Fireworks. [Chapter Fourteen]

Oct 31, 2010 03:05

Title: Fireworks
Author: Harriet, a.k.a masokisstiic 
Rating: PG - 13
Pairing: Alex and Jack, if the kids don't believe, make them believe.
POV: Third
Summary: So it's true what they say, if you love someone, you should set them free.
Disclaimer: Totally fictional, soz.
Credit: Title to YouMeAtSix
A/N: Just another cute one, really. But I promise this will lead up to something, just try stay patient with me!


Alex had found that there was nothing better in life than lying in bed, under the arm of a person who made you feel like no other, watching the most shittiest movies, ever.

At least, Alex thought they were shit, but Jack was tearing up constantly.

“Come on, it’s not even sad.” Alex chuckled, pressing pause on the remote. He leant up to press a kiss against a tear lingering on Jack’s rosy cheek, “My hair’s soaked from all your crying, too.” He exaggerated, but at least it brought a smile to the American’s face.
“You needed a hair wash, anyway.” The boy grinned, a hand raised to wipe at his eyes.
“I’m going to ignore that comment.”
Jack brushed his lips to Alex’s temple, sighing, “Mm, that’s best.”
“I honestly don’t think we should watch anymore of these, though. You’ll flood my room soon, and then my mum’ll be all pissy.” Alex joked, nuzzling his nose against Jack’s chest.

“I honestly don’t understand your problem with watching these movies.”
“Jack, if they were sad, I’d be crying! But they aren’t, they’re just... not happy?” Alex shrugged his shoulders, his lack of vocabulary was shocking.
“Oh, so, some old lady was best friends with a cute little fox, the fox meant everything to her, and then she has to just let him go? She lets him go, Alex! That fox, who was the best thing in her life because she was lonely, her husband probably died, that fox is now gone! She’s a lonely, old woman again!” Jack could feel himself welling up for what must have been the fifth time at least, but it only caused Alex to laugh harder.
“...It’s a cartoon, Jack. It isn’t real.” He smirked.
“The feelings are real!” Jack cried, retracting his arm from around the older boy so he could hide his face in both palms.

Alex rolled his eyes, pressing pause once more, he made a mental note to leave the Disney films in places where Jack couldn’t find them. He’d seen the boy cry at too many of them now. “I swear, you’re like that Damian kid in Mean Girls, ‘almost too gay to function’.”
Jack separated his fingers and opened his eyes in his hands, “Says the boy who actually watches that film and can quote it.”
“Hey, every man in the world has watched Mean Girls, do not question my sexuality.” Alex smirked, pulling at Jack’s arm.
“Don’t get me started on your sexuality. You know yourself it’s just getting more confused each second that passes.” Jack retorted, finally giving into the struggle to keep his arm where it was.
“When I’m with you, I just like you. You’re the only one that matters. I guess you could say I’m like... Jacksexual, or whatever. When I’m not with you, I’m hetero.” Alex commented, his fingers linking with Jack’s as they rested over his shoulder. “It’s beginning to make sense, to me, anyway.”

Jack just smiled. No words left his lips; he just smiled, and softly kissed the top of Alex’s head.
Deep down though, Jack knew that with Alex feeling the way he does, it would only make things harder for the both of them.
He also knew that not everybody would understand the boy.
I mean, how can you just have one exception? How does that work? If you like a guy, there must be other guys that you’re attracted to. Fall in love with a guy; it’s possible to fall in love with another one. They would argue that nobody is special enough to just be singled out from a gender.
However, Jack didn’t have the heart to tell Alex what the voice inside his head was telling him.

- - - -

“What time is it, anyway?” Jack asked, sitting up on the bed against the pillows.
“Uh, let me check my phone.” Alex murmured, groaning, as he had to wriggle from his comfortable position. Leaning over his bed, his hand ran across the floor, searching for that piece of junk he called his mobile.
“Got it.” He announced, picking up the small slide phone. “It’s three,” He said, placing his phone back on the floor where it belonged. “How come?”
“Just wondering.” Jack shrugged, “Trying to figure out what time I go home, I guess.”
“Well, you don’t have to go home, you know.”
“What are you talking about, of course I do, you idiot.”
“Not if you stay the night?” Alex suggested, and he wasn’t entirely sure where the idea had come from.
“Stay? Like, a sleepover?”
“If you want to put it in that homosexual way.” Alex giggled, crossing his legs beneath the duvet. “I mean like, my parents wont mind. They’d be thrilled, actually. I mean, I know they like having another person in the house. Especially a guy, kind of makes them remember about having Daniel around, looking after someone else, you know?” Alex smiled, because he hadn’t seen his parents this happy in a long time.

