Nasty Habits [5/30]

Dec 12, 2010 14:45

Disclaimer: I don't own these beautiful boys but the story is completely mine.
Pairing: Jalex.
Rating: Overall Pg-13.
Summary: Alex knew moving to America would be a bad idea. He was pretty certain he was going to be completely ignored, but alas, he's being watched.
A/N: this is such a filler and for that i am sorryyyy :( it gets interesting soon

My tumblr.

Saturday came around quickly and as Alex’s alarm rang out, he wasn't best pleased. He grumbled to himself, lifting his body up by his elbows and trying to adjust to the light coming into the room. He let out a huge sigh because slapping his hand on top of his phone to make it shut up. Once it did he yawned and ruffled his hand through his hair, feeling the dirty strands beneath his fingers. He needed a shower, but more than that he needed more sleep. The previous night whilst he lay in bed, he’d planned to just stay in all of the next day. He was exhausted from the week at his new school and all he wanted to do was relax and get used to the house that he still wasn't too sure about. In Alex’s eyes it still felt like he was just staying at a friend or relatives house, where he couldn't be completely comfortable as if he was in his own. It annoyed him a lot because he really was trying to get used to the house. He didn't hate America anymore, sure it wasn't England but he could make do. He wanted to settle finally. So the first day of the weekend was for that purpose and that purpose only. With a small nod of his head, Alex turned onto his tummy and nestled back into the warmth of his duvet cover.

As soon as his head hit the pillow he zoned out, slipping into that peaceful serenity of being between consciousness and sleep where everything was cosy and perfect. That is until Alex heard something ringing, once again pulling him from his slumber. He growled, the noise being muffled by his pillow as he once again sat up using his elbows. He looked for the source of the noise before he realised it was his phone again, yet this time it wasn't the alarm, someone was calling him. Alex raised an eyebrow as he reached onto his bedside table and picked up his phone. He squinted his eyes at the screen and realised that, for some reason, Zack was trying to get hold of him. Alex pressed the call button and held the phone to his ear.

“Mmm?” He mumbled incoherently, hearing Zack laugh on the other end. Alex rolled his eyes before moving his body until he was lying on his back.

“Dude are you still in bed? It’s ten!” Zack laughed again. Alex averted his eyes to the digital clock on the table beside him to see that Zack was speaking the truth.

“Look bro, I don't know about you Americans, but over in England, Saturdays are for lie ins, and lie ins don't cease until twelve, goodbye” Alex sighed before pulling the phone away from his ear to press the off button. But before he could, he heard Zacks shouts of protest which had him bringing the phone back.

“What?!” Alex asked, running his hand through his hair again.

“Well someone isn’t a happy bunny in the mornings! Look dude we’re gunna have a band practise today at half eleven, be there or don't be in the band douchebag” Zack said sternly although Alex could practically hear the smile on his face.

“Oh, really? Okay well I guess you don't need my voice then” Alex grinned as he stretched out his legs under the duvet. He could hear someone down in the kitchen and he really hoped it was his mom making food or something.

“Lex come on” Zack whined causing Alex to laugh and roll his eyes.

“Half 11 yeah?” Alex asked, “At Rians?”

“Yeah man but Rian will pick you up when he comes to pick me up. Some guys are lucky enough to have a car” Zack sighed wistfully. Alex scoffed and threw his duvet off from his body and moving into a sitting position, his feet on the floorboards.

“If you lived in England then you wouldn't be driving until you’re 18” Alex said as he stood from the bed and bent down to pick up his jeans from the floor. He chucked them on his bed and crossed the room to get to his chest of drawers.

“Seriously? Man that sucks. Will you be able to drive early now because you live here?” Zack asked. Alex shrugged even though Zack couldn't see him. He pulled out some boxers, socks and a plaid shirt as he contemplated it.

“I don't know man, I’ll find out, and if I can then I could totally bribe my mom and dad to get me a car” Alex grinned as the possibilities ran through his head.

“Do it, it would be so awesome, we wouldn't have to walk ever again” Zack laughed. Alex grinned at the thought and nodded.

