Stories Yet To Unfold [14/?]

Nov 18, 2010 01:27

Title: Stories Yet To Unfold
Author: ahintofelation
Rating: NC-17 overall
Pairing: Jack Barakat/Alex Gaskarth (Jalex)
Summary: Alex hates Jack. Why should he like him? All he does is beat him up just so he can hang around with his brother Daniel's crowd. But there's something about Jack that only Alex knows and he kind of likes it.
Disclaimer: I do not own the boys, would I really be doing this if I did? I do not own any other characters.
A/N: I hope you like it! It took me a while :)

masterpost :)

Alex got over the fence easily and reached out a hand for Jack. He hesistantly climbed lower onto the fence now, taking Alex's hand and holding on tight. As he was crouching to sit himself on the fence before getting over, he lost his balance and his body toppled forwards. His breath hitched as he fell and before he could hit the ground, Alex's arms were around him. Alex locked them securely and Jack's legs now followed into the fall, making Alex to take a couple of steps back. Jack was now breathing heavily.

"Oh my fucking god" He said, breathless. He looked up to see Alex smirking.

"Life flash right before your eyes?" He teased. Jack blushed and now stood upright.

"Shut up" Jack said childishly. Alex chuckled before releasing his arms from around Jack.

"So where do we go from here?" Jack asked casually. Alex now turned to him.

"Turn all the light's down now!" Alex sang. Jack laughed as they began to walk.

"Smiling from ear to ear!" Jack sang back.

"I'm feeling this!" They both yelled. They were both laughing after this.

"It sucks cause  you can actually sing, I sound like a dieing cat next to you" Jack said insecurely. Alex rolled his eyes.

"Your voice isn't that bad. You can definitely do backing vocals and little parts" Alex told him positively. Jack gave him a small smile.

"Atleast it's something" He whispered happily. Alex now shoved his hands in his pockets.

They were both walking down the street in silence. All you could hear was the brustling of the leaves as the fresh morning breeze passed betwee them. The sun came higher into view as they turned into Oakland Street.

This street was familiar to Alex. His thick eyebrows came close together and his teeth clamped down on his lower lip. Jack observed his confused expiresson.

"Something wrong?" Jack asked quietly. Alex shook his head.

"This place just seems...familiar" Alex whispered, now tilting his head in confusement. Jack looked down the street. His eyes lit up as he saw a park round the bend. Alex's breath now hitched in his throat. His caramel eyes wide and focused.

"That's the park my parents used to take me and Dan to...Dan told me they got rid of it..." He now whispered.

"Why would he tell you that?" Jack asked obliviousy. Alex now frowned a little and shrugged. Why wouldn't he was the real question. Jack now nervously put a hand on the small of Alex's back.

"How about we go to it?" Jack suggested. Alex's eyes now gleamed as they hurried towards it. Alex swing the gate open with much need and run quickly on the rubble towards the monkeybars. He climbed them easily enough and sat on the top bar, swinging his legs. Jack smiled at how happy and at home Alex seemed. Alex began to grin foolishly.

"I'm taking the swing!" Jack yelled.

Alex gasped and jumped of the var, landing hard on the rubble. Jack began to run as fast as possible but behind him he could hear Alex's footsteps in the rubble dawn closer. As Jack was close to the swing, he felt a body lock around him, sending him forward and then hit his nose on the swing. When their bodies hit the floor, he felt Alex scramble off him and as he felt the blood trickle down his lips, Alex now crouched infront of him, breathing heavily.

"I am so sorry, are you okay?!" Alex asked quickly. The words pouring out of his mouth. Jack managed to give a small reassuring smile.

"I'm fine" He said now, pulling his sleeve over his hand, putting it to his nose to soak up the blood. Alex held his pale face and observed his swollen, bleeding nose. It looked larger than normal.

"How does it look?" Jack asked. Alex tried to fight a smirk.

"Huge as usual" He teased. Jack stuck out his tongue, which made him wince. Alex laughed at Jack wincing at his own actions. He now stood up and dusted the rubble off his jeans. He let out a hand and Jack took it.

"Let's get you cleaned up" Alex suggested. Jack heaved himself off the ground and they began making their way back to Jack's.

Once they got back to Jack's, Alex saw that Jack had a huge gash on the side of his nose. Alex took it upon himself to get him some ice and a clean hoodie. Jack lazed on the couch, breathing slowly. He watched Alex fumble through a cabinet, trying to find some medical alcohol. He smiled when he saw Alex's eyes widen when he reached for a glass bottle with a clear liquid swishing around. He poured some onto a tissue and carefully walked Jack's way.

"Finally found it" said Alex. He stood infront of Jack's knees and leant over to press the tissue softly to Jack's nose. Jack flinched a bit but then held in the pain. He could see this was an uncomfortable position for Alex to work in and found it hard to work around Jack's nose.

Alex sighed and gave up, now throwing his legs on either side of Jack's waist, now straddling him. He chest was slightly pressed agaisnt Jack's, now concentrating on pressing the tissue to his nose carefully. His mouth lingered open in concentration, trying not to hurt him. Jack's smiled nervously at how cute Alex looked.

Alex now seated himself in Jack's lap as he dabbed the tissue a couple more times. Once he was done he settled the tissue aside and pushed Jack's black and blonde hair out his face. Revealing unsettled eyes. Alex smiled and rested a hand on Jack's cheek. He leaned forward and Jack's closed his eyes and now felt Alex's lips on his.

He was a bit tense but then relaxed as the soothing feeling of Alex's lips on his was quite reassuring. He tensed again when Alex's tongue flicked against Jack's lower lip. Jack pulled back quickly and Alex looked down. Rejection washed all over his face. Jack felt bad and now linked his hands in Alex's which caused him to look up.

"Sorry I just got a little...nervous" Jack tried to explain. Alex still looked lost.

"I just got nervous sorry...this is all happening so fast and..." He mumbled. Alex looked a bit more understanding now.

"You still want this though...don't you?" Alex asked worriedly. Jack smiled and nodded. Alex grinned before getting himself off Jack and throwing away the tissue. He slipped on his hoodie and headed for the door. Jack followed.

"You gonna be okay?" Alex asked sweetly. Jack nodded and opened the door for Alex. He stepped out onto the doorstep.

"I'm still sorry..." Alex whispered. Jack laughed aloud.

"It's okay now! Leave!" Jack exclaimed. Alex chuckled lightly and before leaving pressed a soft kiss to Jack's nose. He now proceeded to go down the path. Jack grinned to himself like an idiot.

Yeah he wanted this.

Jack was now shut up in his bedroom. He was letting his nose swell down and he took upon masturbating because fuck...he hadn't gotten off in a while. A couple of pumps is all it took for him to release all over his hand and leaving him breathless. As he cleaned up his chair and himself, he suddenly heard urgent knocks at the door. He rushed downstairs after washing his hands and opened it quickly.

It was Dan.

"We need to talk" Dan gritted through his teeth. Jack gulped.

"You're not gonna...hurt me are you?" Jack asked.

"No. This is why we need to talk, let me in" Dan demanded. Jack now reluctantly let him in.
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