Yes, Jack was still almost a stranger to Alex’s parents, but they welcomed him because they did miss having two teenage boys in the house. Why do you think Alex’s mum had been so enthusiastic to cook Jack dinner? She had been so ecstatic, knowing that for one more time, she’d be cooking for four, and not three.
Even Peter, Alex’s dad, offering Jack a lift home when he needn’t one. He only did that because he’d been used to Daniel running him around like a taxi service twenty-four seven.
Perhaps even Alex would admit that it was nice to have another male in the house, especially one that bickered with him about pointless things, stole his food when he wasn’t looking, and just annoyed him because it was fun. Sure, Jack was kind of like a brother, but Alex doubted it was normal to kiss a sibling the way he kissed Jack.

“Well, I’ll have to go home for a bit and get some stuff, and obviously tell my mum that I’ll be staying out, but yeah, I’d love to Alex, I really would.” And Jack leaned over, pressing their lips together swiftly. “I’ll leave now, so I’ll be back sooner. Don’t miss me too much.” He teased, wrapping his arms around the boy in a light hug, before hopping off the boy’s bed.
“Don’t worry, I won’t.” Alex commented, but both of them knew that was a complete and utter lie.

- - - -

“I should probably start cleaning up, then...” Alex muttered to himself after Jack had left, a habit that was growing upon him.
Swinging his legs off of his bed, he stared down at the mess. Shoving his clothes in the washing basket wouldn’t be too hard, and picking up the rubbish and putting it in the bin, that’d be okay.
He was debating whether to give it an all around good clean, polishing, vacuuming, and everything.
Alex was unsure as to why he cared so much; he knew that Jack didn’t really give two fucks about what his room looked like.
However, the English boy had always been one to please someone, and he knew that Jack would be impressed if he made the effort.

The male made a start by stacking dirty dinner plates and balancing drinks glasses on top. Carefully, he transported them downstairs, leaving the pile by the kitchen sink. He knew that he should really wash them then and there, but he wasn’t that much of a good Samaritan.

Several trips later, and finally, all the rubbish, plates, clothes, everything had been tidied away. For once, you could see Alex’s floor, completely.
Now all that was left was to make things look clean, and that was the hard part.

Alex wasn’t even sure whether his family owned polish. Or maybe his mum just hid it from him.

But, after a rummage in a cupboard under the sink, he found everything he needed. Now he had to fucking work, and he was dreading it.

- - - -

Alex truly appreciated his mother’s house work, now. He totally understood why she refused to clean his room, I mean, an hour, and Alex was still halfway through polishing, though the vacuuming had been complete.
He couldn’t understand how his mum could possibly spend an entire day cleaning the house top to bottom, and this was most days when she wasn’t working, even then, a spot of cleaning would take place at some point. It was too much effort, and my god, he was glad he wasn’t a woman.

“Okay, I seriously can’t be fucked anymore.” He muttered, taking the dirty cloth and polish under his arm. Jack would be here soon, anyway.

Jumping the steps two at a time, as Alex reached the bottom, the doorbell rung.
Wow, that was weird.

“The door’s unlocked, just open it.” He called, quickly rushing into the kitchen to pack away his cleaning supplies.
Closing the cupboard door, he heard Jack’s voice behind him, “What are you doing...?”

Standing to his feet, Alex brushed the knees of his sweatpants, “Nothing.” He simply answered, eyes wandering Jack’s body. He noticed the boy had changed into another pair of jeans, “Not a big fan of my joggers, then?” He smirked, only causing the boy to roll his eyes.
“It doesn’t feel right to feel so... free down there.” He laughed, “Though I’ll admit, they’re a little more comfortable, just not exactly my style.”
“Mm, I suppose you do look much better in them, but you’d still look good even if you wore a bikini.” Alex giggled, stepping closer to the male and taking his hands in his own. “Though I would pretend I didn’t know if you ever did. I’d admire from afar.” He grinned, Jack snorting.
“You’re seriously fucking weird.” He laughed, kissing Alex gently, and their lips remained brushing as he whispered, “But I like it.”

