Take My Life, I'll Hand It To You - Jalex - {18/?}

Oct 30, 2010 01:09

Title: Take my life, I’ll hand it to you.
Author: Me, CherylMcMinorrr
Pairing: Jalex
Chapter: 18/?
Rating: R altogether.
Summary: based on the House of Night series, by P.C and Kristin Cast
Disclaimer:Contains some quotes/lines/ideas belonging to the authors of the original House of Night series. No copyright infringement intended. I don’t own the members of All Time Low or any other band members mentioned. Title is from ‘Poison’ by All Time Low. This hasn’t happened, duh.
A/N: I know that damnedifidoyah's been waiting for this update for ages... And it's finally here. I'm sorry if it seems rushed or too much information overload in too short an amount of time, but I'm hoping it'll clear some things up, if not everything.

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“Jack? …Alex?” Pete asked as he approached us. Hayley was staring at Jack with an intense glare, which I don't think was directly for him, she was just conveying something, although I don't know what, using her eyes. Pete was looking between the pair of us with slight amusement and slight annoyance.

“Yes Pete?” Jack asked, keeping his voice calm.

“What are you boys doing here, together?” There seemed to be an underlying meaning in that sentence, like Pete had a problem with the fact and didn’t want to voice it. Things were getting weirder and weirder, everything probably should have been sort of obvious, but you don’t realise these things as much when you’re actually experiencing them.

Jack stood to his full height, facing the High Priest directly, making sure to create eye contact.

“Gaskarth was looking for your office, actually, I was showing him the way, but he stopped me and starting yelling at me saying I was taking him to a secluded area to get him lost and leave him. I think his little friends have been feeding him gossip about me.”

I got the urge to hiss like I had done while I was craving for blood. Jack had just downright lied to a powerful Vamp and not just that, he seemed like he was trying to land me in trouble. Even though my intuition was screaming at me that it was something else… What else could it have been? ...A cover up? Who or what would he have been covering up for?

“Is this true Alex?”

I hoped I looked guilty for the right reasons, for what I’d allegedly done, not because I was about to join in with Jack’s lie.

“Yes sir, I mean - I - I didn’t think your office would be here… I mean, it’s a bit creepy and I - I don’t trust Jack all that much… If… If I‘m honest.”

I don’t even know what made me say the last part, as much of a douche as he could be, I did have a few reasons to trust him, something just seemed to scream at me to not let Pete know that. It seemed to do the trick, because the Vampyre smiled brightly, showing off a set of sharp fangs. Hayley shot me a look I couldn’t quite read and then gave me a brief nod, but I kept my expression neutral, so the Vamp wouldn’t realise. I felt like I was in on a secret society, but hadn’t been told the rules everyone else seemed to know. I could have got more out of Jack if I had, had more time. What if Jack was just bullshitting me though? I mean seriously, talking in cryptic messages just to confuse the new kid. Although I couldn’t see why after everything the night before. My thoughts were a mess, but I still kept my features neutral, watching Pete as he watched me.

“Right then.” Pete clapped both his hands together briefly. “We’d better get going to my office.”

We all followed after the Vampyre and I tried to keep my breathing and posture as calm as I could, I was suddenly scared of Pete, maybe that was the reaction Jack and Hayley were after. I couldn’t wait to collar Jack about it later, but for that moment in time…

“Okay Hayley, if you’d like to step into my office, Alex I’ll be with you shortly.”

Jack and I stood outside Pete’s office in silence, it didn’t feel right continuing the conversation in earshot of Pete. When Hayley came back out she looked angry as hell, if she were a cartoon character her teeth would have been grinding, her face would have turned fully red and steam would have been pouring from her ears.

“Alex. He’ll see you now, Jack’ll be waiting down the next corridor for you so you don’t lose your way back, won’t you Jack? Come on.” She dragged him away by his hand before he could even protest, not that you’d want to protest to her wishes whilst she looked that angry, she’d probably have ripped his head from his shoulders or something. I shook my head quickly to compose myself and stepped into the office, shutting the big, oak door behind me.

“So, what did you need to speak to me about?”

