
Aug 04, 2010 12:55

Hyukjae's folding a small piece of paper, his fingers unwieldy as he fumbles and attempts to make the creases creases and not wrinkles.

"What're you doing?" Heechul asks, words a bit muffled, and Hyukjae looks up to see Heechul approaching, quick easy steps with a popsicle in his mouth. Dangled like a lure.

"Origami." He nods to the book open in front of him, instructions in a language he doesn't understand, but Sungmin said the photos were enough, and Leeteuk said he should try more for the fans. Make a paper heart and take a picture with it, he had said, and because he has some time, he thought, why not?

Heechul sits opposite, watching as Hyukjae fumbles yet again and folds it not halfway, but in a ratio of 6:4. His inner nerd mourns. He sucks on the popsicle.

Hyukjae peers at the book again, and his eyebrows furrow.

"You know you folded it wrong, right?"

His head shoots up, Heechul looking at the piece of paper and pointing at it. He reaches over, using his fingers to unfold it and to refold it evenly, perfectly in half.

"Oh, thanks." Their fingers touch for a tenth of a second before Heechul pulls away, sucking at his popsicle so that it turns white.

"It's okay."

Hyukjae finishes the heart, taking more time to achieve perfection, and when he does hold it up, it's uneven and slightly wobbling along the side.

"Done!" he says proudly, and Heechul smiles, popsicle finished. "Thanks for your help."

It's so quiet that Heechul almost doesn't hear it, but when he stands to throw the stick away, Hyukjae hears a quiet, "You're welcome."

hyukchul, super junior, heechul, hyukjae

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