Karl and Michael discussing personal space...

Aug 12, 2013 23:57

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Karl seems a bit  awkward, which is kind of cute. XD

michael ealy, karl urban, conventions, video

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Comments 8

sangueuk August 13 2013, 11:13:31 UTC
that was adorable , thanks for sharing!


quirky_thoughts August 13 2013, 20:10:55 UTC
He certainly is..and you're welcome. :)


norfolkdumpling August 13 2013, 18:15:25 UTC
So cute! I love how well they all seem to be getting along :) And Karl's lack of respect for personal space would not be a problem for me, AT ALL. Just saying. *g*


quirky_thoughts August 13 2013, 20:11:47 UTC
Hehe..no I don't suppose it would be. XD


saintvic August 13 2013, 21:37:28 UTC
Oh they are utterly adorable *squishes them*

Thank you for sharing the video.


quirky_thoughts August 14 2013, 21:25:05 UTC
Totally love them. They get along so well. XD


lindmere August 14 2013, 01:47:34 UTC
So great! I love the easy camaraderie they have with each other. If it's like this now, imagine what it will be like after a few years of the show!


quirky_thoughts August 14 2013, 21:19:43 UTC
imagine what it will be like after a few years of the show!

I like your thinking there. Many, many years hopefully. XD


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