Title: Catholic Guilt
Author: hawkeyecat
Fandom: Law & Order
Genre: Slash
Pairing: Curtis/Profaci (Never again…)
Theme: G is for Gravity, a grave consequence; seriousness or importance.
Length: 941
A/N: Angsty to make up for the sap that was “An Evening Frozen In Time”. Thanks, once again, to
sarcasticsra for the beta.
Catholics are experts at guilt. )
Comments 47
Juh? Was that supposed to be "impact"? Or is it intended to be import? It obviously works both ways, but I'm unsure.
This is a nice fic. I don't know the fandom well, but I was feeling pretty bad for this guy the way through...I love the last line, though. That...is a really, really nice ending line. b^.^d
Rey is Very Married, like...there is no MASH parallel, really. He did cheat on her once in canon and the story he tells Lennie is based on that. I just spun it completely differently.
I'm glad you liked that ending line, since I was unsure. Thanks =)
What about Potter?
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When Sara read it, she asked how I stayed IC. I haven't a clue; I'm still trying to figure out how I came up with the pairing.
Glad you liked it =)
(Jack/Ed is 60-some words short, but it should be done tonight.)
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*blinks* Did you just challenge me?
Hee. Thank you.
I love you for that last line. And the first. And aaaaall those in the middle.
Great fic! :D!
Awesome fic. ^^
Hee. Glad you liked.
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