I've been reading
alias500 obsessively lately and found the challenge "What If?" from
back in August and got a crazy plot bunny. So, I present my first Alias fic. Note: I've seen all through season 4 now, and read spoilers about 5, but I may be off on some things. Sorry if I make any ghastly errors. Any corrections would be welcomed!
Set after season five, main character Weiss. Word count 327.
Eric's assignment was, on its face, simple.
"Find out why this girl is researching Arvin and Emily Sloane," Chase told him.
"I suppose we know it's not something simple like a research paper on NGOs?" he asked. He didn't really want to come back to California. He understood why he was being requested--who else was left, that knew Sloane?--but he couldn't shake the profound reluctance to go back.
"Marshall said the probability of her researching Emily in regards to Arvin was low."
"Just like that?"
He could hear the faint smile in her voice. "It took him a few more sentences to get that out, but I'm summarizing."
Eric sighed. "When do I leave?"
Right away, as it turned out. And there was Linnie Moore at the circulation desk, just waiting to be approached. "Excuse me?"
She looked up. "Hi."
"I'm trying to do some research and, well, I have no idea where to start." He looked at her name tag. "I was hoping you could help me, Linnie."
"Of course, sir. What are you looking up?"
She raised her eyebrows. "Well, this is your lucky day, because I happen to know exactly where that information is."
"I'm doing some research in that area myself."
"What for?"
"Oh, personal reasons," she said vaguely. "There isn't a lot in print about Omnifan right now, but there's a wealth of information on the Internet."
"You are a wonderful human being," he informed her as they moved to a computer. He gave her a big smile.
"It's almost like I get paid to do this," she replied, and smiled back.
Arvin Sloane was smiling at him. Eric was well-trained enough not to react on the surface, but he froze inside. The girl looked nothing like him. She had blond curly hair, these bright blue eyes, but her smile...
As soon as he could leave, he got Marshall on the line. "Are we sure Jacquelyn Sloane died at birth?"
Posted at my LJ and