is back up and running again, if anyone wants to take a look at it. At the moment, we're minus one photo album, but I'll see what I can do about getting that up and running again in the near future
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Winter sink is going to be January 22nd (the 23rd if you're picky). Hooray for sink! Give a shoutout if you can come, cause it'll rock, as sinks are wont to do.
Sink is going to be October 16th in the Fall, and it will be awesome. If you can come and grace us with the joys of wonderful alumni, dropping a note here would be a cool thing to do. Hope to see many folk there!
This week has been the saddest by far. The house just seems to be emptying. All these people keep dissapearing. COME BACK!!!!!!!!! COME BACK!!!!!!! I'll never let go '04's. I'll never let go
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yet ugly, still. I'll try to change that when I get time.
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