“Well - uh - As you’re my mentor and the - the High Priest, I wanted to come to you to - eh - get something off my chest…” Why was I being so nervous? It was just Pete. The same Pete I’d met when I first woke up here.

“Go ahead.”

“I think I’ve been craving blood.” I spat it out before I had a chance to hold my tongue.

“Craving blood? That couldn‘t possibly be… How exactly, Alex?”

“At the Dark Daughters’ ritual yesterday… The wine with the blood… It was just so… Good… Then I bumped into my human friend and I -” Jack’s words flashed in my head like a warning siren to not mention how bad it was, looks like I was trusting the tall, dark haired boy then. “I- just wanted his blood.”

“But you could restrain yourself?”

“Yes.” I looked him in the eye as Jack had done when he lied, hoping there was more chance that Pete couldn’t see through it. He seemed to believe me though.

“Before I let you go, Alex, you say you don’t trust Jack?”

I shook my head and a smile formed on Pete’s lips once more.

“Well, at least you’re not going to fall in with the wrong crowd.” He said quickly and then his eyes flashed to my forehead, where the mark was hopefully fully covered by my fringe. I self consciously pulled more hair over the spot anyway. “You’re a special fledgling Alex, you don’t want to be lead off track. Some people will tell any old lies to get what they want, sometimes people aren’t what they seem, are you with me?”

I nodded.

He was basically telling me that it was a good thing that I “didn’t” trust the likes of Jack and Hayley, in fact he was hinting that I should keep away from them. Something seemed wrong. He’d repeated what Jack had said, that people aren’t what they seem. But then, on first impressions Pete was powerful, but nice, bittersweet. Meaning if I used his own advice on him, he wouldn’t actually be the nice, headmaster type he seemed. Whereas if I used the advice on Jack and Hayley, they seemed horrible at first, but there was more to them, meaning maybe they weren’t the bad guys after all. And Jack had seemed more genuine, saying he didn’t want to influence my thoughts, whereas Pete had just tried to do just that. And if that was the case - holy shit, what a mess - then Pete’s plan to sway me had only drove me closer to the truth and it seemed pretty certain I was on the right track, my gut instinct definitely wasn’t screeching at me or twisting in my stomach, then fuck I had to go find Jack and Hayley. I had to say the right thing so he’d excuse me quickly. I could pretend to be on his side 'til I got myself together, or looked into this more.

“I don’t think I’d want to be in with their group of people anyway. They don‘t seem very accepting.”

“No.” Pete shook his head.

“I like the friends I have here anyway.” Pete smiled, but there was something off about it. My brain went into overdrive again. It’d have made perfect sense for him to pair me with a roommate who had a friend who’d been victimised by Jack, because it meant I’d more likely be biased against them from the start. Top that with Hayley’s group's attitude towards me and it’d surely mean I’d hate them all. And I knew for one that at least Jack was keeping secrets from the rest of the school. It made perfect sense the more I thought about it and my gut twisted in that nervous way, where you know something’s about to go down, but you can’t stop it. There were still flaws in my theory though, little pieces missing, like a jigsaw I couldn’t quite solve on my own. And the slight doubts that I was wrong, because Pete had never done anything wrong or out of place to me and no doubts about it that Hayley was a bitch either way, she even acted that way to her friends. I began to worry my front teeth against my lip, before quickly stopping, hoping Pete wouldn't notice, or at least wouldn't question me about it. We fell into a quick silence, Pete sat at his desk and me stood before it, until my stomach decided to grumble, causing Pete to laugh.

“I should let you get some breakfast. Bare with me on the blood craving, if it gets any worse come tell me, okay Alex? You shouldn't be afraid to speak to me, after all, I am your mentor. Blessed be.”

“Blessed be.” I uttered, scurrying for the door. The moment it had once more closed, slowly because it was heavy, I broke into a run, heading for where Hayley had said they’d be, hoping to Nyx that I was wrong, although if I was, Jack and Hayley would probably tell me I was right.

I’d gotten one thing out of that talk though, Hayley and Jack were definitely on a different wavelength to Pete and going off of my theory, which I hadn’t had more time to contemplate, I was doing the right thing by trusting them.

pairing: jack barakat/alex gaskarth

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