- - - -

“Mm, let’s go upstairs. I wanna get back into bed.” Alex yawned, releasing one of Jack’s hands.
“I don’t understand how you can be tired, you’re so fucking lazy.”
“I don’t sleep until crazy o’clock in the morning though, because someone wont leave me alone.” Alex grumbled, “Seriously, just for one night, can you not be on my mind, Jack?”
“Sorry, I can’t help it that I’m irresistible.” The younger teen chuckled, following Alex up the stairs. “But I think about you a lot as well you know, so quit your bitching.”

Alex frowned, pouting, “Shut up.”
“You just know I’m right.” Jack was always quick to answer back.
“I know.” Alex sighed as he pushed open his bedroom door.

As Jack stepped inside, his eyes widened at the sight. “Fuck, Alex, fuck, you have a carpet?!” He yelled over enthusiastically, his gestures over the top as he inspected the room.
“Quit your act, Jack.” Alex huffed, arms folded across his chest.
Jack waltzed over, giggling like a fool, “N’aw, I think it’s adorable you went through all this trouble just for me.” He assumed.
“Psh, it wasn’t for you... I just- I was looking for something.”
Jack raised an eyebrow, “Oh, really? And what was that?” He questioned, knowing too well that Alex was bluffing. “Nothing? That’s what I thought.” He grinned.
“Jaaaack,” Alex whined, “You didn’t even give me enough time to make up something to find. God, you’re such a spoilsport.” He moaned, pretending to be upset, but it was hard to keep up an act when you had the most adorable boy you’ve ever laid eyes on, start to kiss down your jaw as a distraction.

“Ugh, stop it,” Alex managed to finally groan, pushing the boy away.
“What’s wrong, don’t you like it?” Jack asked.
“No, that’s the problem, I fucking love it, and I’m just trying to distract myself away from you.” Alex mumbled, shuffling to his bed where he sat down, hiding his crotch beneath the covers.

Jack’s mouth was open, “Are you... Are you serious? That turned you on?”
Alex shifted uncomfortably, pulling at the duvet further, “I’m new to all of this, remember? And I can’t control it.”
The American sat on the end of Alex’s bed, narrowly avoiding the boy’s feet, “I think it’s cute. At least I know that you really do want me.” He grinned, which caused Alex to throw his cover over his head to hide his embarrassment.
“Jack, stop, I don’t want to talk about this.”
“Would you, though?”
“Would I what?” Alex’s voice was muffled, Jack was barely able to understand it.
“Like, have sex... with a guy?”

The thought had crossed Alex’s mind many a time over the past couple of weeks. He still didn’t know what the answer was, though.
Well, for one, Alex hadn’t even had sex with a girl, so he was still a virgin in both circumstances.
The thought of sex had mortified him, truthfully. Though of course, he’d done everything but in the past, and would probably, eventually, take things a little further with Jack as his trust in the boy grew, but full blown sex?
I mean like... damn, that was a pretty big step.
Giving would probably be easy enough, but it was the receiving part that Alex was uncomfortable with.
He honestly didn’t think he’d ever be comfortable with that idea, it made him feel sick to his stomach, but Jack didn’t have to know that.

“I... I really don’t know, Jack.” Alex answered truthfully. “Maybe, possibly, in the future. The long fucking future. ‘Cause I mean, yesterday it took me fucking guts just to kiss you, so you realise it’ll take a long, long time for me to be comfortable with anything else.” He sighed, to which Jack nodded.
“No, no, I completely understand. I don’t want you thinking that sex is all I want from you, you know.” He quickly added.
“Of course not! I know you’re not that type of guy.” Alex said, finally removing the duvet from his head, though his hair was a right mess. “Come here.” He added, patting the space beside him.
Jack crawled up the mattress, sliding beneath the covers to press himself against Alex’s heated body. “No, you’re right, it’s way too early to even start thinking about sex. I was just curious.”
“I know, I know.”
“If anything, there’s nothing I want more, than to just lay in bed with you and fall asleep in your arms, knowing that you’re the last person I see before I drift off, and you’re the first person I see when I wake up.”

Alex’s fingers connected with Jack’s, and his thumb gently massaged the other male’s, “And that’s what it’ll be like tonight.”
“But isn’t that dangerous? I mean, what if your mom or dad walk in?”
“I guess so, but I doubt they would. They knock before entering, anyway. So that would give us the chance to kick whoever’s nearest the floor, out of my bed.”
“I’m sleeping by the wall then.”
“I thought you would.”
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