A Beautiful Disaster. [Chapter 5]

Jan 15, 2011 14:44

Title: A Beautiful Disaster [Chapter 5]
Author: xxninny435xx 
Rating: NC-17 [Overall]
Pairing: Jalex [Jack Barakat/Alex Gaskarth]
Summary: Alex was a creator, until his muse died, along with his brother. His world is bleak and dark; so how could Jack, a destroyer, possibly put Alex's life back together?
Disclaimer: Don'ttt owwnnn. [:
Dedication: For those of you that are sticking with me, even though I'm a huge asshole<3333
Author Notes: So, uh...it's been a while...Um, I'm gonna be straight up, I completely forgot about this story. I just thought about it this morning and scrambled to write this real quick so I could get something out. If it sounds rushed -- well, that's because it kind of is. So...yeah...I'm sorry about that. It won't happen again and I'll try and make updates a little more frequent<333
Master Post

It wasn't until a few days later that Jack decided to pay another visit to the music store on Thames Street. He wasn't going to throw some sort of cheese fest and say it was because Alex had peaked his romantic interest like no other or claim that he thought the caramel eyed boy was the one--

He was simply bored. Kyle was out of the picture and the apartment felt far too large and empty for just one person. A little pick me up was just what he needed, and he knew exactly where to get one, free of charge.

The little bell over the door rang soundly as he stepped into the small shop, that smirk he was famous for already finding it's way to his lips. A chuckle brought his attention over to the counter on his right, the boy from a few days ago standing behind it. He pointed his finger at Jack and said, “You're that guy from the coffee shop, right?”

Pleased at having made such an impression, Jack nodded, waltzing over to the counter and leaning against it with his arms crossed. “When's my little darling gonna be here?”

Rian laughed heartily, shaking his head at Jack's words as he looked to his watch. “He should be here in a few minutes,” he looked out the small window by the counter, smirking when he saw the very boy they were discussing fumble to get into the store on time - which, was very pointless, considering he was already several minutes late. Alex was smoothing back his hair desperately as he locked his car with haste, unknowing that Rian had already checked him in. “Actually, he's right over there. You might wanna hide - wait till I leave. It'll be a little more fun, won't it?”

Jack chuckled, pointing knowingly in his direction, “You're a smart guy, Rian,” he laughed before pushing himself off of the counter and going to casually slide in the CD section. He pretended to shift through the many CD's they had to offer when he heard the door open, that same little bell from before jingling through the air.

“Am I late? Am I late? Boss is gonna kill me if I'm late...” he could hear Alex's voice, his heavy breathing as he hurried to the front desk, completely going past Jack and the CD aisle in his rush. Jack promptly took the opportunity to eye Alex up and down from behind, liking the way “tousled” looked on him.

He heard a laugh before Rian said, “Nah, you're right on time.”

“Thank God,” Alex sighed with relief before taking Rian's place behind the counter. Grabbing his jacket, Rian threw the store keys to the brown haired boy, reminding him to lock up and to restock the inventory whenever he got the chance. Soon after, the bell over the door rang once more and the two boys were alone.

Jack was already feeling better from this morning.

“Are you always this late, or just on the mornings after I fuck you?” Jack smoothly entered Alex's line of vision with his hands in his pockets and that suggestive smile set in place. The second Alex locked eyes on him, the shorter boy frowned and his eye brows drew together.

“Why are you here?” Alex rolled his eyes as he grabbed one of the cardboard boxes behind the counter and pushed past him, going to restock some of the CD's. Jack followed close behind, taking the fact that Alex hadn't screamed to be a good thing.

“I have an even better question: Why aren't I in your pants?” Jack leaned in close so that he could feel the heat radiating off of the other's red cheeks, practically feel the steam coming out of his ears.

Alex moved quickly as he put CD's in their proper places, grumbling, “Why do you keep coming to do this to me? This the third time you've tried this with me - why do you keep showing up?”

Reaching forward, Jack grabbed a lock of Alex's hair and twirled it around his finger, secretly admiring how soft it was. He had the urge to run his hands through it, but didn't think Alex would find it as pleasurable as he would, so refrained from doing so. Instead, he answered, “Cause you're cute, kid.”

Jack didn't think he would ever get tired of seeing him blush.

Alex grabbed the now empty box and shoved past him once more, hissing, “Well, find a 'cute kid' who's actually interested in you.”

Like a puppy, Jack followed him again, leaning against the counter as Alex grabbed the other box and began putting things in the counter for display. He refused to look at Jack, something the taller man noticed and wasn't exactly very pleased with, but decided was better than having been thrown out at this point. On his knees, Alex straightened up a pair of Buddy Holly glasses in the counter, Jack's eyes glued to the top of his head.

“What's the fun in that?” Jack batted his eyelashes playfully, though Alex wasn't even looking at him. “I find it much more satisfying to bed a person who was resistant and hard to get than to bed a person who practically pulled their pants off the second I showed interest.”

Alex groaned with annoyance as he stood up, leaning against his side of the counter. With a scowl and a tired sigh, he asked, “What's it gonna take to get you off my back?”

Jack stared at him for a few seconds and their eyes locked tightly, as if waiting to see who would blink first and back down, who would look away and accept defeat. To be honest, Jack didn't know how to respond to that - because he didn't really know why he kept coming back to the boy. He was fun to mess with - it was entertaining to watch his face heat up and hear him whine and yell over Jack's sexual advances. It put him in a good mood, which was perfect since Kyle left him to such a big and empty apartment where it was easy to feel lonely and dull.

Jack was the kind of person who couldn't stay single for long; though he was awful with relationships, he craved the touch and rush of emotions it brought in the beginning, the way it felt when you first started going out with someone - like the two of you are standing on top of the world and nothing can tear you down, because you can defy gravity with the way you kiss.

Jack was single.

Alex was probably the best source of entertainment he'd found in a while.

It made perfect sense.

Jack leaned forward more, getting close to Alex's face with that smirk that found it's way subconsciously to his lips all too often.

“Go on a date with me.”

pairing: jack barakat/alex gaskarth, rating: nc-17

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