50 Things I Liked About Deathly Hallows

Aug 14, 2007 02:05

I figured I'd better start with this one (finally! *curses work for stealing all my time*) before I head off into the lengthy, ranty territories. It's still going to be TL;DR with all the quotes n' stuff, but it'll still probably be rather short... :(

I'm going to do this by chapter, just for easy look-up of quotes n' references n' stuff (that, and with *52* pages of notes on the book, it's easier for me, too, rather than doing it in *true* essay form). Also, if it aapears there's been a chapter skipped here and there...well, it was probably a chapter I felt was at best a "Meh", and at worst, a crappy ghost-writer chapter a "Feh!". Also, do read this with the book close by, in case one has forgotten the context of a few of the quotes, and all page numbers are from the U.S. Scholastic version.

Chapter 1:

1.) Yea, I wasn't so fond of this chapter, especially once I found out that just like Spinner's End in HBP, it's the only real look we get at the inner workings of the D.E.'s. However, there was this gem on pg. 12:

Voldemort - "Dinner, Nagini."  *smirk*

Chapter 3:

2.) Dudley - "I don't think you're a waste of space."

Cute! Finally, we get a touch more humanity to the Dursleys than just the standard cut n' paste of the Evil Caregivers (tm).

Chapter 4:

3.) On page 47, we FINALLY get to find out just how the Ministry tracks down underage wizards who're peforming magic! It wasn't much of an excuse, but I could buy it, though I would have liked to know how this 'Trace' was based, and how it notified the Ministry when it happened.

4.) Fred and George, pg. 51 (after taking the Harry Polyjuice): "Wow - we're identical!"

*dies laughing*

5.) Pg. 53: " Fleur walked over to stand beside him (Bill), giving him a soppy, slavish look that Harry hoped with all his heart would never appear on his face again."

Did I mention how much I hate Fleur yet? ;D

6.) Harry, pg. 61: "Accio Hagrid!"

Awwww! :*(

Chapter 5:

7.) Alastor "Mad Eye" Moody's death was done all right - not the best, but at least treated as well as a minor characters' death could be, I suppose. I also respected the fact that Lupin and Bill went to go get his body, even though they couldn't find it. :*(

Chapter 6:

8.) Ron, pg. 92: "And are they getting married in my bedroom? No! So why in the name of Merlin's saggy left --"

Lollers - sounds like something *I'd* say in a, ah, similar situation. ;D

9.) Page 98-99 - I did rather like Ron (with help) turning the ghoul into himself with Spattergroit, as corny as it sounds. It's nice to see the ghoul actually did something other than just moaning around and banging on pipes. The symptoms seemed plausible to me, though I have this niggling bit in the back of my mind that says "Wait, wait...would the D.E.'s really buy that, especially at such a..crucial time?" especially as any of the Slyths. could have easily told the D.E.'s that Ron was Harry's best friend.

10.) Page 103-105 - I did like the explanation of how Horcrux work (how they're the opposite of a body with a soul) and how to destroy them, though it was rather admittedly too easy to do so - but that, at least, I can blame on JKR and not the actually plausible method for destroying them.

Chapter 7:

11.) I did like Hagrid's birthday gift to Harry of the Mokeskin pouch - it ended up holding a plausible amount of stuff, and was one of a few nice tie-ins to Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. Also, it was bleeping NICE to get to see more of Charlie Weasley, the most forgotten-about member of the Weasley family.

12.) Page 135, Hermione: "Ron, you know full well Harry and I were raised by Muggles!" said Hermione. "We didn't hear stories like that when we were little, we heard 'Snow White and the Seven Dwarves' and 'Cinderella' --"

Ron: "What's that, an illness?"


Chapter 8:

13.) Especially when we first see her on page 141....Aunt Murial, For The Win (FTW)!!!! Just about everything that came out of her mouth made me literally laugh out loud while I was reading the book, especially these gems:

"...and your hair's much too long, Ronald, for a moment I thought you were Ginevra. Merlin's beard, what is Xenophilius wearing, he looks like an omlet."

"Another Weasley? You breed like gnomes."

"She's a good-looking girl, but still --- French."

"Oh dear, is this the Muggleborn? Bad posture and skinny ankles."

Wow - having a relative like her would suck, but boy, are people like her fun to watch! XD

Chapter 9:

14.) Pages 174-175 - I will admit to liking the spot the Malfoy's, especially Draco, are in - it would have really irritated me if Draco and Snape had gone on the run, as if that had happened, I bet Malfoy would have ended up joining the Trio at some point. *barf*

Chapter 10:

15.) Pages 178-179 - Sirius's room!

