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Comments 10

quirky_thoughts December 18 2013, 21:18:05 UTC
I loved the episode and thought there were some great one liners in there.

“Keep banging on it caveman”

“Were you designed to be a cop?”

“He’s grumpy on outside and morose and malcontent on the inside”

“I’m in ride-along hell.”

It took me by surprise seeing the other Dorian. Don’t know why really as I assumed there would be others. That reminded me of a tweet of Michaels recently when someone tweeted him “I bet money that at some point you were a sexbot.” He replied simply, “LMAO”
I wonder what John would think of that!

So it seems that the other Dorian was paralysed with fear. That wouldn't bode well for a cop. We're gradually getting a few more pieces of the complex Dorian puzzle. I like how it's going.


saintvic December 18 2013, 22:20:41 UTC
There really are fantastic lines here, i love the grumpy on the outside one.


severinne December 19 2013, 02:18:10 UTC
someone tweeted him “I bet money that at some point you were a sexbot.” He replied simply, “LMAO”

So does this mean it's okay if I write the dirty-wrong fic idea I had where John stumbles across a sexbot!DRN model? Because let's face, I've been thinking about it... A LOT O.o


quirky_thoughts December 19 2013, 21:33:31 UTC
Haha...yes, I think that's okay, you go right ahead with said fic! :p


rhuia December 19 2013, 11:21:30 UTC
Have been occasionally lurking and enjoying people's thoughts, thought I would de-lurk for this episode, which I loved. I'm continually impressed by how expensive the production looks, and how they look after little details (I think I officially fell in very deep like when that toy giraffe came out. It was such a nifty little bit of CGI). Loved the banter this week, as always.

"You should break the rules every now and then. It'll look good on you."


Michael Ealy was amazing as Second Dorian. I could watch that man tie his shoelaces on endless video loop, he is so watchable.


saintvic December 19 2013, 18:39:34 UTC
Michael Ealy was amazing as Second Dorian. I could watch that man tie his shoelaces on endless video loop, he is so watchable.
He was fantastic wasn't he, like yourself I could just watch him all the time.


quirky_thoughts December 19 2013, 21:40:58 UTC
I agree, it is those little details like the giraffe that give the show a really good feel to it.


engelkate December 19 2013, 16:52:56 UTC
The memory that sticks most after that episode is definitely Karl's absurdly deep voice in some scenes. I had to stop watching two or three times. o.O

For the rest I'm just going to repeat my twitter post because it sums it up pretty nice - Another great episode. Yes, it could've had a little more 'case work', but try to fit that into 42 minutes... DRN background <3

(And I loved the 'geeking over upgrades', especially the eye thing! XD The coffee had it coming. Every part of Dorian has to get into the coffee at least once.)


saintvic December 19 2013, 18:40:43 UTC
It was good epsiode wasn't it.

Every part of Dorian has to get into the coffee at least once

And now I am imagining that :)


quirky_thoughts December 19 2013, 21:38:57 UTC
Makes me wonder if *objects/body parts* in John's coffee is going to be an ongoing thing.


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