“Yeah man, gunna ask about it. Anyway I'm going to have a shower, I’ll see you later” Alex said. He heard Zack say his goodbyes on the other end then hung up, chucking his phone onto the bed as he picked up his jeans. He left his room and went into the bathroom, locking the door behind himself and turning on the shower, putting the temperature on a little lower than normal in hopes it will wake him up more. His Saturday was already not going to plan, but strangely he was okay with that.


“Alex! Door!”

Alex grinned as he heard his mom shout up the stairs. He quickly fastened the clips on the side of his guitar case before standing up with it and walking out of his room. He quickly ran down the stairs and flung the door open to reveal Zack.

“Sup, ready to go?” He asked, shoving his hands into his jacket pocket and smiling. Alex nodded and put his index finger up into the air before leaning his guitar case against the wall next to the door.

“One second” He said before turning and walking quickly into the living room where his mom was sat. She smiled up at him and leant up to kiss his cheek.

“Have fun darling, what time will you be back?” She asked as she released her son. Alex wiped his cheek where his mom’s lips had just been, more than likely leaving a lipstick stain on it.

“I don't know yet, I’ll call you or something” Alex promised before smiling at her and turning to leave. He walked back to the front door where Zack was still standing.

“Okay I'm done” Alex grinned, sliding his feet into his shoes and grabbing his guitar case.

“Awesome, let's go” Zack said, walking back down the path toward Rian’s car. Alex heaved his guitar out of the door before shutting it behind him. He followed Zack down the path and opened the back seat of the car, sliding the case in first then getting in beside it.

“Hey” Rian grinned, looking at Alex through the wind view mirror.

“Hey man” Alex smiled back before Rian started up the car and pulled away from the curb. He did a U-turn in the middle of the street and drove back down the way he came in the direction of his house.

“You only wanted me to learn that Blink song right? Because I didn't learn anything else but I'm pretty good at just picking things up anyway” Alex mentioned as they drove along. Zack turned in his seat to face Alex.

“Yeah the Blink song is fine for now, it’s only to audition you on, we want to write our own songs anyway, you any good at lyrics?” He asked. Alex shrugged and bit his lip slightly. He didn't want to tell the guys, not that he didn't trust them, he totally did, it was just a bit personal. Alex was actually pretty good at lyrics and after his brother had died, he’d sat in his room all day and wrote a song about it all. But he didn't want to share it...not just yet.

“I’ve never really tried, but I guess I wouldn't be too bad” Alex said nonchalantly causing Zack to grin.

“Sweet, so you sing, you play guitar and you might be good at writing lyrics...dude I think fate brought you here for us” Zack winked. Alex laughed and rolled his eyes, trying to hide the blush that was creeping onto his face.

“I think it’s more luck” He smiled as Zack shrugged.

“Same difference” He grinned before turning back to the front. The car fell into a silence except for the sounds of Bon Jovi coming from the speakers. Alex smiled at this, enjoying the fact that his new friends had such a good music taste.

As they pulled up outside Rians house, Rian turned around in his seat to look at Alex. Alex looked back, a bit startled at the seriousness on the other boys face.

“Did I say something?” Alex asked, chuckling slightly due to nerves. Rian rolled his eyes and shook his head.

“This is just a warning...keep your eyes off of my mom okay, I do not need the both of you eye fucking her” Rian said, looking between Alex and Zack. Zack smirked and winked at Alex before getting out of the car. Alex, puzzled expression on his face, nodded slowly. Rian smiled and reached over to ruffle his hair before leaving the car. Alex frowned as his put his hair back in place. He checked it in the mirror, grabbed his guitar and got out of the car. He slammed the door shut and walked up to Zack who was waiting at the bottom of the drive way. Rian locked the car and jogged over to the boys and they started to walk up to the door. Zack turned the door handle and pushed the door open, stepping into the house.

“We’re back!” Rian called as he shut the door behind him.

“Hey baby!” A woman’s voice shouted back. Alex grinned as Rian rolled his eyes at the pet name.

“Come meet Alex” Rian called again. There was no reply but a few seconds later a blonde woman walked out into the hallway. Alex had to use every bit of will power he had to stop his jaw hitting the ground. Rian had the hottest mom on the planet and he wasn't even going to deny it. He saw Zack trying to hide his laughter from beside him as the woman advanced on Alex.

