Stories Yet To Unfold [12/?]

Nov 09, 2010 22:15

Title: Stories Yet To Unfold
Author: ahintofelation
Rating: NC-17 overall
Pairing: Jack Barakat/Alex Gaskarth (Jalex)
Summary: Alex hates Jack. Why should he like him? All he does is beat him up just so he can hang around with his brother Daniel's crowd. But there's something about Jack that only Alex knows and he kind of likes it.
Disclaimer: I do not own the boys, would I really be doing this if I did? I do not own any other characters.
A/N: Look who finally updated. This chapter is okay I guess. Nothing important but I needed to update and I had no idea what to write.

masterpost :)

They got home quick as Alex was starving. Once they got through the front door, Alex dashed to the kitchen whilst Jack stood there in silence and peeped up the stairs waiting for a sign of Dan. Suddenly the sound of a door being opened traveled down the stairs. Jack jumped and then composed himself. Alex chuckled lightly before opening the fridge door. Dan slowly came down the stairs and was startled by Jack's appearance.

"Jack bro what'cha doing here?" Dan asked sounding suprised. Jack faked a smile.

"Just came to visit you. What's up?" Jack answered casually. Dan smiled.

'I had to hand in a paper for Histrory. So I'm sick" Dan replied with a smug loo. Jack managed to stifle a laugh. Alex was holding in a laugh at how ridiculous his brother sounded. He accidently dropped a chocolate bar on the tiled kitchen floor which made a clunking sound. It started Jack and Dan.

"Is the fag back too?" Dan asked. He turned on his heels and headed for the kitchen now standing there with his arms folded across his chest. He smirked.

"How was school fag, miss me?" He teased. Alex glared at him.

"It was fucking amazing" Alex hissed now making his way past him and Jack. He ran up stairs and locked himself in his room, god he fucking hated his brother.

He heard Dan and Jack make their way up the stairs, Dan laughed loudly and Jack chuckled softly at some joke Dan made about Alex. Alex rolled his eyes and decided to put on his sweatpants and a baggy shirt. He walked over to his guitar and picked up, immediately feeling comfort.

"Yeah I'm just gonna go to the toliet bro" Alex heard Jack say. He shrugged thinking nothing about it till Jack suddenly burst through the door. He was wearing a careful smile and Alex chuckled.

"What's up?" He asked casually. Jack bit down on his lip.

"You're not...angry I'm hanging out with your brother?" Jack asked bewildered. Alex's thick eyebrows knitted together and his warm eyes were filled with humour.

"No. I thought we sort of agreed that you still would and we'd be a secret?" Alex questioned. Jack raised his eyebrows.

"Oh, well thinking about it..." Jack mumbled. He now grinned and crossed the room, standing opposite Alex.

"So we're keeping this a secret?" Jack asked quietly. Alex smiled softly, his dimples showing.

"Yep" Alex answered simply.

Jack sighed contently and now stretched his arm to lean on the chair, little did he know this chair had wheels and he immediately went along with it and had nothing to hold onto apart from Alex infront of him. He grabbed a handful of his baggy shirt and brought him down with him. Jack tumbled to the ground with Alex on top of him. Alex landed on his knees which were on either side of Jack's body, back down. Jack began to laugh quietly, trying to not let Dan hear. Alex planted his hands on Jack's chest, now nuzzling his face into his chest too. Trying to muffle the sound of his continous loud laughter. He could feel Jack's chest heaving quickly cause of the laughter but Alex's must have been the same.

Once the calmed down, Alex fixed his hair and then fixed Jack's for him.

"You are smooth" Alex teased. Jack slapped him playfully.

"Seriously what's with you and falling?" Alex asked still laughing a bit. Jack shrugged, throwing his hands above his head.

"I'm clumsy what can I say. I'm a huge dork" Jack admitted, now avoiding eye contact with Alex. Alex's fingers traced patterns on the flat planes of Jack's clothed chest.

"It's cute though" Alex mumbled incoherently. Jack's eyes were puzzled.

"What? I didn't catch that" Jack questioned Alex seriously. Alex flicked his long brown locks out of his face, revealing shy eyes and a blush crawling up his cheeks.

"It's cute though" He told Jack clearly now. Jack smiled.

"You're weird" He told Alex. Alex chuckled and now leaned closer to Jack. Their faces inches apart.

"Oh well" Alex said now presenting a smirk on his face. Their soft lips were an inch apart and Alex now took the step and pressed his lips to Jack's. Jack was shocked but then relaxed a little, kissing back but not as eagerly. He was a little nervous Dan would walk in. Once Alex pulled away, he crawled off Jack and walked towards the door of the room.

"I suggest you get back to Dan, he's probably curious" Alex warned Jack. Jack nodded now following Alex. Alex walked away from Jack and Jack headed to Dan's room.

"Dude what the fuck took you so long?" Dan asked curiously as Jack walked towards the bed Dan sat on.

"Erm...I don't know, stuff" Jack answered nervously. Jack sat beside Dan rigidly.

"What's wrong with you bro? You've been acting funny since you walked through the door" Dan told Jack sternly. Jack shook his head.

"My mom wants be back early, I'll see you tomorrow" Jack told Dan quickly. He walked towards the door.

"What the fuck is wrong with you man? I wanna talk to you tomorrow!" Dan yelled after him furiously. He slammed the door shut and almost ran down the stairs, before grabbing his bag from the door, he felt a hand tug at his wrist. Alex's worried face came into view.

"You okay?" He asked softly. Jack sighed.

"I'm scared Dan's gonna find out" Jack admitted. Alex chuckled softly.

"We've only been friends for a few days, chill out Jack" Alex told him trying to comfort him. Jack let out a breath and nodded.

"You're right, I'm still scared though" Jack told Alex again.

"You dork. Now go home and watch some TV or something. Relax" Alex ordered. Jack nodded and smiled.

"See you tomorrow" He said a little more calm now. Alex grinned and waved goodbye as he walked out of the Gaskarth household.

When he arrived home, he was greeted by his mother.

"Hey Jack" She greeted.

"Hey mom" Jack said. He smiled at her and dashed for the stairs.

"Where you been?" She asked simply. Jack stopped in his tracks.

"At Dan's" He answered casually. She nodded. She then opened her mouth again to speak.

"I saw his brother just the other day. He looks a lot happier. Remember I told you I've always thought he looked a bit down" She said casually. He nodded with a grin.

"He does?" He asked happily. She nodded.

"He really does, now go change, dinner won't be long" She announced and then gave him a sweet smile. He grinned back and run up the stairs.

So apparently Alex looked happier. Jack smiled and couldn't help to think their friendship had something to do with it.
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