Fic - Warmth H/D [PG13]

Apr 17, 2011 03:54

Author/Artist: alovelycupoftea
Title: Warmth
Pairing(s): Harry/Draco
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: none
Summary: Draco wants to want to be touched. A companion piece to vaysh11’s Harry likes to touch
Word Count: ~1700.
Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters herein are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended. Harry likes Read more... )

fest: hd_remix, fic_hd: warmth, rating: pg13, fic_hd

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Comments 14

veritas03 April 17 2011, 05:06:40 UTC
Beautifully written! Draco allowing himself to feel vulnerable, Harry's loving patience - very believable and, as you've written it, absolutely breathtaking. :)


alovelycupoftea April 18 2011, 01:10:08 UTC
Thank you so much! I really wanted to explore the emotions behind their completely different feelings about touch, and I am so pleased that came across for you!



vaysh April 17 2011, 11:00:27 UTC
I keep re-reading this story. It touches me so deeply. Your Draco here breaks my heart, and yet the story puts it together at the same time. And re-reading the story, I am seeing, too, the fascinating stylistic things you've done with the writing - the switching of tenses, the powerful one-sentence lines that make whole scenes. This is truly awesome, Lovely! ♥


alovelycupoftea April 18 2011, 01:19:15 UTC
Thank you very very much. I am so pleased you liked it - and not just that it still feels like your story, but how I tried to express it. One of the reasons I was so drawn to this ficlet was because I thought a response could be written that played with tense and style and somehow tries to mimic Draco's shifts as he decides to break down the Walls his upbringing has made for him.

I cannot tell you how pleased I am you like it.


vaysh November 13 2011, 11:01:17 UTC
Months after the fact I realise I never pointed you towards this line-by-line review from our favourite anon: Comment for "Warmth". ♥

How are you, Lovely?


enchanted_jae April 17 2011, 17:32:12 UTC


alovelycupoftea April 18 2011, 01:19:36 UTC
Thank you!


frayach May 3 2011, 18:57:54 UTC
How lovely!

“Show me how to make love with you.”

This is one of the sexiest things ever.

Thanks for sharing :)


alovelycupoftea July 29 2011, 22:23:45 UTC
Thank you so much!! I am so pleased that line worked for you - I played around with it so much, because I wanted Draco to say it, to understand that with Harry it is not a euphemism for fucking but a different experience entirely, but I kept fiddling to try and make the cadence of it right for him... Tl:dr it's one of my favourite lines and I love that you've picked it out as sexy!


lijahlover May 12 2011, 01:43:58 UTC
Mmmmm this is gorgous and here is a post of yours that you missed Happy birthday


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