Even robots need love

Aug 16, 2013 22:38

Saw this over on twitter and tumblr and just had to share with you all as it put a massive grin on my face. I just love this and how much fun they seem to be having while filming. From Michael Ealy's twitter feed, with the pictures posted on tumblr by relatedworlds.

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michael ealy, pictures, twitter, filming

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Comments 35

severinne August 16 2013, 21:45:03 UTC
Well, I'm not one to speculate... oh, hell, who am I kidding, I'm speculating hard all over that one. But it does need to be said that the adorableness between these two is simply epic. :D


saintvic August 16 2013, 21:47:09 UTC
A bit of hard speculation is always a good thing *cough*.

Really do agree though they are utterly adorable together *squishes them*.


lindmere August 16 2013, 23:19:37 UTC
The stars are aligning perfectly...it still seems almost too good to be true...

And Karl is an epic fandom troll who is subliminally selling the robot sex idea. There, I said it.


quirky_thoughts August 17 2013, 19:34:06 UTC
Just as well Karl is relaxed about it as some of fandom will definitely go there. *smirks*


quirky_thoughts August 16 2013, 22:48:01 UTC
Hehehe. Oh that's fantastic...love it.

I think we're going to have to come up with a name for the two of them but please, not Dorex...sounds like a condom. lol


saintvic August 16 2013, 22:55:33 UTC
Isn't it though :D

not Dorex...sounds like a condom.
*laughs* it really really does.


draycevixen August 16 2013, 23:06:44 UTC

RPS is not my thing just like names smooshes aren't but would that be MiKarl or Urly?


seanchaidh August 17 2013, 02:43:44 UTC
Isn't it a little urly to make these names up? ;-)


draycevixen August 16 2013, 23:07:33 UTC
Why do I get the feeling that there's a lot of leg pulling happening on this set?


lindmere August 16 2013, 23:20:23 UTC
On the Trek set, Karl seemed...not shy, exactly, but one among equals. In many ways this is HIS set, the way Dredd was, so he could be more relaxed.


draycevixen August 16 2013, 23:23:52 UTC

I'm an odd fan in that I more focused on the characters and don't usually follow the lives of the actors much so that's interesting to hear, thanks. :D


saintvic August 17 2013, 19:02:48 UTC
Yes I get that feeling as well and Michael does seem to like sharing on twitter every now and again which is great, did you see this one http://almosthumantv.tumblr.com/post/57716084904/bishybarnaby-from-michael-ealys-twitter ?


seanchaidh August 17 2013, 02:49:41 UTC
I stand firmly by the idea of plug'n'play. :)


saintvic August 17 2013, 19:03:11 UTC
*laughs* that sounds good to me.


quirky_thoughts August 17 2013, 19:28:54 UTC
LOL I like it. XD


hokuton_punch August 17 2013, 20:31:43 UTC
Ahhhhhhh, how adorable. ♥ I just get more and more excited for this show!


saintvic August 17 2013, 20:32:51 UTC
I agree with all of this :) They really are lovely and I can't wait until the show airs.


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