"There were many pictures of Muggle motorcycles, and also (Harry had to admire Sirius's nerve) several posters of bikini-clad Muggle girls;"

And put up with Permanent Sticking charms, no less! Not only did I admire Sirius's nerve as well (along with the Gryffindor paraphenalia!), but it did kind of accentuate the fact that Sirius never even got the chance to grow up before he was thrown away into Azkaban, especially as Sirius didn't change anything after he moved back in after escaping. Also, apologies to my flist in advance, but HOT DAMN was it fun to see the Sirius/Remus 'ship get smashed! XD

16.) Overall, Chapter 10 was probably in my top five list for best chapters in the book. One of it's other shining stars was that we got to find out a bit more about Regulus Black - and how sad and chilling that Regulus ended up joining the Inferi in the sea-cave lake! Never mind that he should have had Kreacher stick around to bring him back. I was faintly annoyed that Kreacher came over to the Trio's side for a trinket, but I bought it because Harry and Co. was taking up the last mission Regulus ever gave Kreacher. Also, Kreacher didn't accept Hermione right away, and that gave it another *ting* of believeability for me.

Chapter 11:

17.) Pages 209-210, Ron "You won't have a choice," Ron said fiercely, gripping her (Hermione) back. "I'll teach you my family tree so you can answer questions on it."

Awwww! Ron's protectiveness of Hermione is so cuuute! :D

18.) Page 221, Kreacher - "Perhaps just one more, Master Harry, for luck?"

Probably the BEST LINE in the WHOLE BOOK! :D :D :D

Chapter 13:

19.) Pages 249-251 - Moody's eye in Umbridge's door literally makes me ill - serious props to Harry for refusing to leave it behind, and burying it later. *nods firmly*

Chapter 14:

20.) Ron's concern over the fate of the Cattermoles was touching - it was easy to know exactly how Hermione was feeling, and definitely deserves an "Awwww!". Also, it was sloppy, reckless, and haphazard in spots, but I was admittedly riveted by the Ministry break-in.

Chapter 16:

21.) 328-329 - I really felt Harry's pain and loss at visiting his parents' graves, and it was really sweet of Hermione to conjure the Christmas wreath, even though it might have led them to being seen or discovered. 'Nuff said.

Chapter 18:

22.) This is really more of a general-liking-bit than anything else, but I did like Albus Dumbledore's backstory, and this chapter from Rita Skeepter's new book (pgs. 353-362, and probably the most truthful article she's written in the whole series) was my second-favorite rendition of the story after Aberforth's. I, too, was tired of hearing how the sun supposedly shone out of Albus's every orifice, as I really started to see him as a manipulative jerk after a re-read of CoS. Rather perversely, some might say, I only really started to like Dumbledore's character in this book.

Chapter 19:

23.) Page 378, Harry - "She cried for a week. Probably longer, only she didn't want me to see. There were loads of nights where we never even spoke to each other. With you gone..."      and
" She's like my sister," He went on. "I love her like a sister and I reckon she feels the same way about me. It's always been like that. I thought you knew."

Cute! It's about time this got said, because Ron's insecurity about Harry's fame should have pretty much vanished after the big blow-out fight in GoF. Also, I'm REALLY enjoying how the Harry/Hermione 'ship gets freaking STEAMROLLED - yea, I think JKR really got her knickers in a twist over how the Harmonians were saying they knew the series better than her and all that.

Also on page 378, Harry: "You've sort of made up for it tonight," Said Harry. "Getting the sword. Finishing off the Horcrux. Saving my life."
Ron - "That makes me sound a lot cooler than I was,"
Harry - "Stuff like that always sounds cooler than it really was," Said Harry. " I've been trying to tell you that for years."

Niiice! Felt to me like a nice throwback to the Dumbledore's Army initial meeting in the Hog's Head in OotP.

24.) Pages 380-381 - Hahahaha! Hermione being furious at Ron was not only amusing, but pretty much what the reader wanted to do to Ron at that point, too. Well, either that, or huck the book across the room because they're sick of camping, bickering, and Stating the Obvious (tm) constantly.

Chapter 20:

25.) Pages 389-390 - I do like how they finally put a jinx on using Voldemort's name - it does kind of finally validate Ron for his fear in saying it in the previous books. Ron: "It was only people who were serious about standing up to him, like Dumbledore, who ever dared use it."

