Stories Yet To Unfold [10/?]

Nov 02, 2010 19:31

Title: Stories Yet To Unfold
Author: ahintofelation
Rating: NC-17 overall
Pairing: Jack Barakat/Alex Gaskarth (Jalex)
Summary: Alex hates Jack. Why should he like him? All he does is beat him up just so he can hang around with his brother Daniel's crowd. But there's something about Jack that only Alex knows and he kind of likes it.
Disclaimer: I do not own the boys, would I really be doing this if I did? I do not own any other characters.
A/N: THERE YOU GO VEE. I FIT IT IN NICELY. I quite like this chapter :3

masterpost :)

The next day Dan was no where to be seen in school. Jack searched for him inbetween classes but he was no where. It was recess and Jack didn't know what to do since Dan wasn't there. He didn't wanna wander around the playground alone so instead he headed for the locked forbidden bathrooms. He thought he could waste a few minutes there fixing his hair or something. Not like anyone could see him as you weren't allowed in there.

He wondered where Alex was but shook the idea from his mind. It would be weird to just ask to sit with Alex wouldn't it? They only started hanging out yesterday. I'm sure Alex wasn't as comfortable as Jack already was. He was a little more out there than Alex, he had to admit it.

He entered the stenchy, stuffy bathroom and stood infront of the mirror. He looked down at the stained ceramic sinks and then looked at his reflection in the stained mirror.

His thick brown eyebrows raising above his huge chocolate brown eyes which he thought we bug-like and weird. He run a soft hand through his fringe and leaned on the sink now letting out a huge breath. Suddenly he heard a slight movement. His body went stiff and his eyes opened wide. He turned around slowly and his eyes fixed onto the closed cubicle nearest to the end. He gulped and slowly walked over, quite scared to see who was back there. Only him and Dan knew of these toliets atleast...he thought.

He now stood close to the door. He heard nothing, he pressed his ear to the door and heard nothing at all but he was sure someone or something was in there. Suddenly the door burst open and Jack tumbled back with it, falling into someone's arms, which clasped around his waist, who collapsed back onto the toliet seat. Jack yelped and got up as quick as possible now turning round to meet closely with Alex. He let out a big breath and looked at Alex. Alex was flushed and breathing loudly. Jack probably looked the same. He held out a hand  to Alex and Alex took it now pulling himself up.

"Holy fuck, I am so sorry" Jack mumbled now dusting himself off and running a hand through his hair.

"No it's my fault, I shouldn't have opened so quickly" Alex replied. Jack shook his head.

"You didn't know" Jack responded quietly.

"Neither did you" Alex tried to defend him again.

"Look it was none of our faults okay?" Jack said with a laugh. Alex chuckled and nodded now fixing his hair.

" come you're here?" Jack asked quietly. Alex looked down and rubbed the back of his neck.

"I'm always here" He whispered. Jack raised an eyebrow.

"How come?" Jack asked. Alex chuckled lightly.

"Well I have no friends and instead of just wondering around alone, I rather sit here and listen to my iPod you know. What brings you here though?" He asked, confsued. Jack shrugged.

"Your brother isn't in school so I thought I'd hang here for a while instead of looking like a loner" Jack replied. He then laughed lightly as him and Alex just realized he practically used the same reason.

"Well this is my hang out spot so welcome" Alex joked. Jack laughed and looked around.

"Nice" Jack teased. Alex laughed and slapped his arm before sinking down to the floor. Jack followed beside him.

"So erm...where's your brother anyways?" Jack asked nervously. Alex shrugged.

"He probably skipped or something. I don't know, don't care" Alex answered sharply. Alex then moved a bit to slouch more, he leaned slightly against Jack.

"Don't care?" Jack questioned quietly. Alex nodded, his messy hair shaking around the sides.

"Nope, why should I? He's a dick anyways" Alex answered simply. Jack puckered his lips.

"Not all the time..." Jack replied quietly. Alex scoffed.

"Oh really Jack? Come on" Alex answered, laughing. Jack shook his head, confused.

"I mean a dick to you but he's okay to me" Jack answered honestly. Alex looked at him.

"Jack, he practically always tells you what to do all the fucking time. And he knows he threatens you, he knows that you're scared to disobey. He likes it, it makes him feel powerful. Jack he knows everything" Alex told him. Jack shook his head.

"I don't believe you. He's my friend Alex, I hate what he does to you but he's not like that to me" Jack told Alex. Alex laughed even louder.

"And you actually believe that?! You know Dan, he's a cocky bastard! He thinks he's all high and mighty and it's because of you Jack, because of you. He knows how scared you are of him, it satisfies his ego! Don't believe for one second that he's a good person Jack. How many times has he bailed on you Jack? How many times has he 'forgot to call you'? Jack you just satisfy his ego" Alex told Jack honestly. Jack thought about it. What Alex said made sense in a way, he didn't believe this, he didn't want it.

Jack looked down and tried to ignore his stinging eyes. His hair fell infront of his glistening eyes and Alex now shuffled closer to him. Look slightly under his hair covering his eyes.

"Hey don't deserve to put up with my dick of my brother. I only told you this just so you know, I hate seeing him use you, you know after finding out you're erm...a really nice guy" Alex mumbled the last part. Jack looked up now sniffing.

"I do deserve it though, after all the shit I've done..." Jack admits. Alex shakes his head.

"You've only done it because of him though, he knows you'll listen to him. It's not entirely your fault. That's why I forgave you Jack" Alex admitted. Jack smiled softly.

"Really?" Jack asked quietly. Alex nodded with a smile. Jack shuffled even closer to Alex now, Alex was leaning on him.

"I thought about it after a while and realized, you were worth a second chance" Alex whispered now. Jack faced towards him.

"I'm really glad we're friends now" Jack admitted. Alex nodded in agreement.

Alex looked up to Jack and Jack stared back down. Jack's hand slowly slipped around Alex's back, his hand curving around his waist. Alex reached up a bit and wrapped a hand around the back of his neck, now bringing him down, closer to Alex's face. Their lips were less than an inch apart, they could feel each other's racey breaths on their lips and Jack couldn't take it anymore and smashed his lips against Alex's. Alex began to kiss back slowly, it was gentle. The way Jack's lips moved smoothly around Alex's, made Alex's stomach turn but in a good way. When Jack's tongue run across Alex's lower lip, fireworks started up in his stomach and he opened his mouth to allow his tongue to slide against is, he moaned quietly and the touch. Alex moaning made Jack squeeze his waist eagerly. When they seperated, Jack leaned his forehead against Alex's.

"We're so dead if Dan finds out" Jack whispered. Alex's lips curled up into a smirk.

"What he doesn't know won't hurt him" Alex teased now pressing his lips to Jack's carefully once more.
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