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Comments 7

pucktheplayer February 25 2014, 01:15:10 UTC
How is it that my antenna can get 65 channels, including NBC, ABC, KERA, and the CW, but not FOX? I am being punished for not being a cable subscriber.


laguera25 February 25 2014, 02:32:04 UTC
Am I, a disabled woman who has been routinely discriminated against, ridiculed, feared as a terrifying, uncomfortable Other, and isolated in all facets of life, but especially in dating and friendship, supposed to sympathize Stahl for the plight of perfection? Go kick rocks, AH writers. Forgive me if I do not weep for someone who will never get a disease or die of anything but old age unless she's killed in the line of duty. I don't give a spastic rat's ass about how hard it is to be a gorgeous, healthy genius ( ... )


severinne February 25 2014, 03:30:36 UTC
I can't help but wonder if things might've turned out had John said he'd never been loved instead. I think the thought crossed his mind, but in the end, such an admission was too painful.

Yes, this. That felt like one of the most suspenseful questions posed in this season to date, and it felt not only like he really had to make a choice about his answer there, but that his answer was probably the wrong one. Deliciously uncomfortable moment.

I feel like if only in her brief exchange with Maldonado that Stahl's baggage is meant to revolve around what she rejected as a chrome but you're right, they didn't really develop it properly in that direction with all this weight placed on how oh-so-perfect chromes are in every which way. Tonight more that most, I'm getting rather indignant about Stahl since there's been so few opportunities to get to know the character and tonight was the closest we've been to seeing where she comes from and the choices she made - and yet, she's still pulling chrome privilege (to kick-start the investigation, ( ... )


zora_sourit February 26 2014, 12:39:09 UTC

Yes, this. That felt like one of the most suspenseful questions posed in this season to date, and it felt not only like he really had to make a choice about his answer there, but that his answer was probably the wrong one.

I have a different take on it. John seems to be pretty close to his dad so I do believe that he has been loved. I thought he hesitated for different reasons: One might be regret, because he thought he had been loved by Anna. The other that he didn't want to get too personal with that guy.

I always understood John as someone who has been loved a lot by his friends and his family (dad) and that he knows about it. Infact, I think he pretty much had it all before the incident - friends, family, girlfriend and a striving career - and is now struggling with having lost everything.


severinne February 25 2014, 03:40:11 UTC
If I had to sum it up, I'd say that was a very tantalizing episode - lots of teasing of what great potential this show has, and yet it didn't quite deliver on all registers. My reply to laguera25 already hits on where I feel like they almost got there with Stahl but still sold her way short of being a proper character, so leaving that aside ( ... )


lindmere February 26 2014, 01:42:43 UTC
Spot on with the O. Henry reference. He just wanted to be loved...but he was a serial killer who murdered people to make himself pretty for his online date, so I did not have an "awww" moment at the end.

I know Dorian was just making a funny, but the implication that Karl's nose is anything less than perfect is absurd. It is one of the planet's great noses.

In a season that's been thin on worldbuilding or consistency, I do how like how they're coming back to the theme of technology isolating people. I wish they'd take it even further, because the happy!couples at the end looked pretty happy, perhaps just to provide a backdrop for Kennex's lonely, robotless angsting. But it's a reasonable idea that the more exciting the virtual world is (like that guy's room-sized golf course) and the more pressure people feel under to be "perfect," he harder it's going to be to make real, personal connections.


zora_sourit February 26 2014, 12:41:24 UTC
I know Dorian was just making a funny, but the implication that Karl's nose is anything less than perfect is absurd. It is one of the planet's great noses.
LOL, right? Ridiculous, how this show wants to convince us of Karl Urban's imperfections, eheheh!


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