follow up on the experience.
It was too much, and Lister found himself shivering when Rimmer spoke.
Title: Missed Chances
Fandom: Red Dwarf
Pairing: Lister/Rimmer
Prompt: Obtuse
Rating: G
Disclaimer: I own no one.
My Tables. ---
It was amazing how blind Rimmer could be.
Even near the end of things, when Rimmer was the most perceptive he had ever been, he managed to miss what was right in front of him: Lister was in love with him.
Well, maybe ‘love’ is too strong a word, but Lister was certainly fond of Rimmer. They cared for each other, and Lister’s jabs were never as painful as the Cat’s were.
Maybe Rimmer saw that in the last few moments they were together, but he was leaving and they weren’t alone.
There was so much they could have said.
Title: Question
Fandom: Red Dwarf
Pairing: Lister/Rimmer hints
Prompt: Wan
Rating: G
Disclaimer: I own no one.
My Tables. ---
Io doesn’t have a sun. Well, it does, but the sun is so far away and so there’s no chance for anyone on Io to even get a sunburn.
Rimmer never spent much time outside, and then there never was a sun to tan him.
He’s the palest person Lister has ever seen and it fascinates him. In England, people could be pale and white, but they never were this pale.
One night, after a light round of drinking, Lister asked Rimmer if he was a vampire.
Rimmer said no, but he laughed afterwards.
Lister didn’t sleep well that night.
Title: Fighting
Fandom: Red Dwarf
Pairing: Lister/Rimmer hints
Prompt: Riposte
Rating: G
Disclaimer: I own no one.
My Tables. ---
Their fights are fast, painful, and frequent.
The slightest disagreement can turn into a full-fledged war within a single moment.
They get better in the Starbug, unlikely as that sounds. In that small space, fights never have the time to fester and seethe. It all comes out in explosive bursts, and violence is the best response. The hard-light drive doesn’t help at all.
If they had the space to go and cool down, the fights would never escalate like they do.
Then again, if the fights didn’t explode, if they didn’t lose control, some things never would have been admitted.
Title: White
Fandom: Red Dwarf
Pairing: Lister/Rimmer
Prompt: Tryst
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I own no one.
My Tables. ---
It’s not the best place, but it’s private.
Lister doesn’t like Rimmer’s room. Just because they’re on the Starbug doesn’t mean that the room should be so empty.
Rimmer doesn’t like Lister’s room. Just because they’re on the Starbug doesn’t mean that the room should feel like home.
Late at night, Kryten is recharging, and Cat’s sleeping.
Rimmer’s on night shift, so that’s where they meet.
Kryten wonders why Rimmer always volunteers for the night shift, but he doesn’t question the neurotic hologram.
Cat wonders why there are specks of white on Lister’s chair, but he doesn’t want to know.
Title: Rules
Fandom: Red Dwarf
Pairing: Lister/Rimmer hints
Prompt: Votary
Rating: G
Disclaimer: I own no one.
My Tables. ---
Lister once read the Space Corp rule book.
It was a dry read until Lister got to the section notorious in the Corps for it’s grab-bag of crazy rules.
Then it was a mine-field of crazy rules like ‘No female officer may paint her toenails orange’ and ‘No male officer may assist any female officer paint any of her nails’ that were right next to the sensible rules like ‘Officers are allowed to sue any other officer caught checking them out’.
Lister never memorized it, otherwise he’d end up like Rimmer: corrected by Kryten simply because he missed a number.
That's it. I'm done with this challenge. Whoo!