The Way We Talk [1/2]

Dec 03, 2010 01:14

Title: The Way We Talk [1/2]
Rating: NC-17 overall
Pairing: Jalex
Summary: Jack's a bit too distracting
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: I don't own them, this isn't true and I don't profit from anything. Title belongs to The Maine
Author's Notes: In the UK it's pretty much come to a stop 'cause it's been snowing. My college has been shut and this is the result of a few snow days. Part 2 will be up tomorrow (: <3

Sat at the table with a glass of wine and humming out the tune as he wrote down some potential lyrics to the song that would soon be known as ‘Six Feet Under the Stars’, Alex smiled as he heard the door to the apartment click shut.

A few moments later he could see his boyfriend’s shadow on the wall slowly creeping towards him and then felt his arms sneak around his neck.

“Hey,” he whispered, lips brushing Alex’s neck.

“Hey, yourself.” Alex responded, his free hand coming up to rest on the one his boy had placed on his chest. “Good day?”

“Mmm, was okay. Glad to be home though,” He started to nip lightly at the skin just under Alex’s ear.

“Jack,” Alex warned leaning away from him slightly, only for Jack to follow, lips connecting with his neck once more. “I-I’m trying to write a song… That’s not helping.”

“So take a break,” Jack shrugged, fingers reaching for the buttons on Alex’s shirt.

“I can’t. They need an idea by Friday and so far I’ve only got- Jack, come on.” Alex sighed as he dropped the pen he had in his hand on the table.

Alex’s shirt was now completely unbuttoned and Jack’s hands were gently running over his torso.

“Come on, ‘Lex. You want this just as much as I do.” Jack said, running his tongue along Alex’s neck, causing the older boy to moan quietly.

“No.” Alex told him, lifting Jack’s arms over his head and standing. “No, I want it more. That’s the problem.”

“How...” Jack started, moving towards Alex. “Is that a problem?”

“Because it is. I’ve already told you that I need to get this song done, but nothing’s coming to me and you really aren’t helping.”

“I see,” Jack nodded, licking his lips. He put one hand on Alex’s chest and pushed him back against the wall. “Call this inspiration.”

“Someone has a high opinion of themself when it comes to what they’re like in the bedroom,” Alex laughed.

“Face it. I know I’m great, you know I’m great. Why act any different?”

“You’re unbelievable.” Alex huffed, smiling.

“It’s true, I am.” Jack shrugged, stepping even closer to Alex.

“Just let me get at least a verse, maybe a chorus and then we can, ‘kay?” Alex suggested, curling his hands around Jack’s hips and nudging his nose against Jack’s.

“Who says I’ll be in the mood then?” Jack raised his eyebrows as he loosened himself from Alex’s arms and walked towards their bedroom.

“You’re always in the mood.” Alex told him as he moved back to his seat, glancing back to Jack when he was sat.

“You know it,” He winked as he stepped into the room, shutting the door behind him.

Alex laughed as his picked up the pen, bringing it to the paper.

He had had the basic tune to the song for a few days and lyrics kept coming to him, he just needed to work out how they would fit in.

After jotting down a few words, Alex turned his head when he heard a shuffle coming from the bedroom and then the door opening. Jack walked out in just a pair of sweats and was whistling the Harry Potter theme. He went to the fridge, grabbed a bottle of water and then turned around to face Alex.

“You should be writing.” Jack stated as he took a mouthful of water.

“Yeah, and you should stop being so distracting.” Alex mumbled as Jack returned to the bedroom, closing the door behind him. A second later, the door opened slightly and Jack’s head pocked through the gap.

“’Lex,” He called, coming out of the room when Alex turned his head once again.

“What?” He grumbled, sinking into the chair.

“Inspiration.” He whispered loudly, gesturing to his body as he took 2 steps back. With a goofy smile on his face, he pushed the door shut leaving Alex on his own once again.

“Focus,” Alex told himself. “Focus on this song. You need to get it done.”

He looked down at the sheet in front of him, disappointed at the lack of creativity he had right now.

“Fuck it,” He sighed standing up and then practically ran to the bedroom.

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