Nasty Habits [7/30]

Dec 14, 2010 17:47

Disclaimer: I don't own these beautiful boys but the story is completely mine.
Pairing: Jalex.
Rating: Overall Pg-13.
Summary: Alex knew moving to America would be a bad idea. He was pretty certain he was going to be completely ignored, but alas, he's being watched.
A/N: okay i can safely say it gets interesting now ;)

My tumblr.

After a mind numbingly boring hour and a half, Alex returned to his house. He opened his front door and slammed it shut behind him, letting his parents know they he was back and he was still pissed off. He heard the TV from the living room and guessed that his parents were in there, so he stormed past the door and went into the kitchen instead. He’d missed dinner so he raided the cupboards until he found crisps and chocolate and just opted for that instead. As he went over to the fridge to get a can of coke, his mom walked into the kitchen. Alex raised an eyebrow at her before attempting to walk past with his dinner in his hands. She pulled him back wordlessly and trying to hug him, but Alex pushed away from her.

“Alex...” She started.

“No mom, I don't see why I should talk to you, when you decide to stick up for someone other than dad, then tell me and I’ll continue talking to you, but until then, I'm going to my room, goodbye” Alex said coldly before walking past her again. She let him go that time with a sad expression on her face which Alex ignored. He ran up the stairs and into his bedroom, kicking the door shut behind him. He dropped his stuff onto the bed before switching his TV on. He picked up the DVD for ‘The Hangover’ and slid it into the DVD slot because god knows he needed to laugh. He grabbed the remote and went back to his bed, pulling his jeans off and leaving them on the floor. He crawled into his bed, putting his can of coke on the side and bringing his food closer to him. His homework, which he’d completely forgot about, could wait. He was busy comfort eating.


The next day as Alex and Zack sat in English, Alex was explaining what his dad had said when Alex had told him about the band. Zack’s expression remained calm but he wasn't best pleased.

“You’re ignoring him right?” He whispered as the teacher was reading at the front of the class. Alex rolled his eyes and nodded.

“Of course I am, it’s so stupid, we have something awesome” Alex grinned, causing Zack to look up and smile back at him.

“I know man, I mean seriously how awesome are we?!” Zack squealed quietly in delight, causing Alex to burst out into laughter which was short lived as everyone in the class turned to stare at Alex. He shrunk down in his seat as he felt his cheeks heating up at the attention he was getting.

“Something you’d like to say Alex? Would you perhaps like to read for us?” The teacher asked sarcastically, the huge smile that was constantly on her face was mocking Alex and he didn't like it much. He shook his head and
smiled back at her.

“No I'm fine Miss” He said, biting his lip as she carried on staring at him, smiling. He was starting to feel awkward, but eventually she turned back to the book and carried on reading. Everyone turned their backs on Alex once again, except one person. Alex looked slightly to the right to see that Jack was once again staring at him. Alex stared straight back, not trying to hide it. Their eyes connected for roughly 10 seconds before Alex had to blink, and as he did, Jack looked away. Alex felt his stomach bubbling nervously at the eye contact as it was the most they’d ever had. Alex didn't know why he was reacting that way, but he assumed it had something to do with that fact that Jack was really fucking weird.

“Did you have a go at writing lyrics?” Zack asked as Alex slumped back into his seat. Alex shook his head and eyed his teacher carefully.

“I was a bit preoccupied with being pissed off” Alex muttered out of the corner of his mouth. He didn't want to be caught again because she’d definitely make him read then and that was an experience he didn't wish to go through.

“All the best lyrics come from angry emotions” Zack pointed out. Alex shrugged and smiled lightly.

“I’ll remember that next time you beat Rian at Fifa, I’ll quickly give him a pen and a piece of paper and he can write down his feelings” Alex winked, causing Zack to cover his mouth to muffle the laughter coming from it. Alex grinned and shook his head slightly at his friend.

When lunch came around, Alex couldn't find Rian or Zack anywhere. He’d just come out of his music lesson which he didn't share with either of the guys. Usually, and by usually that meant the only two music lessons he’d had at his new school, they waited outside for him. But they weren’t there so Alex decided to just wait around because they’d probably turn up sooner or later. There was no point walking off and getting completely lost. Alex said goodbye to his teacher before walking towards the practise rooms. He peered into each one, noticing that they were all occupied until he reached the last one, practise room 6, which was free however and Alex opened the door and walked in, closing it behind him. He sat at the piano and removed the protective cover. He let his fingers run along the smooth keys, feeling jolts run through his hands, itching to play. He started the tune to the song he’d wrote for his brother, and as the music poured out, Alex became more and more lost in it. He started to sing the words to himself and for the first time playing the song, he didn't have to stop to wipe his eyes. Alex felt like maybe he was ready to accept that his brother was gone, and in doing so, maybe it was time to show someone the song. As if on cue, the door opened and someone walked in. Alex stopped playing and turned around in his seat to see Jack standing at the door, his eyes wide staring at Alex. He made to move back out of the door but Alex was quick to stand up and he grab Jack by the jacket, pulling him into the room and shutting the door, leaning against it to stop anyone leaving or coming in. Alex stared at the other boy as he stood awkwardly, looking anywhere except Alex’s eyes.

“Okay what’s the deal? You’re really starting to confuse the shit out of me” Alex sighed, a sudden urge of confidence running through him which he wasn't used to. Jack’s eyes finally met Alex’s and they stared at each other for a while. Jack didn't make any sign of replying to Alex so he sighed again and sat down on the floor next to the door. He waved his hand in front of him, motioning for Jack to sit. Jack perched timidly on the piano stool, his eyes not leaving Alex’s.

