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Comments 7

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lindmere December 17 2013, 03:45:54 UTC
Episode 7 sounds great (Gina Carano!) though we'll have to wait for January for it, *sigh*.


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lindmere December 17 2013, 03:11:57 UTC
He was excellent! DRN-494 seemed really different; more broody and a bit more unbuttoned, maybe as a result of the work he's been doing lately.

The ending reminded me of Star Trek's "Requiem for Methuselah," in which Spock makes Kirk forget the woman he loved (also without his consent). Of course, Dorian is on firmer ground because he has a lot more in common with his other model. Still, it's interesting that he edits out the things that DRN-494 continues to be upset about and leaves him with only the happy memory.


lindmere December 17 2013, 03:06:24 UTC
Okay, so I loved EVERYTHING about this episode, including but not limited to:

  • All the cool future tech...especially the biomed stuff, but also the nice little shout out to bitcoin and the drones and everything just seemed REAL
  • Two Dorians!! Michael Ealy's acting was just amazing, and he had ridiculous amounts of chemistry with everyone including himself (?) The moment with them geeking out over their upgrades was prosh and made being a robot seem so...ordinary.
  • Maldonado yelling in the classic police captain fashion: You WHAT?
  • The police plot was super interesting and creepy!
  • John as the grumpy Prince Charming to Dorian's Sleeping Beauty....sigh.
  • The futuristic Rube Goldberg accident, which involved two androids, a drone, a routine traffic stop, and an MX getting offed in cataclysmic fashion (which seems to be a running joke)

    If the show can continue to be this good, I will be VERY happy!
  • Reply

    saintvic December 17 2013, 21:59:39 UTC
    This sounds like it was fantastic I can't wait to watch, espeically with two of Michael around :)


    quirky_thoughts December 18 2013, 20:59:01 UTC
    Me too, I loved it.

    Yes! John the grumpy Prince charming. :p And John looks so uncomfortable when Dorian is expressing his emotions.


    severinne December 17 2013, 04:54:35 UTC
    Okay, after feeling sorta mixed about last week's episode, I utterly LOVED this one. The biomed organ plot was actually really engaging with a sinister sci-fi twist and OMG, two Dorians!! Although the best part about having two was how fantastic Michael Ealy was at playing them as distinct types of the same model in a way that was really subtly done. Not to mention that bringing in DRN-494 finally got to crack open some issues around why Dorian was decommissioned in the first place and I've been aching for a proper character arc on this show for so long, it was a relief to finally see some of that backstory being teased out between the cracks.

    All that said, I'm just gonna drift happily off to idle thoughts about John, Dorian, DRN-494 and how "rule-breaking would look good on you" is the new flirt-line of the week. *g*


    saintvic December 17 2013, 22:00:08 UTC
    It does sound like Michael did fantastically in the two roles.


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