
Jun 28, 2011 17:41

"You remind me of Donghae," Heechul said as he pushed Amber against a wall and towered over her. She wasn't short, but as much as her clothes were a tomboy's, she was still a girl and he was still a guy.

"Uh," Amber said articulately, and swallowed. She peered up at him, and she really didn't mean to look up at him through her lashes, but it kind of... just... happened.

"And I like Donghae."

Well, no duh, she wanted to say, but this was Heechul, Kim Heechul, so, instead she said, "Everyone likes Donghae."

He smiled -- was this meant to be a small victory for her?

"So, I guess that means I like you too."

Her eyes widened and he leaned even closer so that his breath fanned across her forehead.

"Um, thanks?"

He grinned and dropped a light, chaste kiss on her lips.

"Not just anyone gets kissed by Kim Heechul," he said as he moved away, and she sagged against the wall, spent. "Better treasure that for life."

You've kissed half the guys you know, she refrained from saying, and just watched as he sauntered away. So she did the only thing she could think of and took out her phone.

you have weird bandmates, never want to see them again.

try living with them, Henry replied, and Amber had to laugh.

"I bet Heechul misses Donghae," Henry said later over the phone.

"Why, you're in the same -- oh, China. Wait, sorry, Taiwan?" Henry laughed at her and Amber vowed to block him, even if he was like the only person who spoke comforting English with her (Krystal said she had to practise her Korean, that bitch.)

"Yeah, Taiwan. Maybe they have some, huge, gay affair behind the scenes? And, like, Heechul misses Donghae sooooo much that he's resorted to molesting you, practically Donghae's twin, in dark seedy corners!"

There was silence as Amber contemplated the validity of this idea, even as Henry muttered, "I always knew he was gay." Amber couldn't help the snort.

"What!" Henry sounded genuinely offended.

"As if you wouldn't know if Heechul was gay or if he and Donghae were together -- you're in the same band."

"If you were in the same band as Heechul -- well, sub-group-band -- you'd avoid him too. He kissed me," Henry said, disgusted.

"Your poor, pure, virginal lips," Amber said, deadpan, before getting serious again, or as serious as this ridiculous situation allowed. "You make him kissing you sound so special -- he's kissed everyone alive."

"But not Donghae."

They paused contemplatively. Amber's ear was getting really warm.

"Not Donghae -- that we know of. Maybe kissing people onstage means he's not into you?" Amber contributed. "But honestly, people in your band shower together, as if you'd be ale to keep something like this a secret."

"You'd be surprised," Henry said. "And it's not like I go around asking if members are sleeping together. What if you found out that, like, Krystal and, um, Victoria were sleeping together!"

"Wow, okay, gross." Amber banished the image of just that, even if it kind of sounded kind of hot. "One, they're like sisters to me, both of them -- well, Vic, like, the oldest, kind of nagging motherly sis -- and two, they're like sisters with each other. Like, Krystal looks more like Vic than she looks like Jessica -- ew, incest!"

Henry paused as Amber tried to think of pure thoughts, like pizza and puppies.

"Okay, fair enough, sorry for soiling your mind." Henry sounded apologetic enough, so Amber deleted her mental note of blocking him. "Though that'd be pretty interesting, and cool, and secretive!"

"As if our lives aren't interesting enough."

henber, super junior, henry, heeber? amchul?, crossover, heechul, amber, f(x)

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