Meeting Karl Urban at DragonCon

Sep 03, 2014 13:58

Hey all! Got back from DragonCon in Atlanta the other day, where I got to meet Karl Urban! Squee!

I was able to watch his panel on DCon TV, which was great. He was so freaking funny! When they introduced him it went something like, "You know him from Judge Dredd (clapping), Star Trek (clapping) and Almost Human (THUNDEROUS APPLAUSE)". Yeah, fan ( Read more... )

karl urban, conventions

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Comments 17

bm_shipper September 3 2014, 19:35:53 UTC
Oh god, lucky you :)
But I'm also really happy for you that it worked out and that you could meet him.

I have to admit: I'M rather a Michael Fan than Karl - although I really like Karl too - and probably would have talked him to death with my love for Michael *lol* I mean, I've been a fan of Michael for so long and I'm so sad that this was now the 2nd show in a row that got cancelled... *sighs*

It just sucks that so many questions stay unanswered... :/


agt_spooky September 4 2014, 00:31:30 UTC
I kept hoping and praying they'd add Michael to the guest line up as well, after they announced Karl. That would have been so amazing!

And I know, AH had SO much potential with endless plot opportunities. So utterly ridiculous that the show is gone. :-(


grey853 September 3 2014, 20:32:12 UTC
Wow, what fun!

It really sucks about AH. I really loved that show.


agt_spooky September 4 2014, 00:32:06 UTC
It was so great to be around Karl for a little bit! And I know, AH had SO much potential with endless plot opportunities. So utterly ridiculous that the show is gone. :-(


ailurophile6 September 3 2014, 21:44:05 UTC
Oh my, those are awesome!

By the way, this is Susan, friend of Megan's. We went to dinner in Chicago last month at the SG con? I recognized you as soon as I saw your picture, but I didn't know you were on lj when we met in Chicago, lol.

This is the first year in a while I haven't gone to D*C. I already have a hotel reservation for next year, tho.

I will be seeing Karl (again) in Columbus OH the first weekend of November!


agt_spooky September 4 2014, 00:34:57 UTC
Susan! LOL! No way! Okay, small world here. :-)

DCon was a tad out of control this year. Record breaking 62,000 people. It's getting more than a bit crowded!

Oh yay, have fun seeing Karl in November! I'm now kicking myself I didn't go to Wizard World here in Chicago the week before DCon as Karl was there, too.


ailurophile6 September 4 2014, 00:44:19 UTC
I'm kind of glad I don't live in Chicago, I'd be at cons all the time and be broke, LOL. But Columbus is only a 3 hour drive, so it's worth it to see Karl :)

62,000 people. OMG. It's getting out of control! They're already out of hotel space in the Sheraton and Westin for next year. It's incredible how big it's gotten.


laguera25 September 3 2014, 23:31:36 UTC
Yay for you! I met Karl in Louisville and thanked him for Almost Human and his portrayal of a disabled character, and he was a lovely, gentle, patient man who made this broken old cripple feel like a lady.

I wanted to go to D*Con as well, but my budget laughed at me. Maybe next year.


agt_spooky September 4 2014, 00:38:29 UTC
I'm so glad you had a wonderful experience with Karl, too. He's one of the most genuine actors I've ever met. :-)


laguera25 September 4 2014, 00:41:51 UTC
If you're interested, you can read about it here.


bluedelft September 3 2014, 23:52:34 UTC
What great pictures!


agt_spooky September 4 2014, 00:38:46 UTC
Thank you! I was so nervous I could barely breathe! LOL!


bluedelft September 4 2014, 00:46:57 UTC
LOL -I know that feeling! At the Stargate Con last month when my sister and I walked in the restaurant Cliff Simon was in the restaurant and I think I lost my ability to speak for a few seconds.


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