“Hello! I’m Rian’s mom! I guess you’re the boy Rian doesn’t shut up about?” She smiled sweetly. Alex laughed and shrugged.

“I guess I am” He grinned, holding out his hand in front of him. Rian’s mom rolled her eyes and softly slapped the hand away, pulling Alex into a hug. Alex’s eyes widened as he felt her against him.

“Let me know if you want anything dear, you’re always welcome here” She smiled as she pulled back. She squeezed Alex’s cheek before walking over to Zack and kissing his forehead.

“Hey Zacky, I guess you guys are practising right?” She asked.

“Yeah mom, now leave my friends alone” Rian sighed as he walked towards the basement door. The woman rolled her eyes and smiled fondly at the boys.

“Do you want any drinks or anything?” She asked.

“We’ll yell when we do” Rian groaned as he yanked the door open and motioned for the other boys to go through it. Zack bounced forwards and ran down the stairs. Alex walked after him a little more cautiously. England wasn't one for basements; hell he didn't even think his American house had one. Alex didn't like it much and as he walked further underground, the more he started to freak out.

“Zack” Alex mumbled as he paused on the stairs. He leant against the rail to support his weight and he tried to breathe deeply through his mouth. Zack rushed back up the stairs to stand next to him as Rian joined on the other side.

“What’s wrong?” Zack asked, his face etched with concern. Alex tried to talk but no words were coming out. He couldn't see where he was but he could feel the walls either side of him. They seemed to be moving closer and Alex put his hands on either wall and tried to push them back. Zack watched him with wide eyes.

“Lex what are you doing?” Rian asked, giving his back a little push. Alex tripped forwards slightly and his breathing became un-even.

“Get me out of here” he managed to choke out as he felt his head swim lightly. Zack quickly picked him up and ran down the stairs, into the huge empty space that was the basement. Zack lowered him to the floor and Alex curled up, bringing his knees to his chest. He closed his eyes and focused on getting his breathing even again until he started to feel less woozy. Zack and Rian kneeled in front of him and watched him warily until he eventually looked up at them.

“Sorry...” He mumbled as he looked around. He didn't know what just happened, but he didn't like it one bit.

“Dude what even was that?” Rian asked. Alex laughed shakily and pushed his fringe out of his eyes.

“I don't know, everything felt like it was closing in on me, it wasn't fun” Alex explained as he went to stand up. He stumbled a little and Zack put out a hand to steady him.

“Thanks man” Alex laughed as he walked over to his guitar which Rian had propped up against the stairs.

“You claustrophobic?” Rian asked as he walked around his drum kit and sat down on the stall. Alex shrugged and opened the case, pulling his guitar out of it.

“Who knows, but just forget about it okay, let’s just do this” Alex grinned as he plugged his guitar into a spare amp and turned it on. He strummed the strings to make sure they were all in tune which they were.

“Singing as well?” Alex asked.

“Yep, do it” Zack grinned as he held his bass guitar close to his body. Alex bit his lip and walked up to the microphone that was in front of the drum kit. Alex nodded at Rian to give him a count in before turning back to the mic. Rian clicked his sticks 3 times before they started to play together. Alex didn't feel too nervous once the music started to pour out. He felt more at home then he had throughout his week in America. He opened his mouth to sing without even thinking about all the things that could go wrong. He just put every ounce of his heart and soul into the words, closing his eyes to concentrate on his singing and his playing at the same time. He tapped his foot to keep in time with himself and the three boys played throughout the song with no stopping until the last note of Alex’s guitar played out. Alex opened his eyes and turned to look at his friends to see the verdict.

“Good enough for the band?” He asked, his teeth tugging at his lip slightly. Rian rolled his eyes which caused Alex’s stomach to plummet...but then he smiled.

“Dude you can’t seriously say you don't know you rock?” Zack asked, an eyebrow raised. Alex shrugged and smiled weakly at the two other boys.

“Of course you’re in” Rian laughed and holding out his fist to Alex. Alex grinned and leant forward to bump it with his own.

“This is going to blossom into something beautiful” Rian smiled.

“Like your mom right?” Zack winked at him.

“Fuck off”

Part 6.

pairing: jack barakat/alex gaskarth, rating: r

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