You're A Stranger I Know Well [17/?]

Nov 22, 2010 23:54

Title: You're A Stranger I Know Well [17/?]
Rating: PG for now
Pairing: Jalex
Summary: Jack Barakat was one of the least popular kids at Dulaney High. Alex Gaskarth on the other hand was one of the most popular. They weren't friends, they weren't enemies.
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: I don't own them, this isn't true and I don't profit from anything. Title belongs to The Academy Is...
Author's Notes: Thanks for all the comments :) <33

Previous Chapters

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“What are you doing here? Alex isn’t here if that’s who you’re looking for.” Jack tried and failed at trying to stop his voice from cracking as he attempted to find out what Rian wanted.

“Well it’s a good job I didn’t come here to see him then isn’t it?” Rian answered over his shoulder as he picked up a photo frame from on top of the mantelpiece.

“Then why- why are you here?” Jack was just as worried as he was when Alex hadn’t phoned him earlier on, if not more.

“Alex came by. Told me about what you two are doing, but you knew that right?” He turned around eyebrows raised.

“Yeah, he told me he was going to tell you… About us.” Jack’s voice was barely audible, it was surprising Rian actually heard what he was saying.

“Yeah... About you two. Cosy, huh? It’s just… It makes me sick to think of one of my best friends doing what you do.” Rian shuddered, trying to get his point across to Jack. “Are you not going to say something?” Rian asked when Jack remained silent.

“We aren’t doing anything wrong, Rian. Can you not just leave us?” Jack pleaded, eye’s filling with tears.

“No! No, I can’t just leave you!” Rian spat, anger filling his face. “I suggest you leave him alone. Never talk to him again.”

“R-Rian, that’s not fair. We aren’t doing anything wrong!” Jack exclaimed, tears finally spilling. Rian just smirked as he shook his head, moving towards Jack.

“Now, that’s where you’re wrong, Jack.” The way he spoke was as if he was talking to a child, intimidating and really not necessary. Jack opened his mouth to talk, when Rian stopped him. “I mean it, if you don’t leave Alex alone, if I find out you’ve been seeing each other in secret, I think we both know what will happen to you, right?” He asked, cocking his head to the side.

Jack didn’t know what to do or what to say and the way Rian was just looking at him, smiling wasn’t exactly helping. Shaking his head, he walked backwards until his back reached the front door, wiping away the tears that were running down his cheeks.

“J-just get out.” He sniffled, opening the door. “L-leave me alone. Please.”

“You’re fucking pathetic.” Rian laughed stepping out onto the porch. Just as the door was about to hit the frame, a hand came into contact with it, pushing back slightly.

“I mean it. If I see or hear that you two are together, you’ll wish you listened to me.” Rian said through the small gap.

The pressure of his hand holding the door open disappeared and Jack was able to close the door, sliding down as he started sobbing. Just when he thought things were finally looking up for him, this happened.

- - - - -

It had been an hour since Rian had left Jack alone and Jack was now locked away in his room.

His phone had rung numerous times, all Alex trying to get hold of him. The calls were now just seconds apart, rather than minutes and it was clear that he was worried. The texts coming through every minute or so.

“Jack, r u ok? ring me when u get this”

“Whats goin on? ring me”

“Jack, please. Im starting 2 worry”

“if i dont hear from u b4 5, im coming over”

That was only half an hour away and Jack really needed to see the older boy. He needed to tell him everything that Rian had said. He needed him to hold him, to tell him everything was going to be okay.

Every time Jack thought about what Rian had said, he started to cry that little bit harder. Thoughts of everything turning out okay suddenly turning to ruins. He knew that Rian was serious about what he had told him. Every word was said with meaning, every raised voice a warning to what could happen if Jack didn’t go through with what he had to.

Any thoughts Jack currently had were interrupted when there was a harsh knock on the front door. It sounded vaguely familiar. It sounded like Rian. Jack’s eyes widened as he sat on the floor next to his bed, waiting for them to leave.

His phone vibrated violently on the floor beside him, and he opened the new message from Alex.

“Jack, im at ur door. let me in”

He hesitantly got to his feet and made his way down the stairs, seeing Alex trying to peer through the glass on the door.

Wiping the tears away from his cheeks one last time and taking a deep breath to try and calm himself down, he opened the door, allowing Alex to walk through.

“About time! I’ve been ringing you for the past hour!” Alex called out as he walked into the lounge, not looking back at Jack. “I was starting to wo…rry” He turned around then, seeing Jack’s puffy eyes and tear stained cheeks.

“Jack,” Ale gasped as he rushed over to the younger boy, wrapping his arms around his waist. “Jay, what’s happened?”

“R-Rian came over,” Jack tried as the tears he had thought were kept at bay suddenly spilled from his eyes once again. “He said we can’t see each other and if we do, he’ll find out.”

Jack was sobbing now, his arms wrapped tightly around Alex as the older boy rubbed Jack’s back, whispering soothing words in a bid to calm him down.

Alex waited until Jack had finished crying before he asked any questions.

“Was that who was at the door when we were on the phone?” Alex questioned, receiving a slight nod from Jack.

“What exactly did he say to you Jay?”  He asked, taking Jack’s hand in his own, leading them over to the sofa, not letting go when they were sat down. He needed to know, even though it was clearly going to be difficult for Jack to talk about, especially since he was so emotional.

“That what we do… What we do makes him sick,” Jack whispered and Alex’s grip on his hand tightened slightly. “And that if he hears that we’ve been together, then I should know what’s going to happen.”

Jack closed his eyes as he tried to stop himself from crying once more. He hated Alex having to see him like this.

“Jack?” Jack opened his eyes, turning slightly to look at Alex. “D-did Rian hurt you?”

Jack shook his head, a sad smile on his lips as he mumbled ‘no’.

Alex pulled him to his chest, feeling Jack relax as he wrapped his arm around his small frame.

“We’re not going to listen to him, okay?” Alex said bluntly and Jack pulled back quickly, panic written on his face.

“No, Alex! No we have to! He said-“

“I don’t care what he said Jack. You mean too much to me now. I can’t just force you out of my life because of some dick like Rian.”

“But what if he finds out? He- he isn’t going to just let it lie, he’s going to do something. I know he will!” Jack exclaimed as Alex pulled him back to his chest once more.

“Yeah, I know,” Alex whispered, knowing that Rian doesn’t bullshit about things like this. “We’ll just have to deal with that when it comes, ‘kay?”

Jack nodded, his hand grasping Alex’s t-shirt tightly.

“Okay,” Alex repeated, pressing a gentle kiss to Jack’s hair, running his hand through the jet black strands. “Just trust me; we’re going to be okay."

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