Fireworks. [Chapter Twenty-Eight]

Dec 04, 2010 23:26

Title: Fireworks
Author: Harriet, a.k.a masokisstiic  
Rating: R
Pairing: Alex and Jack, if the kids don't believe, make them believe.
POV: Third
Summary: So it's true what they say, if you love someone, you should set them free.
Disclaimer: Totally fictional, soz.
Credit: Title to YouMeAtSix
A/N: Stupidly long, but it's to make up for my lack of updating recently. Also, I've had a really good day today, and I think you can tell by my writing, because it's quite happy, haha! I hope you go 'aw' at this.


Isobel longed to take a picture of the two boys lying together on Alex’s bed. The way their bodies slotted together perfectly with Jack’s head nuzzled against the gap between Alex’s shoulder and neck, and their legs entwined, it was simply adorable.

Of course, she didn’t expect anything less, she’d figured out a while back how much Jack meant to her son. Perhaps it was hearing him cry into his pillow before he fell asleep at night, or even as he slept when she could hear him moan and whimper the American boy’s name.
And she knew when Jack had re-entered Alex’s life, because as she’d told the other boy, she’d never seen a smile so bright.
He never went a day without talking about Jack though, either. It was always, “Jack would find this so funny...” if they were watching a comedy on the television, or, “Jack would love this as a present.” if they were out shopping.
And though Peter couldn’t see it, Isobel noticed the glint in Alex’s sad eyes whenever he mentioned the boy’s name. She knew, because that was the same look that was spread across her face when she first met her husband.

Isobel had never expected Alex to be interested in other males, though it was not a surprise when she realised his feelings towards the other boy. Alex rarely brought home anybody, let alone a girl. He rarely showed interest to female celebrities, either. She had begun to assume that Alex might just be at a stage in his life when he’s not interested in anything, but then when she first saw Jack sitting in the living room, she had a gut feeling that he was special.
She was thrilled that Alex seemed to have a good choice at choosing a partner, because Jack was ever so lovely, and always such a polite young man whenever they shared a conversation. Isobel barely knew the boy, yet she would gladly consider him a son, though of course never a replacement for Daniel. No, that gap would never be filled; Jack would simply be the third son of hers.

Sighing, the older woman walked towards the bed, stepping over dirty plates that she refused to pick up. If Alex wanted to be a slob, she’d let him.

The duvet had been kicked off onto the floor, by the way that Jack’s leg hung over Alex’s, she assumed that it was him who’d fidgeted throughout the night. However, neither boy seemed fussed by the cold air, even though it was early December. Exchanging body heat seemed good enough for them.

Chuckling to herself, Isobel picked up the duvet at one end, before throwing it over the sleeping half-nude bodies below. Leaning over, she tucked the duvet down beside the wall, before pressing a kiss against Alex’s temple, and then Jack’s fondly.

Shuffling out of her son’s bedroom, she knew that she should probably explain to Alex that she was aware of his and Jack’s relationship, yet it seemed to be more appropriate to leave it up to Alex to tell her himself when he was ready, and then pretend to act all surprised when he does so. She could be a good enough actress when she wanted to be.

Another light laugh and she closed the door behind her.

- - - -

Jack’s arms tightened around the boy beside him, snuggling beneath the extra added warmth that had swooped over him. Leaning up, he pressed his lips against Alex’s neck, nibbling gently as an attempt to stir the boy into waking up.
Groaning, his eyelids fluttered open, he expected to see darkness as he was used to waking up in the middle of the night, but as sunlight seeped through Alex’s blinds Jack couldn’t help but to grin. He’d made it through the night and into the morning, and he felt ecstatic after a well-earned sleep.

Dragging his nails lightly across Alex’s bare chest, the older boy began to make quiet noises, obvious signs that he was no longer in his deep slumber.
“Eurgh,” Alex managed to mumble groggily, “What time is it?” He yawned, eyes still tightly shut as if the sunlight would burn him. But Alex knew he wasn’t a vampire.

Jack settled his head against the older male’s shoulder, shrugging, “Dunno.” He answered simply.
Alex made a disapproving noise, “Well, thanks for that.” Yet, he began to laugh light-heartedly as he finally opened his eyes.

Looking down at the boy snuggled close, warmth flowed through his blood, pumping from his heart, and it wasn’t because of the duvet that had been pulled tightly across both his and his new boyfriend’s bodies.
It was strange, the feelings that Jack gave him, but he didn’t think he would ever change it for the world. He couldn’t quite imagine how he managed to survive without having Jack here. He loved knowing that somebody wanted him just as much as he wanted them, and finally being able to call somebody his own, he hoped that nobody would ever take that away from him. A little too possessive, maybe, but Alex could care less.

