016. 25min.

Jul 11, 2010 21:39

Title: all things stable, all about us.
Rating: r
Pairing/Focus: kyumin
Summary: short snippets of kyuhyun and sungmin's lives, through the years.
A/N: prompted with, 'hearts are only practical if they are made unbreakable.' (half of the title from 'All Things Stable' by The Sundance Kids.)

They meet, of course, by an official's words, some manager that Sungmin hasn't met or seen before, but will come to know.

"This is Kyuhyun," the man says, and the boy beside him ducks his head, hands scrunched in his pockets.

"Hi," he says softly, and Jungsu stands, smiling.

"Hello, and welcome to Super Junior."

"Thank you," Kyuhyun says softly, and Sungmin's hands twitch before he stands, and bows deeply.

"Thank you for joining us," he says, and Kyuhyun smiles a soft, wonderful smile.

The first year they spend learning each other's names, hobbies, homes towns, favourite things and most hated season.

"Winter," Kyuhyun grits out, hands folded in an attempt at keeping body warmth in. "Hate it, so fucking cold."

Sungmin laughs and raises a hand, letting a snowflake drop into it before it melts.

"I think it's pretty."

They spend it falling in love, finding out the soft planes of each others' bodies and breathless moans and sharp hisses of delight.

"There, there, there there -- hnn -- fuck, come on, why're you taking so -- nnnn."

Sungmin laughs, breathless, curling his fingers slowly, and Kyuhyun jerks.



Sungmin's smiling, even as his hands flutter over a ring given to him two years ago.

"No," he agrees, and drops the ring onto the kitchen counter.

Coincidence; both returned from the army with sharper eyes and stronger bodies.

"Hello," Kyuhyun says politely, smiling as he holds out the door, and Sungmin smiles back.

"Hi, nice to see you again. How're you going?"

Sungmin keeps his tone polite as he ducks through the door, and Kyuhyun considers.

"Going alright."

"That's good."

"And you?"

"I've been good."

Kyuhyun smiles back.

"Well, that's good."

Sungmin proves that muscle memory is stronger than the mind's will ever be as he curls on the bedsheets, straining against the sheer pleasure Kyuhyun has to offer; hands, fingers, lips, cock.

"Kyuhyun, Kyuhyun," Sungmin whispers harshly, and Kyuhyun comes almost silently, just a rush of air.

"Sungmin," he says tenderly, jerking Sungmin's cock once, twice before Sungmin moans and comes, too.

"This is a bad idea."

Sungmin avoids Kyuhyun's eyes, a small smile on his face.

"Yeah, I agree. I'll catch you around, sometime."

Kyuhyun nods, avoiding Sungmin's eyes as Sungmin stands and leaves the cafe, coffee untouched.

"You're not allowed to be unhappy," Heechul says, pouting as he pushes a drink into Sungmin's hands.

He laughs.

"I'm not, I'm really happy. Happy birthday Heechul."

Heechul huffs.

"You're a terrible liar, you know that? Well, fine, you go enjoy your happy."

He flounces off and Sungmin looks down at his drink, the pink looking back at him and he laughs, remembering when he used to say pink was his favourite colour. Instead, he closes his eyes and downs the drink, flinching when he realises how sweet he is. There's a sudden ache for the crisp, sometimes bitter taste of wine, and he swallows past it, putting the glass down.

"Hi," a voice says hesitantly, and Sungmin's eyes fly open to see Kyuhyun sliding in the seat next to him.

"Hi," Sungmin replies, fingers sliding against each other.

Kyuhyun nods to the bartender, who nods back and disappears.

"How're you?" Sungmin asks, and Kyuhyun inclines his head, the lean line of his neck flashing in the light.

Sungmin notices now, how different Kyuhyun is. How well-fitted the black button-down is, and how carefully styled his hair is.

"I'm good. And you?"

Sungmin nods before the bartender comes back, two flutes of champagne in her hands.

"Thanks," Kyuhyun says softly, and she flashes him a smile before going back to wipe the counter.

Kyuhyun breathes out, before putting his elbows on the counter and resting his forehead on his interlinked hands.

"I'm alright," he says carefully. "What're you doing now?"

Sungmin shrugs. "Whatever I can. Mostly work at my dad's company, some paperwork. Compose sometimes with Zhou Mi. It's quiet. You?"

Kyuhyun breathes. "I'm getting married."

Sungmin remembers to keep his shock in check. You used to be an actor, didn't you? he asks himself, biting his tongue.

"Congratulations!" he says, smiling wide. "When?"

"In a month. Hyung--" The suffix slips out awkwardly, something Sungmin hasn't heard from Kyuhyun for years.

Kyuhyun takes a breath, closing his eyes before opening them again and looking at Sungmin.

"Hyung, would you. Could you, please, be my best man?"

Sungmin nods unconsciously, lips curving into a smile.

"I'd love to be."

He fucks a whore into the bed, pulling her hair taunt and ignoring her tears. She moans around her tears and he lets go of her hair in disgust before coming in her and standing.

"On the table," he says before he walks into the bathroom, stepping into the shower and trying to wash the smell of guilt from him.

"Divorce," Kyuhyun says thickly before sticking his tongue down Sungmin's throat, and Sungmin lets him.

"Who are you?" Sungmin says in the morning, standing at the doorway, naked and with his arms crossed.

Kyuhyun stirs from the bed.

"You take hearts and you break them like they're nothing. I saw you last week with that trainee, that girl with stars in her eyes. I saw her yesterday as well. Maybe that's how you see love, but that isn't how we see it, okay?"

Kyuhyun stares at Sungmin before he shifts, hand coming up to scratch his head as he stifles a yawn.

"Well I'm sorry but it's just how I am." He smiles, crooked and cocky.

Sungmin looks at him with disgust before he grabs his clothes and leaves, making sure to slam the door.

"Thirteen used to be our lucky number," Kyuhyun says softly, hands running up and down Sungmin's limp body.

"I loved you, you know?"

Sungmin breathes evenly in his sleep, undisturbed.

"I loved you."

Kyuhyun takes a deep breath before he sits down on the bed heavily, chest heaving with dry, tearless sobs.

("We good?"

Sungmin smiles gently.

"Yeah, we're good.")

super junior, kyumin, sungmin, kyuhyun

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