SPN fic - Foosball Wizard

Jul 25, 2008 14:02

Title: Foosball Wizard
Author: alphabet26
Characters: wee!chester Dean and Sam; Dean's 13, Sam 9
Rating: PG
Category: Gen
Word Count: 640ish
Spoilers: Set preseries, no spoilers
Summary: Dean had a brilliant idea. "How about this? Best two out of three decides what we do next." They'd be playing foosball all day.
Notes/Warnings: Written for prompt number 36 for found_fic_spn. Also, foosball. Thanks to simmysim for giving me the idea of using the prompt as a score.
Disclaimer: I don't own anything.

The foosball table drew him like a moth to a flame. Dad had said not to leave the hotel, but if the table was in the lobby and Sammy was with him, then they weren't leaving, right? Anymore than they "left" when they used the pool, and that wasn't leaving either.

"Come on, Sammy, let's play."

Sammy sighed. "Then we can go swimming?"

Dean had a brilliant idea. "How about this? Best two out of three decides what we do next." They'd be playing foosball all day.

Sammy sighed again and put the towel down. "All right."

"Foosball is fun, Sammy. You'll like it," Dean promised. "We'll play a trial game that won't even count so you can get used to it."


They made their way over to the lobby and Dean paid their quarter. He glanced over at the clerk to make sure she wasn't paying any attention to them and held up two pieces of cardboard. "Put this behind your goalie so the ball doesn't go down. That way we can keep playing."

Dean was actually glad they did the trial game. One-nothing, two-nothing. Sammy just didn't seem to get moving back and forth between front and back guys. Three-nothing, four-nothing. Dean wasn't even trying anymore, not wanting to beat Sammy so badly that Sammy wouldn't play anymore.

And Sammy scored. Four-one.

"Good job, Sammy."

Sammy nodded absently, all this concentration on the table. Four-two--and that one, Dean hadn't been expecting. So he turned it back up a notch.

Four-three. Five-three. Five-four.

Dean grabbed the ball before Sammy. "This enough practice? You want to start playing for real?"

Sammy nodded. "You're right, Dean, this is fun."

"Course I'm right." Dean handed Sammy the ball. "It's all you."

And Sammy actually scored first. Dean regained the lead and kept it until he won the first game, but it was harder than he'd expected and he'd actually had to not go easy on Sammy, like he did during their PT.

Dean expected the second game to go like the first. But Sammy had been paying attention (why did he always forget that about Sammy? His brother learned fast) and they fought for the lead. Nine-nine and Sammy scored. Nine-ten, and the game was Sammy's.

Sammy's eyes went comically wide. "I won! I beat you, Dean!"

Dean wasn't a sore loser. "Good job, squirt." He grinned and held out the ball. "Bet you can't do it again, though."

He wasn't a sore loser, but he hadn't been expecting Sammy to beat him and it threw him a bit. Sammy had an early lead and Dean had to get his focus back.

Eight-eight. Nine-eight. Ten-eight. And he'd won. Dean sighed in relief. It might be fun to play all out against an equally-matched opponent, but that didn't mean he liked losing.

"Can we play again, Dean? Two out of three again?" Sammy asked.

"I thought you wanted to go swimming."

Sammy shrugged. "This is fun, too."

Dean ruffled Sammy's hair. "Nah, let's take a pool break. We can play more later."

"Hey, Dean?" Sammy said in a very small voice.


"You didn't let me win that one game, did you? Like when we're racing sometimes?"

Sammy knew about that? Crap, he'd have to be more careful in the future. But at least he wouldn't have to lie about this one. "Nope, that was all you."



Sammy stared at him for a long moment before apparently deciding to go with it. "I can make a bigger splash than you."

"Dream on, geekboy," Dean scoffed. "I gotta change, but I'll meet you out there."

"Okay. Dean?"


"Can we play again later? I'm going to win this time."

Dean raised an eyebrow. "We'll play again later, but there's no way you're winning."

Sammy grinned and grabbed their towels. "See you out there."

All feedback is appreciated.

fic: spn, fandom: spn

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