Your Fan Expo Reports

Aug 25, 2013 13:15

We happen to know that a few of you peeps had a KARL ENCOUNTER in the last 48 hours. Care to share ;) ?

(Reminder: if you saw the screening of the AH pilot and want to share your reactions, please put the LJ spoiler tags around them ([Spoiler (click to open)]).

episode: 1.01, pilot, conventions

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Comments 19

ailurophile6 August 25 2013, 22:32:17 UTC
I saw Karl on Saturday, when he told me he had been awake for 24 hours and he was not very perky, LOL.

He did, however, give me a smile when he saw my mini poster (the ST:ID poster in the wetsuit) that I wanted signed.

He said, "so, you like the wetsuit look?" and when I said, yes, he said, "What's not to like?" (to which I answered, "Exactly!")

I hope he got some rest and was perkier on Sunday!

I also so the AH screening and all I'll say is it went over very well with the crowd :)

I have pics of Karl from his introduction of AH, I'll post those later.


lindmere August 26 2013, 01:49:44 UTC
Aww, poor baby--he flew in from NZ, then?


ailurophile6 August 26 2013, 01:53:24 UTC
I don't know, there wasn't really time to ask for details, lol, his autograph line was crazy busy!


seanchaidh August 26 2013, 03:43:04 UTC
The impression I had was that there were major delays coming from Vancouver where he was filming Almost Human; there were several delays. I suspect he was in the airport for hours.


seanchaidh August 26 2013, 03:47:46 UTC
He was charming, professional, and while none of us really encountered him for long, it was infectious. LOL I quite enjoyed watching everyone's reaction to see him for the first time, and hell, I"m sure I had the same reaction when I saw him first -- the profile, just in real life. He's very pretty in real life, a little surreal. I'm quite tall, and he was about an inch taller than I was -- my first taller celebrity! ;-)

I had a wee moment in the autograph line, when I managed to thank him; watching his movies and tv shows in 2009 got me through a very difficult summer. His filmography is just fun, and distracting, and I finally got to say thank you. That was worth it. :)

It was a special, but not a life changer. Glad I made a wee impact, one among thousands.


kimuracarter August 26 2013, 19:06:44 UTC
Aaaanf then you screamed loudly during his panel when the wet suit came up, and boy, were you RED afterwards! LOL


seanchaidh August 26 2013, 19:14:55 UTC

Why yes I did. LOL


kimuracarter August 26 2013, 19:15:31 UTC
Okay, my turn. ^_^ So, I've gotten pictures with a lot of celebrities, but Karl was #1 on my list. So, I was a bit intimidated when it was my turn, because it was my first time seeing him in person EVER. I was dying. I actually let two people go in front of me, because I was losing my shit ( ... )


seanchaidh August 26 2013, 19:18:37 UTC
It was fabulous to meet you, too! That was the most epic game of Cards Against Humanity ever. :)


kimuracarter August 26 2013, 19:25:47 UTC
Okay, so then I'm in line for Karl's autograph for him to sign a graphic for this very comm. I went up to him and said, "You're my favorite actor in the entire world, and boy is my husband ever glad about THAT!" He chuckled at that and signed my thing, and I explained that, yes, fan communities already exist for it. He seemed pleased. I couldn't help myself from staring at the little heart tattoo on his ring finger. It's so cute! And I'm just like, "Wow, how many times have I stared at it on a screen, and now it's RIGHT THERE."

So! Then I went and joined fabulous new friends in line for Almost Human and played Cards Against Humanity while we waited. It was so fun. Then we went in, and we were right in the third row! Karl came out to introduce the show, explaining that he had had no sleep (poor baby!). And of course, he asked us if we were out of our Vulcan minds. Me and my friends made a VERY loud screaming block, and Karl definitely noticed that! He said there would be a test about the show haha. seanchaidh and I were frantically clinging to ( ... )


kimuracarter August 26 2013, 19:30:39 UTC
In his panel, someone asked how he thought Kirk and the crew would react to the Borg. He said he wasn't sure, but maybe they would send in their asset Doctor McCoy. He was really grinning after that. At which point, I grabbed poor seanchaidh and started shaking her, going, "He's smiling! Smiling! He's SMILING!"


Not spoilery seanchaidh August 26 2013, 20:22:39 UTC
Well, the non-spoilery part. You can tell this is brought to you by the people who made Fringe, but there's a great deal of promise in world-building, characters, and gratuitous feels. That's okay in my book. :)

The fan reaction was positive to the premiere, and a few Judge Dredd jokes were tossed out. I hope Karl heard that, though I suspect he left immediately after the introduction. Poor lad, he was rather wrung out from his trip. It was left on a great cliffhanger.

They told us we'd have special footage that wouldn't make it to broadcast, but I don't know what. The interesting thing is that it's a different edit than the leaked pilot that came out earlier this summer. I'll summarize a few of the changes I remember for those who are curious in another post.


And now the spoilery seanchaidh August 26 2013, 20:49:59 UTC
[Spoiler (click to open)]

There is now an opening narration explaining circumstances; basically crime has gone up and robots are needed to give police an advantage (rather than Dredd!). I don't quite remember the specifics, blame it on me still recovering from our Karl exposure, LOL. Either way, there was a lot more context.

The opening sequence where John Kennex loses his leg is now extended, giving a much better idea of the ambush.

Just before the ambush on the precinct, we see the Syndicate working on something; it's a body whose head was severed, wire sticking out. That works well, leaving us with questions.

The ending was rejigged. There was a scene in the evidence store house, though the camera lingers on a particular box we know will be important (aka, the one they opened in the leaked pilot). It's a nice scene between Kennex, Dorion and Maldonado.

So we don't see the head at all, and that worked better from a dramatic standpoint, imo.

I'm sure there is more that changed, but those are the moments that stand out in my mind.


Re: And now the spoilery lindmere August 27 2013, 01:39:19 UTC
This all sounds great--thanks so much for the report, and I am relieved to know Karl's eyes are really GREEN!


Re: And now the spoilery seanchaidh August 27 2013, 02:43:04 UTC
Hazelly-green, but yeah.


Re: And now the spoilery kimuracarter August 27 2013, 02:49:16 UTC
Well, we've seen a lot of pictures where there's some brown in them or whatever, but I'm telling you, all I saw was green. *.*


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