You're A Stranger I Know Well [2/?]

Oct 26, 2010 00:33

Title: You're A Stranger I Know Well [2/?]
Rating: PG for now
Pairing: Jalex
Summary: Jack Barakat was one of the least popular kids at Dulaney High. Alex Gaskarth on the other hand was one of the most popular. They weren't friends, they weren't enemies.
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: I don't own them, this isn't true and I don't profit from anything. Title belongs to The Academy Is...
Author's Notes: Thank you for the amazing comments on the last chapter! I wasn't expecting that many haha. This is rather long, so I apologise if it gets a bit boring xD

Previous Chapters

It was 6:30 the next morning and Jack was woken up by the sound of his alarm clock beeping next to him. Groaning, he rolled over and hit the top. He had an hour until he need to leave for school. He hated how early it started and he hated the walk he had to take. It was through all the back alleys and then a short walk through the woods, it was horrible. He wanted the extra five minutes that everybody longs for in the morning, but knew that if he did, then it would be much longer than five minutes.  He couldn’t risk being late on the first day back, what with all the new teachers they would be getting.

He reached for his phone, knowing there would be a text from his online friend. There was, as well as one from his best friend Zack. He offered to pick Jack up, to which he agreed to, on his way to school. He then went on to read the reply from TakingDown76. He laughed to himself at how stupid it sounded after 6 months. He would be glad when he didn’t have to use it anymore, despite his worries.

Great :) We can talk about it tomorrow, yeah? I’m looking forward to it, you know

Jack smiled at how eager he seemed before he remembered his doubts and his smile faltered. Sighing, he threw his phone onto his bed and made his way to the shower.

- - - - - -

Half an hour later, jack was sat on the bottom of the stairs gazing out of the window, bag at his feet and a slice of toast in his hand, waiting for Zack to arrive. Jack hated Zack’s car. It was a metallic blue ford. It was the wrong size for a 17 year old boy; it was too big and the colour was horrible, but it was easy to see. That’s when it slowed down outside of Jack’s house. Jumping up from the stair, Jack grabbed his bag, placing the straps over his shoulder as Zack honked the horn outside. Shoving the last bit of toast in his mouth, he opened the door, waving slightly at his friend before locking the door and jogging down the path.

“Hey man!” Zack shouted as Jack got in the car. He had been on holiday for the past two weeks and this was the first time they had seen each other since he got back.  “I’ve missed you,” he said leaning forward and giving Jack a hug. The hug itself told Jack that the older boys words were true, he didn’t need to say it.

“I’ve missed you, too. Don’t leave me for that long again,” Jack joked, strapping his seatbelt in.

“Never,” Zack winked, turning on the engine. “I got you something by the way.”

“You did? I told you not to!” Jack exclaimed, turning to face the driver.

“Mhmm, I know. But I saw it and thought of you straight away. You’re gonna love it, stop moaning,” Zack smiled. “I’ll give it to you at school.”

Jack nodded, putting his feet up on the dashboard and began to tap out the rhythm of the New Found Glory song playing through the speakers.

- - - - - -

When they arrived at school, the car park was pretty much empty. Obviously not that many people shared their enthusiasm of getting to school on time.

“Present?” Jack asked, stepping out of the car.

“God! You’ll get it, don’t worry! Just be patient.” Zack said, pushing Jack towards the entrance. Making their way to the main hall, Jack took note of how quite it was. It made a change from the usual shouting that filled the halls.

Once in the hall, Zack took the lead over to the boards where the tutor lists were. Zack scanned the lists carefully before groaning.

“Fuck! We aren’t together!” His eyes wide as he turned around to face Jack. “First time in 6 years, man.”

“You’re serious?” The younger boy asked, moving forward slightly to check himself.

Even though it was only twenty minutes a day, both boys were so used to each other’s company during that time. They took different subjects, so they had no classes together and that was the only time they really saw each other besides lunch break.

“Ah well. I guess you won’t be getting your present in tutor,” Zack shrugged, placing his hands on Jack’s shoulders, weaving them through the crowd that had pretty much doubled in size since they entered.

‘He’s in here somewhere,’ Jack thought, eye’s wandering around the room.

“What are you thinking about?” Zack was suddenly stood in front of Jack, eye’s narrowed.

“About how I’m going to survive tutor for the next year without you there to keep me safe,” He sighed, wiping away the non-existent tears on his face.

“You’re such a fucking dick,” Zack smiled, shoving Jack’s shoulder. “Come on, let’s go.”

- - - - - -

Lunch time came quicker than Jack had expected it to and he was sat at a table, a box in his lap.

“Well open it then!” Zack encouraged, taking a sip of his drink.

Jack looked up at him before looking down at the box once again, slowly beginning to open it. A huge smile appeared on his face as he pulled out the Kevin McAllister doll, holding it out in front of him.

“Oh my God! I love it! Where the hell did you find it!?” He questioned, leaning over the table, throwing his arms around Zack.

“They had this weird movie merch shop there. We walked past it one day and I saw it in the window,” Zack shrugged, trying to hide how happy he was Jack liked it.

“Thanks Zack. I really do love it.”

- - - - - -

The rest of the day flew by, mainly because there was no work to do. They just had to listen to their teachers explaining what they would be doing throughout the year.

It was the last lesson of the day and surprisingly, Jack wasn’t paying attention. He was staring out the window watching as the trees swayed in the wind. His phone vibrated in his pocket causing him to jump up, drawing attention to himself in the process. He waited until the eyes of his classmates returned what they were previously doing and pulled out his phone.

I was gonna wait until we were both online later but if you’re not busy, do you want to meet after school?

Jack wasn’t doing anything after school was over and he wanted to decline the offer and just go home, but he knew he could only say no so many times. He had to say yes.

Yeah, sure. By the rock?

He sent the text, nervously biting his lip until he felt his phone vibrate once more.

Sounds good. I’ll see you there :D

It made Jack nervous knowing that in less than half an hour, he would be meeting someone he probably sees everyday and doesn’t know it. For the remainder of the lesson, Jack was going through everything that he had the previous night. He didn’t know what to expect now, and he kind of wished that he said no.

Finally, the bell rang signalling the end of the day and Jack began to weave through the sea of people so he could get to the field. He could see ‘the rock’ from where he was. He thought it was one of the stupidest ideas that school had come up with. It was just a rock in the far corner of the field, it had no purpose. It was windy outside which was strange for September and as Jack got nearer, it seemed to get colder. Pulling his hood up over his head, Jack began to pick up speed until he reached the rock. Throwing his bag on the floor, he climbed up sitting as comfortably as he could bringing his knees up to his chest in an attempt to keep himself warm.

“finaltime?” a voice from behind him said.

“Fuck,” Jack muttered, eyes wide as he recognised the voice talking to him.

“Yeah,” he said, slowly turning round to see that he was right. Alex Gaskarth was stood there, small smile present on his face. “Alex. Y-you’re TakingDown76?”

pairing: jack barakat/alex gaskarth

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