Welcome Home [4/?]

Oct 29, 2010 16:40

Alex’s POV

I sat on Jack’s lap with my legs on either side of him, both of us trying to catch our breath. This was perfect. It’d only been two weeks since we’d been apart. Two weeks since I’d been in his arms. But he held me and kissed me like it’d been two years since our last touch. So much need… So much longing… He smiled and leaned forward to kiss me again but was rudely interrupted.

My phone vibrated in my pocket, making me jump. Jack had to lurch forward to wrap his arms around my waist, otherwise I would’ve cracked my head open falling back onto his coffee table. His eyes widened momentarily, fear evident in his features, before relaxing and pulling me close. He sighed in relief and kissed my nose.

I reached into my pocket and pulled out my cell phone. Jack nibbled and sucked lightly on the skin just above my collarbone, sending shivers down my spine. His thumbs traced tiny circles into my hips through my shirt as I waited for my inbox to load. “New Message: Rian”. I threaded my fingers through the back of Jack’s spiky hair as the text opened. He ran his tongue along my neck and I sighed, enjoying the warmth as it seeped into my skin. His tongue lightly massaged the soft spot beneath my earlobe and I let out a quiet moan. I felt his lips tug into a smile against my skin and I exhaled happily. I read the text from Rian, pulling back a little from his embrace. I placed a finger to his lips to shush him as he whined in protest.

“Come on, guys! You know you want to!” The text from Rian practically begged us to come to the party. I chuckled softly to myself and returned my gaze to the beautiful man in front of me.

“So…” I started. “How ‘bout that party?” Jack groaned and tilted his head back onto the sofa cushions, the smile escaping his features.

“I was hoping to have you to myself tonight…” His mouth formed a half smile, the right corner lifting slightly, lips still shut. I shrugged.

“Well, it’s been two weeks since I’ve seen them, too.” I sighed sadly. “And they really want us to be there. See? Rian’s begging.” I turned my phone around so he could see it. He made some grumbling noises and folded his arms across his chest, closing his eyes.

“Please?” I asked, putting my hands together to beg.

“No.” Jack huffed.

“Pleeeeeeeeeease?” I whined, drawing out the “e” for emphasis.


It went on like that for about two minutes before I decided to bring in the big guns. The puppy dog eyes. Jack could never deny me of anything when I used the puppy dog eyes. It’s been proven. I dropped my shoulders and slouched a little, making myself look smaller. I tilted my head down the slightest bit so I was peering up at him through my thick eyelashes, my big, brown doe eyes full of sadness. I jutted out my lower lip in a pout and folded my hands innocently in my lap.

“Jack…” I whispered, disappointment dripping from my voice. He lifted his head and opened one eye to look at me.

“Hmm…?” He hummed in response. It was mere milliseconds before he realized my plan. His eyes grew widen and he tried to shove me off his lap, scrambling to escape.

“NO!” He shouted in distress, flailing helplessly like a fish out of water. “NOT THE EYES!” I grabbed his face as he screamed, forcing him to look at me. He wriggled about for another minute, attempting to look anywhere but into my eyes, but eventually our eyes made contact. He exhaled contentedly and his entire body softened, a small smile playing on his lips.

“Please baby…?” I pleaded, added a sniffle and the end for effect. He smiled largely and pulled me close, hiding his face in my hair.

“Of course, sweetheart…” He breathed, rubbing his hand up and down my back. I smiled triumphantly and pushed off him.

“Yay!” I jumped up and grabbed for my beanie, which had fallen off during our impromptu make out session.

“Fuck…” Jack groaned, snapping out of the ‘puppy dog trance’. “Every fucking time, Gaskarth.” I spun around to see him combing his fingers through his dark hair.

“You’re just too easy, Barakat.” I teased, sticking my tongue out at him. As I headed towards the bathroom to fix myself up, I heard an appreciative chuckle. I smiled inwardly at the euphonious sound.

“You’re lucky you’re cute…”

Jack’s POV

“You’re lucky you’re cute…” I mumbled in Alex’s general direction as he walked away, not sure if he’d even heard me. It’s really not fair that he’s equipped with the ability to make my heart race, my knees buckle, and my mind blank just by batting his lashes. I melt every time those warm, chesnut-coloured eyes meet mine.

I leaned forward and snatched up my laptop and fell back into the cushions. I double-clicked the browser icon and waited for it to start up. I tapped my fingers on the edge of the keyboard impatiently. I logged into twitter and checked my @replies. Almost all of them were from crazed fangirls as usual. “Oh my GAWD. @JackAllTimeLow is so HAWT.” or “@JackAllTimeLow OMG I LUV U. LETZ MAK BABZ.” You get the idea. I replied to a few interesting ones, my favourite being from some girl named Hollie: “What’s the best thing about today?” I smiled as I replied, my heart flooding with happiness. “Alex came home. :)”

A pair of arms wrapped around my neck as I hit enter and I reached up to run my hands over them. Alex sighed, content, as he read over my shoulder.

“The best thing, huh?” A smile rang in his voice. “Really?” I nodded, ghosting my lips over his skin. He shivered against me, goosebumps popping up all over his forearms. I tapped my fingers on his elbows, asking for release, and he complied. I placed my computer back on the table and stood up, stretching. I grabbed my phone off the end of the couch end dropped it into my front pocket. As I reached the front hall, I took my keys off the hook and spun them around my finger, waiting for Alex.

“Ready?” I mumbled unenthusiastically. He nodded and took my hand. We exited my apartment and I pulled the door shut, locking it behind us.

pairing: jack barakat/alex gaskarth, rating: nc-17

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