A new documentary on being transgender

Aug 21, 2014 14:03

My very dear friend Rachel Clark, who is a transwoman, is producing a moving video about being transgender called TRANSit. I'd really appreciate it if you all could watch the trailer and share it with your friends (here, on FB, wherever - and I have a shareable post on FB for those who are also my friends there*). It would also be amazing if you could go to their Indiegogo fundraiser and maybe kick in $5 or so. I intend to put some money in myself next month (all spent out for this month). And share that as well!

I'm sharing both links because the film won't play on Firefox from the Indiegogo site.

Thanks for reading, watching, and sharing!

*As always, anyone who isn't on my FB friends list who would like to be is welcome to send me a friend request there: https://www.facebook.com/allyrakat. Just let me know who you are here. :)
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