*happy dance*
hd_career_fair started posting yesterday. Hurrah.
artwork by
heathen_arcade hd_career_fair NOW POSTING!
marguerite_26 can attest I have been insufferably endearingly excited about this fest. Partly because the prompt I wrote for was a wonderful mesh of two of my favourite things ever (H/D and the career suggested) and partly because I &hearts fests.
I think I love fests so much because when I first stumbled upon one it was as if all my lurking dreams had come true. Tons and tons of fabulous stories! No more searching for gems among the ff.net multitudes... Of course, this was back BLJ (Before El Jay).
Fests are also where I started writing - my first ever fanfic was for
hd_smoochfest. And I loved the whole experience, but I was in hospital for most of the posting season, so I missed out on something of the fest experience.
But here I am, commenting fingers flexed, about to embark on an endeavour. A quest, if you will. The Inaugural ALovelyCupOfTea Complete Fest Reading and Commenting Challenge. This is the endurance edition of the sport I have just invented - Extreme Reading.
Extreme Reading is a truly excellent sport. Primarily, its attraction lies in being a sport one can participate in while having a nice cup of tea and a sit down.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I am proud to present....
TIALCOTCFRACCTM - does exactly what it says on the tin.
The aim? To read and comment on each story and art that makes up
The rules? Er. None that I can think of.
The prize? The enjoyment of all these fics and arts. Maybe a glass of wine and some cake or something when it is all done?
Extreme Reading - the sport for people who like reading and sitting down.