26.) Page 391, Ron - "...he must've known I'd run out on you."
Harry - "No," Harry corrected him. "He must've known you'd always want to come back."

27.) 398-401, 417 - Luna Lovegood's house = FTW. I still like the Burrow better, but Luna's 'friends' picture and the Crumple-Horned Snorkack/Erumpent horn makes it pretty awesome.

Chapter 22:

28.) Pages 438-444 - Potterwatch, especially with Lee Jordan/River - FTW!!!! :D :D :D

-(440) Kingsley Shacklebolt/Royal is definitely the voice of reason here, and I'm glad he ends up as Minister at the end.

-(441) Lee - "And what would you say to Harry if you knew he was listening, Romulus?"
Lupin - "I'd tell him we're all with him in spirit," said Lupin, then hesitated slightly. "And I'd tell him to follow his instincts, which are good and nearly always right."

- Finally, we get the Lupin we all know back! (442): "May I just add that while we here at Potterwatch applaud Hagrid's spirit, we would urge even the most devoted of Harry's supporters against following Hagrid's lead. 'Support Harry Potter' parties are unwise in the present climate."  XD

- Do I really have to go further into detail with the depths of my love for Fred Weasley/Rapier? Probably not, but I will anyway:

(443) "So, people, let's try and calm down a bit. Things are bad enough without inventing stuff as well. For instance, this new idea that You-Know-Who can kill with a single glance from his eyes. That's a basilisk, listeners. One simple test: Check whether the thing that's glaring at you has got legs. If it has, it's safe to look into it's eyes, although if it really is You-Know-Who, that's still likely to be the last thing you ever do."     and

(443-444) "Point is, people, don't get lulled into a false sense of security, thinking he's out of the country. Maybe he is, maybe he isn't, but the fact remains he can move faster than Severus Snape confronted with a bottle of shampoo when he wants to, so don't count on him being a long way away if you're planning on taking any risks."

*hearts Fred fiercely* :D :D :D

Chapter 23:  My vote for the best chapter in the book!

29.) (461, about Bellatrix) "They were no match for her, even though there were four of them against one of her: She was a witch, as Harry knew, with prodigious skill and no conscience."

30.) (462, Bellatrix) "Draco, move this scum outside," said Bellatrix, indicating the unconscience men. "If you haven't got the guts to finish them, then leave them in the courtyard for me."

31.) (463-466) Poor Ron! Poor Hermione! Ron's agony and helplessness in the cellar = heartbreaking. D*:

Chapter 24: Followed pretty closely by this one.

32.) (477-481) "He dug with a kind of fury, relishing the manual work, glorying in the non-magic of it, for every drop of his sweat and every blister felt like a gift to the elf who had saved their lives."

Dobby's death was the most well-written in the series, hands down, by so very far. When we first met Dobby in CoS, he was annoying, and doubly so in the movie, though I did warm to him a little bit in OotP, especially when he showed up wearing all of Hermione's elf hats. *grins at the memory* But then we met him again in DH, and I'll admit I cried and sobbed both the first time AND the second time I read his death, for the loss of Dobby the Free Elf, who sacrificed himself for the safety and freedom of his dearest friends.

33.) (484-498) I did like the whole bit between the Trio and Griphook, then with Ollivander - it would have been nice to know at least some of these bits on wand-lore before DH, but I did like the explanation of wand ownership from Ollivander, along with the tidbits on goblins from Griphook. I did rather enjoy this quote from Ollivander, where he makes wand ownership sound like the love to be found between two people:

(494) "The best results, however, must always come where there is the strongest affinity between wizard and wand. These connections are complex. An initial attraction, then a mutual quest for experience, the wand learning from the wizard, the wizard from the wand."

Chapter 25:

34.) (514) Harry as Teddy's Godfather was very sweet, especially after Lupin had his Emo! moment at 12 G.P. .

Chapter 26:

35.) (521) "It was now packed inside the beaded bag, which, Harry was impressed to learn, Hermione has protected from the Snatchers by the simple expedient of stuffing down her sock."

Go, Hermione! Finally, a glimmer of common sense shows through! however briefly

36.) (522-523) I totally loved how Hermione had the balls to change into Bellatrix Lestrange! XD

Chapter 27:

37.) (548, Ron) "Well, I don't know how to break this to you," said Ron, "But I think they might have noticed we broke into Gringotts."  *dies*

Chapter 28:

38.) (557-569) Aberforth Dumbledore = FTW! Never mind that he's probably a goat-fucker. Let me count the ways:

- (559) It was nice to know about the mysterious blue eye that kept appearing in the mirror, and I did appreciate the small backstory on how he got it, though I still don't like that Harry and Sirius never used them.

