Title: Miles Away
Author: hawkeyecat
Fandom: Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
Genre: Slash
Pairing: Cragen/Huang
Theme: M is for Mars, the fourth planet from the sun
Disclaimer: If I owned them, this would happen on the show
Oh look, I'm going out of order! )
Comments 65
Bah, sweet, hot, and humourous, all in one paragraph. I just love it. That's so nice and amazing, and so... them.
“Tell you what. I’ll fix that if you’ll get the captain to do the same for me sometime.” George hears another voice in the background. “Hold on.” Elliot’s voice sounds muffled. “No, it’s not the precinct. Huang. Yeah, he says he’s sorry.” His voice returns to normal. “Sorry about that. ( ... )
Bah, sweet, hot, and humourous, all in one paragraph. I just love it. That's so nice and amazing, and so... them.
They'd answer their phones, too, because of their jobs. I love how you thought it was hot when it was so non-explicit.
*snerk* I wonder who Elliot was with. XD Mike seems the type to make death threats when his "personal time" is interrupted, too. ^^
That's one of those things best avoided if possible--interrupting anyone's "personal" time, that is. But Mike Logan's? He'd definitely be pissed.
That? That was just hot. And sweet. Just sayin'.
I love how you think it was hot when this whole fic is so non-explicit. Makes me wonder how you'll react when I write the smutty ones. *grins evilly*
I love the fact that you worked House into it. It amuses me and gives it a really 'domestic' feeling, as well.
Domestic is exactly what I was going for.
I just love this pairing and you write it so, so well. XD
I'll have to write it more often, then =)
Sometimes alluding to sex is even hotter than the actual sex. I think so, anyway.
I'll have to write it more often, then =)
I have absolutely no qualms with that. XD
Note to self: allude more to leave the sex to Sara's imagination.
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Whee, Kate likes me fic! *looks very pleased*
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Hah! Another convert! The real question is how you like my psychotic crossover pairing *laughs evilly* Very glad you enjoyed it. There will be 25 more of these =)
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It is an interesting chemistry, different from the dynamic of other pairings I write. I think that's part of why I like it so much.
Glad you liked it, especially that line.
I've written a couple of others with this pairing, but the guys are being problematic with the current "series" of fics that should cover the rest of these letters. It's supposed to be how they get together, but I keep getting stuck.
Anyway, on my LJ, there's a table for these fics. If you keep an eye on that, there should be more added soon--if I can get them to cooperate, that is.
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