“Ugh, I hate you,” Jack whined as he tilted his chin up, eyes meeting Alex’s.
The older boy’s caterpillar styled eyebrows furrowed. After such nice thoughts crossed his mind about the American, and that was how he repaid him?
“That’s so nice of you.” He grumbled, not quite sure why he’d taken the comment so personally.

Jack began to laugh at his partner’s obvious dislike towards his playful statement. “Well, I was going to say that I hate you because even in the morning, you still look as beautiful as ever, but because you’ve turned into Mr. Grumpy Pants, I’ll just take it back.” He teased, which only led to Alex’s fingers attacking the boy’s sides.

“O-Okay, st-stop!” Jack gasped as he wriggled against the sheets, yet his cries simply spurred Alex to keep on tickling him.
“Mr, Grumpy Pants doesn’t agree.” Alex grinned, mocking the other boy’s words.
Jack was squealing by this point, his arms waving everywhere, Alex having to carefully dodge Jack’s hands to avoid receiving a black eye.
“I-I’m s-sorry!” Jack spluttered, attempting to roll away, only crashing against the wall beside him. There was no escape from the wrath of Alex’s hands, “At least he knows how to use them.”
“What was that?” Alex asked, “I couldn’t quite hear you.” He smirked.
Jack was near breaking point by this time, he honestly believed that if Alex didn’t quit it, there would be a wet patch on the other’s mattress.
“I’m s-sorry, y-you’re not Mr. Grumpy Pants, a-and I don’t hate you!” Jack cried, his back arching as Alex rolled on top of him, their bare stomachs pressing against each other, the heat of their skin like fireworks. “Y-you’re beautiful, oh God, p-please st-stop before I piss myself!”

Alex burst into a fit of laughter as he retracted his hands, his hand covering his mouth and nose as he looked at Jack’s battered expression. “That was more than I asked for, but I’ll accept that.” He teased, placing his hands on the boy’s shoulders to act as support for when he leaned over and pressed his lips against Jack’s own.

Jack panted against Alex’s mouth as their lips parted, his tongue swiping against the older teenager’s. Alex always left him breathless, even in the most normal of situations.

Jack’s arms curled around Alex’s hips, forcing him forward. His fingernails found themselves dug deep into the skin, because he just couldn’t help himself. Alex moaned against his mouth before their lips collided against each other once more, and finally, they parted.

“I swear to God...” Alex moaned, “If you scratch me like that one more time, I am going to shove your head into the toilet and flush it.”

All Jack could do was laugh, “If it’s not rough, it isn’t fun.” He sang, imitating Lady Gaga. “I look forward to the swirly, darling.”

- - - -

Alex never followed through with his threat, even after they began to kiss ferociously on his bed once more and Jack dragged his nails down his back over the scratch marks left from the night before. He was positive that they were bleeding, but Jack’s argument was that Alex should “Man up and stop crying about it.”

Trudging down the stairs, Jack following suit, Alex had quite forgotten that his parents were in the house.
At least, he thought they were.

Peering into the kitchen, he spotted a post-it note stuck against the door of the refrigerator.

“Morning boys,
we’ve gone out to do a spot of shopping, and then we’re popping over to see your Nan and Grandad, Alex.
There’s money on the side if you need it, and give us a call if there’s a problem.
Lots of love, Mum and Dad xx”

Jack awed loudly as he peered over Alex’s shoulder to read the note. “Your parents are so lovely.”
Alex shrugged, “Yeah, I s’pose.” He answered.

If anything, Alex was quite grateful that his parents weren’t home, because at least that meant: one) they had the house to themselves, and two) he didn’t have to worry about his parents overhearing their earlier behaviour.

“So what’re we gonna do today, Alex?” Jack asked as he opened the fridge, scanning to cartons of juice. He didn’t feel like an intruder in this house, not anymore. It was like this was his second home.
“It’s up to you, remember last night, I said you could choose.” Alex responded, pulling the toaster from out of the cupboard next to the oven.
Drawing out a carton of orange juice, Jack twisted off the cap, “Hm...” He pondered, before taking a swig from the carton.

“We can go out somewh- Jack, ew, don’t drink from the carton, that’s disgusting. I don’t want your germs.” Alex whined when realising what Jack was doing. Secretly though, he loved how comfortable the other boy was in his home.
“Alex... your tongue has been in my mouth,” Jack stated, “I’m pretty sure that whatever germs I have, which might I add is none you cheeky fucker, you would have them already.”
Alex frowned, knowing that Jack was right. “Fine, carry on.” He muttered, before sighing. “Anyway, what was I saying?”
“Something about going out?” Jack offered.
“Oh! Yeah, like, we could go out, maybe see a movie? Or... we could go shopping? Actually no, we might bump into my parents.” Alex chewed on his lip, because although he didn’t care that those who he used to go to school with would know of his and Jack’s relationship, it was still a little awkward with with parents. He wasn’t quite sure how he would come up on the topic of Jack, but he guessed that maybe tomorrow he’ll confide in his mother who can tell his dad. That seemed like a suitable plan. But oh, if only he knew about his mother’s knowledge.