- (562-568) Finally, more truth about Albus Dumbledore! This: "Thought the sun shone out of my brother's every orifice, he (Elphis Doge) did." pretty much sums up what *I* think, and gave me quite the case of the Lollers besides. XD

- (564-564) I did feel relief we finally found out what really happened with Ariana Dumbledore, as sad as it was. I completely understand why their father went after the Muggle boys - I'd have killed them, myself - and what a sacrifice he made for his daughter, going to and dying in Azkaban so she wouldn't end up in St. Mungo's for life. My only gripe is this: why didn't their father hurt the boys then Obliviate them? *shrugs*

Chapter 29:

39.) Neville Longbottom gets the third and final character FTW for DH! His acts are just So Awesome, that here I'll count the ways, even though all of them aren't to be found in Chap. 29 alone:

- Leading the resistance in Harry's stead!

- (575) "We used to sneak out at night and put graffiti on the walls: Dumbledore's Army, Still Recruiting," AWESOME!

- (576) HA! Grandma Longbottom overpowered Dawlish and went on the run, and Neville is finally his "parents' son, and to keep it up."

- (577) Neville mastering the use of the Room of Requirement and turning it into a hideaway/living space for all the fugitive students AND working with Aberforth to make their own passage out of Hogwarts?! BRILLIANCE!

- (620) Neville running with Sprout to hurl the Mandrakes over the walls - great! Some scoff, but with cries fatal to all those who hear it? Sounds like a great weapon to me!

- (694) Neville going bravely outside to help bring in the dead :*(

- (731) Neville charges Voldemort! :D

- (733) Neville cuts off Nagini's head! FTW!

- (Epilogue O' Doom) Neville as Herbology Professor - saw it coming, but nice nonetheless. :)

40.) (587) We finally get to see the Ravenclaw Common Room, and one needs to answer a question to get in! STELLAR! And I totally want my room to look like their common room. *nods*

Chapter 30:

41.) (600) ""Our Headmaster is taking a short break," said Professor McGonagall, pointing at the Snape-sized hole in the window."  XD

42.) (602) I KNEW the suits of armor had to be around for more than just decoration and singing Christmas carols!

Chapter 31:

43.) (615-617) FINALLY, we get the backrounds on the Grey Lady and the Bloody Baron! Good doin' too, because they were the ones I most wanted to know about!

44.) Ron finally *gets* the fact that freeing the house-elves is Hermione's pet project and acts accordingly - nice.

45.) First (on-screen) kiss for Ron and Hermione! Fabulous! Though it would have been nice if maybe it happened during the camping bit to break up the monotany and not in the MIDDLE OF THE FINAL BATTLE, but okay.

46.) (633) Ron - "IF WE DIE FOR THEM, I'LL KILL YOU, HARRY!"

47.) (646) It would have been nice to see an actual spell cast by Trelawney, as I don't think she'd ever done one in the entire series. But going on the idea that she's just a Seer and not much of a witch, her throwing around the crystal balls was rather funny. ;)

Chapter 34:

48.) (691-701) Harry's realization that he had to die, his fond memories of life and Hogwarts, and him seeing James, Lily, Lupin, and Sirius? Heartbreaking, pure and simple.

Chapter 36:

49.) (745) Luna Lovegood - "I'd want some peace and quiet, if it were me,"
Harry - "I'd love some,"
Luna - ""I'll distract them all....use your Cloak." And before he could say a word she had cried, "Oooh, look, a Blibbering Humdinger!" and pointed out the window."

Go Luna! :D

50.) (748-749) I did like that Harry never even thought about permanently using the Elder wand, but that he used it merely to repair his own holly/phoenix wand. Though Ron's added bit of "Whaddya me you're not going to use it?!" was irritating and unecessary.

Whew! Truly, in my notes, I didn't have anything numbered, so I'm really not sure how I came up with exactly 50 things. Also, I'm still amazed I found 50 things at all, though admittedly most of the said 50 things are rather small, momentary likes.

Anyhow, that all for tonight - tomorrow I'm aiming to fully type up and post the dislikes lists which I suspect may break the LJ posting limit. Until then, y'all! ;D :D XD

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