"A Westland Seeker in Prince Arthur's Court" by Jodie and Vaidah - Chapter 4/5

Jun 16, 2009 00:06

A Westland Seeker in Prince Arthur's Court by serendipityxxi and alorarose.

Series: Legend of the Seeker and Merlin
Rated: PG
Summary: Richard and Kahlan hide the box of Orden and hangout in Camelot's dungeons a lot.
Genres: Drama, Romance, Crossover
Disclaimer: All your Seeker are belong to Disney and all your Merlin are belong to Arthur. We do not claim to own ( Read more... )

writing:legend of the seeker, writing:a westland seeker, friends:jodie, tv:merlin, tv:legend of the seeker, writing:merlin

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Comments 12

gallifreycalls June 17 2009, 03:51:24 UTC
Just found this fic. I'm loving how you two are melding the two universes together. They really fit quite well, and I look forward to the next (and final, it seems) part.


alorarose June 17 2009, 03:56:23 UTC
Thank you! We were thinking no one was liking it *sniffles*

I'll probably post it tomorrow cause I got lazy today and it's 7 minutes before pumpkin time.


gallifreycalls June 17 2009, 05:53:48 UTC
Well, I definitely do like it. :) I must not be frequenting the comm where you guys are posting, because I only found it when it got posted to the Merlin comm (whose name I've conveniently forgotten) that makes a digest of all fanworks related to Merlin. But I'm very glad I did find it. I'll be looking forward to the part tomorrow.

I've got to ask. What's pumpkin time (a reference to Cinderella)?


whose name I've conveniently forgotten enderwiggin24 June 17 2009, 07:41:52 UTC

I am also here via the newsletter enderwiggin24 June 17 2009, 07:43:18 UTC
and this was interesting!
I am only having watched a few eps of Legend of the Seeker, but I am not being fannish on the show, however, you melting the two universes, merlin and LotS, its quite interesting!
I am looking forward to more chapters!


Re: I am also here via the newsletter alorarose June 17 2009, 10:32:38 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad people are enjoying it. Makes me so happy. *tear*

There is one more and an epilogue. Though my Merlin muse insists there should be more, the story ends quite nicely there.

I should be posting it at some point today.



quycksylver June 17 2009, 22:56:24 UTC
Bah! Teacherly crap has prevented me from getting back to this until now. >_<

Ooooh... cliffhanger! Dun dun DUNNNN!

Like I said before, I haven't seen Merlin yet, so I'm assuming that in this version he's not the one who was (aided and abetted by Merlin) tossing magic about irresponsibly in order to get Igraine between the sheets?

Even though I haven't seen it yet, I'm really liking Merlin in this. Poor guy, he keeps getting the shitty end of the stick, doesn't he? Yeah, I'm definitely going to have to watch this series. Someday...

I like the way you guys have portrayed all the characters, and I think you did a particularly good job with Zedd--my fave! He's very...Zedd-ish. XDD

Looking forward to the next/last installment!


alorarose June 17 2009, 23:02:52 UTC
Wait, who are we talking about? Uther tossing magic about?

LOL Zedd-ish.


quycksylver June 17 2009, 23:13:13 UTC
Well, actually it was Merlin doing the tossing, but at Uther's request.


alorarose June 17 2009, 23:18:33 UTC
oolh, LOL. Uh yea. Merlin was not doing any funky dances with Igraine. That was all Uther with a little magical help from Nimueh. Merlin and Arthur are about the same age in this series.


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