“Mm... we could...” Jack shoved the orange juice back into the fridge where it belonged, “But, I actually think I have an idea.” He beamed, wrapping his arms around Alex’s waist as the other boy fetched bread from a nearby cupboard.
“Oh, and what might that be?” Alex asked, “Do you want toast, by the way?”
‘Yeah, go for it.” Jack answered in response to the toast question. “But yeah, I was thinking maybe we could... stay here and bake?” He suggested, innocence on his tongue.

Alex paused what he was doing, dropping the bread onto the kitchen surface and turning to face Jack. “Are you being serious?”
And the look upon Jack’s face proved to him that yes, Jack was incredibly serious.
“Look, I know this’ll sound really pathetic and stupid...” Jack began, twisting his fringe around his finger idly. “I’ve just always thought it would be really cute and adorable to just bake with someone other then my mom.”

Alex didn’t know whether to aw because of Jack’s little fantasy, or laugh over the fact that he baked with his mother.
He settled with just maintaining a straight face as Jack started to speak again.

“A-and I tried to get Rian to bake with me before, but he said it was silly, and that he was too manly to do a ‘woman’s work’.” Jack sighed.

Alex cringed at the thought of Rian, and he disliked the fact that Jack was unaware that he was comparing the two against each other. However, knowing that Rian didn’t fulfil one of Jack’s wishes, only led Alex to be more in agreement of what the boy wanted.

Tying his arms around the slightly taller boy’s neck, Alex pressed a kiss against Jack’s nose, before settling his mouth on Jack’s lips. “If you want to bake, baby, then we’ll bake.” He giggled, “Though I suspect that the food we make wont be edible, and we’ll make a huge mess...” Alex rolled his eyes, “But I guess it’ll be fun.” He teased.

- - - -

Turning on the kitchen tap, Jack held his hands underneath the stream of water, “So, what exactly are we making?” He asked, reaching to turn off the tap, ignoring the kitchen towel, which he assumed was to dry his hands with.
Curling his fingers into his palms, in a quick motion he flicked the excess water from his hands onto Alex’s cheeks as the boy stood unimpressed. “... Thanks for that, Jack.” Alex grumbled, but Jack was quickly forgiven as they shared a simple, sweet kiss. “I was thinking like, fairy cakes?”

Jack’s mouth quivered as he suppressed a laugh, but he just could not help to burst into a fit of giggles. “What cakes?”

Alex raised an eyebrow, “Fairy cakes...”

“What the fuck is a fairy cake? It sounds like something Edward Cullen would make.” Jack laughed, his hand against his stomach to prevent the pains which he was sure would follow if he continued like this.

“Like, little cakes?!” Alex said with desperation, a little worried that his boyfriend appeared to be having a fit.

Jack swallowed to fight back the laughter, “Cupcakes?” He finally choked.

“Yes, Jack. A cupcake, a fairy cake, they’re the same thing. You Americans are so fucking weird.” The boy commented, rolling his eyes as he too began to wash his hands.

Jack was still smirking as he rummaged in the cupboards to find the needed ingredients, “Fairy cakes...” He said to himself, “Trust you Brits to make even cakes sound so gay.”

Alex sighed as he dried his hands with the tea towel, he wasn’t going to sink down to Jack’s childish level, because no, he was the mature one in this relationship.

“Have we got everything?” The English boy asked, and Jack nodded.
“Yep, everything.”
“Good.” Alex commented, because he wasn’t liking the idea of walking to the shops to get missing ingredients. That would mean he had to get dressed, and he was becoming quite fond of baking with Jack in their underpants.

“What do we do first?” He asked, because he was unprepared without a recipe. He was relying on Jack to get him through this, “Come on Gordon Ramsey, I thought you were the king of baking?”
Jack tilted his head in confusion. Alex sighed.
“You seriously don’t know who Gordon Ramsey is? I worry about you...”
Jack ignored the comment, though his bottom lip was jutted outwards as he opened the lid of the butter. “I think we put a bit of this in a bowl...” Though there was uncertainty in his voice. “I haven’t done this in ages.” He finally admitted, “Maybe we should resort to Google?”
Alex scoffed, “Don’t be stupid. It can’t be that hard, my mum does it all the time.” He nibbled on the inside of his gum, hands on his hips, eyes peering down upon the ingredients laid on the sideboard. “I mean, can’t we just like, throw it all together and hope for the best?” A suggestion which he knew would end in disaster, but it was worth a try.

Jack didn’t have any other ideas, so ended up nodding. “It’s worth a shot.”

