Fan Expo

Aug 25, 2013 19:42

I had the pleasure of meeting Karl on Saturday, and attending the screening of AH. Let's just say it went over very well with the audience :D

Karl introduced the screening, and I was able to get a few pictures of this:

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karl urban, pictures, conventions

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Comments 16

sangueuk August 26 2013, 00:30:29 UTC
So jealous! Thank you for sharing!


ailurophile6 August 26 2013, 00:45:20 UTC
You're welcome! Poor guy had been up for over 24 hours by this point but he was so enthusiastic! It was a joy to meet him :)


severinne August 26 2013, 01:18:03 UTC
Aww, lucky you! Looking scruffily sexy as usual. *g*

Damn, part of me can't believe I didn't go to Fan Expo but gah, such is RL... *sigh*


ailurophile6 August 26 2013, 01:24:16 UTC
He looked great and had a lot of energy for someone who hadn't slept in over 24 hours, lol.

I really was lucky to get his autograph and have a photo op with him as well as getting into the screening!


lindmere August 26 2013, 03:04:50 UTC
These are great. I love the gold chain and THAT SHIRT is making its return engagement.


ailurophile6 August 26 2013, 11:50:01 UTC
He is so much thinner in person! I thought I'd seen that shirt before :)


syredronning August 26 2013, 07:20:43 UTC
Lovely, thank you!


ailurophile6 August 26 2013, 11:50:41 UTC
You're welcome :)


norfolkdumpling August 26 2013, 18:27:23 UTC
Lovely pictures! Thank you so much for sharing them with us :)

I do like that the denim shirt is becoming Karl's unofficial con uniform!


ailurophile6 August 26 2013, 20:31:34 UTC
My pleasure! I have a few more, I should post those too, lol.


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