“Going to talk to me at all?” Alex asked, bringing his knees up to his chest. Jack didn't reply, just moved his hand up to his face to brush his fringe out of his eyes. Alex could now see the deep brown eyes better, and they were pretty, real pretty. Alex shook his head and blinked a couple of times, refocusing on the subject at hand.

“You see it’s getting quite frustrating, because people tell me not to talk to you, but I want to talk to you because you seem like a nice enough dude” Alex explained as he looked down to his knees and staring intently at them.

“But then you do this, where you don't speak to me and I feel like they’re right, I shouldn’t even bother trying to talk to you, it’s useless” He carried on, speaking as if Jack wasn't really in the room at all. But he was, and he was listening carefully to what Alex was saying to him. Really carefully.

“It just adds to my already big amount of stress okay, I don't like the fact I had to move countries, I don't like that I had to make new friends even though my new ones are awesome, I don't like that my shitty parents, well my dad doesn’t want me to stay in the band I just joined because apparently I’ll become a fuck up, it’s just too fucking much okay,” Alex groaned, holding his face in his hands and sighing deeply, “I just need to catch a break”

Alex felt Jack’s eyes on him but once again he remained silent and Alex’s temper threatened to spill so he decided to just leave and give up with the strange boy because there was just no point of it. Alex got up from his spot on the floor and brushed off his jeans before grabbing his bag and hitching it over his shoulder.

“Thanks for nothing, cya” Alex mumbled as he yanked open the door without a second glance at Jack. He left the room and walked out of the music block just as Rian and Zack were about to walk in.

“Eurgh sorry man, our history teacher kept us behind for not doing the okay?” Rian asked as they walked over to the lunch hall. Alex took a few quick, deep breathes to calm himself and he nodded.

“Yeah, its cool don't worry about it, I was in the practise rooms anyway” Alex said nonchalantly.

“Sweet, you still on for band practise tonight then? We can try writing some lyrics or something” Zack said eagerly, a bounce suddenly appearing in his step causing Alex to laugh.

“Dude give me time! You can’t rush perfection” He winked as they entered the hall.


Alex ran down the stairs of Rian’s basement as quickly as possible with a guitar on his back, not wanting to risk the chance of having another panic attack or whatever the fuck that was last time. He reached the bottom and saw Rian and Zack at their respective instruments.

“I'm done, its a little etchy right now, but just take a listen” Alex said as he held up a sheet of paper he’d written some lyrics on. He’d wrote them in a little over 10 minutes, but he thought they were pretty good if he said so himself.

“It’s called Hit The Lights” Alex added as he sat down on the floor, he slid his guitar around from his back so that it sat on his lap. He reached over for the lead and plugged his guitar into the amp, switching the amp on and setting his guitar to the right levels.

“Bear with me” Alex said.

“Dude just play” Zack laughed as he also sat on the floor, opening up a water bottle and taking a gulp of the liquid. Alex grinned and nodded before he started plucking some strings to start off the song. He then started strumming the guitar and singing the new lyrics. He put as much effort into them as possible, hoping to impress the guys completely and he was pretty proud of them.
He didn't look up until he was finished the song, but when he did he received two huge smiles in his direction making him blush slightly.

“Is that alright?” He asked, flicking his fringe out of his eyes and looking up hopefully.

“Dude I can’t even believe you just wrote them in like 10 minutes...that’s crazy” Rian said, his eyes wide with appreciation. Alex laughed and shrugged his shoulders, his eyes flicking towards Zack who was smirking.

“What?” Alex asked as he reached over to grab Zack’s water bottle to get a drink.

“You know when I said that I thought fate brought you here?” Zack asked. Alex nodded as he felt the water run down his throat, soothing it instantly.

“Well I don't think that now, I know it” Zack grinned. Alex smiled and screwed the lid back onto the bottle before chucking it back to Zack.

“I still think its luck” Alex laughed as he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.

“Well I still think it’s the same” Zack argued.

“Okay I think we can all agree that it was great that Alex moved here” Rian laughed, rolling his eyes at his friends. Zack and Alex grinned at each other and nodded.

“Definitely” Zack commented.

As Alex and Zack were walking home from Rian’s, Alex brought up the situation he’d had with Jack earlier. Zack listened carefully to everything Alex said and nodded throughout the talk.

“So...I just don't know” Alex sighed, flinging his hands in the air with exasperation before letting them fall back to this side. Both boys stopped outside of Zack’s house and turned to each other.

“Look man, I did say he’d be like that. He doesn’t do friends, Jack and a friend doesn’t happen, it’s just the way things are I'm afraid” Zack shrugged, sending a sympathetic smile at Alex. Alex nodded and sighed again.

“Well I'm giving up then” He said as he shoved his hands into his jacket pocket. Zack nodded and smiled at him.

“It’s for the best bro, ill cya tomorrow yeah?” He said, pulling Alex in for a hug. Alex hugged back, getting better at the whole physical contact thing.

“Yeah, cya man” He said as they separated. He watched Zack run up to his house and enter it before he started to walk to his. He took about 5 steps before he felt something hard hit the back of his head. His eye sight became blurry as white lights filled his vision. He stopped walking and swayed on the spot slightly before falling, losing his balance completely. He expected to feel more pain than the thumping spot on the back of his head, but something or someone caught him before he hit the ground. He saw a quick flash of blonde hair before his vision completely went and everything turned black.

Part 8.

pairing: jack barakat/alex gaskarth, rating: r

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