Taking a large wooden spoon, Jack scooped up a chunk of butter, before dropping it into the large glass mixing bowl. “Usually sugar goes next?”
Alex shrugged, “Don’t ask me, I don’t know fuck all about cooking because I’m a man.” He joked, “Only women belong in the kitchen.”
Jack used the end of the spoon to sharply jab Alex in the ribs. “Bitch.”

Taking the sugar, Jack poured a hefty amount onto the butter, he didn’t have a clue how much was needed, and looking at the proportions it appeared quite obvious. “Stir this.” He commanded, handing Alex the spoon.
Alex opened his mouth to argue, but decided against it.
He began to stir the mixture, and his arm was starting to ache after a couple of minutes. “Is it done yet?” He whined.
“Uh... sure?” Jack said, handing Alex an egg.

Alex lifted the egg to eye level, as if inspecting it. “Aw, what a cute dead baby chicken.” He commented, causing Jack to backhand his stomach. He was starting to become the younger teen’s punch bag by the looks of it.
“Alex, just shut up and put it in the bowl.” Jack groaned, not wanting to picture dead poultry.

As Jack turned his back to figure out how to open the god damned flour, Alex shrugged, cracking the egg against the side of the bowl. He didn’t even bother to remove half of the shell that fell into the pitiful mixture, he guessed it would just disappear in the oven as it baked. Idiot.

“Add another egg.” Jack ordered, Alex obeying, doing exactly the same as he did with the last egg. He wrinkled his nose at the mixture, because it certainly didn’t look right. Stirring seemed like the only option.

“Okay, so that’s the butter, sugar, and the eggs. Have you figured out how to open the flour yet, baby?”

Jack turned to look at Alex, the bag of self-raising flour in his hands. The poor boy was still struggling with such an easy task.
“Uh, hold... on...” He clenched his teeth as both hands pulled in opposite directions.

“I think I’ve...” And in a miniature explosion, the flour bag did indeed open, or should I say, it ripped right down the middle. "Got it..." Jack finished his sentence in horror.
Flour was spread all across the surface, though a sufficient amount had ended up in the mixing bowl, so at least the boys were pleased with that outcome. Yet as they stared down upon the mess, and then looked at each other’s pale faces, neither could hold back the giggles.

“Oh Jack, you look like a ghost!” Alex exclaimed, running his index finger along the boy’s cheek, flour coating his fingerprint.
“I could say the same about you! It’s all in your hair!” Jack laughed, running his hand through Alex’s mane, if anything rubbing more flour into his scalp.

As the white powder floated in the air around them, Alex sneezed violently, with somewhat of a cute noise escaping his mouth, causing Jack to giggle even more. “Oh my God, you are the most adorable thing.”
Alex pouted, wiping beneath his nose with the back of his hand. “It looks like I’ve been snorting a bit of Charlie or something.” He said, using the slang for cocaine.
Jack simply chuckled, pushing back the thought in his mind, “Yeah, it looks like it... but you haven't, unlike me.” It was obvious he was never planning on sharing that small delicate detail with Alex.

“Come on,” He smiled, wanting to change the topic, “Let’s get this mixture ready and then we can put it in the oven.”
Alex nodded, taking back his position of chief stirrer.
The mixture soon became thick and gloopy, and Alex dunked his finger right into the middle.

In a quick movement, the mixture that was on Alex’s hand was soon wiped against Jack’s flour covered cheek.
Remember when Alex thought that he was the mature one?
“You’re gonna pay for that, Gaskarth!” Jack announced, his own finger diving into the poor attempt of a cake mixture.

Alex tried to make a run for it to escape Jack, but the younger boy’s arms wrapped themselves tightly around his waist, smearing the mixture across his stomach in the process. “Oh, gross, it’s in my treasure trail.” Alex whined, before leaning over to the bowl and quite literally covering his hands in the stuff.

Wriggling from Jack’s grasp, he leant forwards as if to kiss the boy, and as Jack innocently leaned in, Alex quickly blocked contact of their lips with his hand, covering poor Jack’s face with the sickly cake mix. “Gotcha!” Alex giggled, but however Jack soon gained revenge by wiping his sticky hand along Alex’s chest, and even onto the back of his boxer shorts.

In a matter of minutes, all of the mixture that was made in the bowl was gone and instead of being in the oven where it would transform into cakes that would probably poison somebody, the two teenage boys were covered head to toe.

Alex wrinkled his nose as he looked toward Jack, “Well, I’m thinking this was a successful baking session.”
Jack began to chuckle, “Yes, I think so.” He agreed.
“But, I think we should shower...” Alex suggested.
“Save water and shower together?” Oh, Jack was only being hopeful.
“I’m kidding.”
Alex hugged the younger boy against his chest, “Not yet...” He sighed, “But next time? Maybe.”

chaptered: fireworks, pairing: jack barakat/alex gaskarth, author: masokisstiic, rating: r

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