Set Pictures!

Jul 31, 2013 20:01

Yesterday and today some pictures of Karl and Michael filming on the set of the second episode emerged online. Not only do they look awesome in action, they look like they're having a good time filming too - hurray!

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michael ealy, karl urban, pictures, filming

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Comments 43

foxycasbones July 31 2013, 20:02:47 UTC
I really can't wait!


norfolkdumpling July 31 2013, 20:16:05 UTC
Me neither! They are teasing us nicely with these pictures :)


foxycasbones July 31 2013, 20:17:15 UTC
Yes, they really are. Is it november yet *grabby hands*.


saintvic July 31 2013, 20:07:46 UTC
Oooo these are fantastic.

It looks like they are having great fun while filming and both loking damn gorgeous as well.

Particularly like them getting up close and personal in the last couple *g*.


norfolkdumpling July 31 2013, 20:17:14 UTC
I love that they are laughing behind the scenes. Looks like all the manhandling is fun :D


saintvic July 31 2013, 20:23:51 UTC
Oh yes a bit of manhandling is always a good time.

And in fact I would like to volunteer to go and help them out, just in case either of them are getting a bit tired.


engelkate July 31 2013, 20:48:04 UTC
I just can't get over the orange and pink lining of that jacket. XD But he looks pretty hot with that shoulder holster underneath. *_* Should abandon the jacket more often. ;)


saintvic July 31 2013, 20:55:22 UTC
Gotta agree the shoulder holster is really working for me, so very sexy for some reason.


engelkate July 31 2013, 21:49:58 UTC
Highlights that nice waist and the broad shoulders in a perfect way and works as a hint how dangerous a person might be. *__* So in love.
(But I still love him most for the safety grip on the weapon in some other pictures. :D <3)


kimuracarter August 1 2013, 15:55:37 UTC
UNF shoulder holster ...


lindmere July 31 2013, 23:54:27 UTC
Thanks so much for these! It's fun to mentally caption them while enjoying Karl and Michael looking randomly handsome.

(Are Miso Bites actually a thing in Vancouver, or are they supposed to be some sort of Soylent Green-ish future snack food?)


norfolkdumpling August 1 2013, 19:38:21 UTC
Google seems to suggest that Miso Bites don't exist, so apparently the future holds freeze-dried soup. Er...woot?

I'm slightly more disturbed by the apparently massive bird standing behind them tbh!

Random handsomeness is always welcome I find :D


jem80 August 1 2013, 00:47:00 UTC
Karl in a shoulder holster...that man is a life ruiner. I CAN'T STOP STARING AT THE HOTNESS!!
Also...thanks for these, they are awseome.


lindmere August 1 2013, 00:54:51 UTC
NO KIDDING. What is there about that holster? I don't even LIKE guns. Except as phallic imagery involving Karl, apparently.


norfolkdumpling August 1 2013, 19:39:51 UTC
You're welcome! The shoulder holster does it for me too - I prefer it without a gun, but there's something about the framing effect on his magnificent, broad, strong shoulders... *drifts off*


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