Welcome Home [3/?]

Oct 22, 2010 21:25

Title: Welcome Home [3/?]
Author: veebeeseesyou
Rating: nc-17
Pairing: Jalex, durrrrr
Summary: Alex is on his way home from a trip. Jack waits impatiently.
Disclaimer: THIS IS LIES. LIES AND SLANDER. The people are real though, obvs.
A/N: Oh my gods. This one's so long compared to the last two. My attention to detail will surely be the death of me.


Alex's POV

People have always joked that, if I were to space out, my house could catch on fire and I wouldn't even noticed. The sad thing about that is that they're probably right. When you're like me, concentrating on one thing for an extended period of time is physically impossible. There's just so much going on inside my head. It's always there, too. It never stops. And I swear it only gets worse when I sleep.

There's always something buzzing around in my brain, whether it's trying to find the right words for a song or replaying old memories in slideshow fashion. Sometimes I get so catch up in them, I practically drop out of reality. I can't help it. I just stare off into nothingness and twirl my hair around my fingers. Totally gone.

Luckily, I have one thing to keep me sane enough to not drift into my head. One thing I can always focus on. To be honest, if you ever managed to distract me from it, by all means, you deserve a goddamn medal. This one thing that keeps me holding on is the one and only Jack Bassam Barakat.

And finally... After two agonizingly long weeks... Here I am. In his living room.

I felt his eyes on my back as he closed the door behind us. I heard the lock click then the sound of his feet shuffling across the carpet. I turned to look at him, a pink flush covering my cheeks.  He stood there in nothing but his boxers, taking in my appearance for a second time. His gaze made my skin tingle. A delighted sigh escaped his lips and i looked down nervously, stuffing my hands in my pockets and shifting my weight.

He must'v noticed my discomfort because he cleared his throat and ran his fingers through his dark hair. He mumbled something of an apology and a need to go to the restroom. He smiled sincerely before retreating to the back of his apartment, leaving me alone in his front room.

I looked around for something to do and decided to watch television while I waited. I fell back onto the sofa, sinking into the cushions. I picked up the remote and flipped through the channels absentmindedly. I settled for Bones. I like Bones, mainly because I love the plot, but also because I secretly wish I was as attractive as Bones (Emily Deschanel) or Angela (Michaela Conlin). -- Yes, I know I just compared myself to two women! They're pretty, okay? Jeez.

It'd been about fifteen minutes since Jack had gone to the bathroom. I pulled out my phone to check the time right as he walked in. He was wearing black skinny jeans and a black Glamour Kills tee with turquoise lettering. He'd brushed his hair so his fringe fell neatly over his forehead. The back was still sticking up all over the place like a porcupine, but he'd teased it to his liking. I smiled as he plopped himself down on the cushion next to me.

"Hey there stranger." I chuckled to myself. "I was beginning to think you'd fallen in." He smiled and dropped his head to my shoulder. I feel his fingers lightly tracing the veins on the inside of my right wrist and he makes his way to my fingers, lacing his between mine.

"What're we watching?" He asked, nuzzling the fabric of my sleeve with his nose.

"Bones." I responded, burying my face in his hair. The sweet aroma of coconut and kiwi flooded my nostrils as I inhaled. I closed my eyes, taking in the scent I'd missed so much.

"Good show." I felt his throat vibrate against my arm as he spoke, sending tiny goosebumps across my skin.

"Yea." I sighed. "I just wish I was as pretty as--"

"You are." Jack interrupted. I crossed my arms to pout, forgetting his hand in mine, causing him to slide off my shoulder and into my lap. He laughed and rolled over, looking up at me.

"You don't even know what I was going to say." I stuck my tongue out and looked away.

"...as pretty as Bones or Angela." I looked down at him, eyes wide.

"How did y--"

"Every time we watch it, Alex." He chuckled, running his fingers along my side. "Every single time." I glared at him.

"I'm not." I sighed.

"You are." He mumbled, rubbing tiny circles into the skin on my palm with his thumb.

"You're a horrible liar, Jack." I pulled our intertwined hands to my lips, lightly brushing his knuckles.

"And you're a horrible kisser." I hit him playfully on the chest, but enough to get the point across. He bursts into laughter, loud and deep, the sound rippling through his body and sending shivers down my spine. The noise echoed in the small room as he closed his eyes, smiling. I loved his laugh... I started to hum a tune quietly and he opened one eye to look at me.

"What's that?" He asked, cocking his head slightly to the left.

"A song." I replied. He snorted.

"No shit, Gaskarth." He pushed himself off my lap and propped himself up on his elbow, leaving cold spots where he'd been laying. "Which one?" I smiled, tracing his lips with my fingertips. He kissed them and waited. I hummed for another second before singing.

"His laugh, his laugh, he hates but I think it's so sexy." I sung quietly, making only the slightest changes to Bruno Mars' "Just The Way You Are", keeping my eyes locked on his all the while. He blushed and pressed his forehead to mine, the tip of his nose brushing mine and I giggled. Jack had such a weird nose. It's massive. [That's what she said] On anyone else it would look absolutely ridiculous, but on Jack... I don't know. It just seemed so... Perfect.

"Hey Jack?" I whispered, trailing one hand down his side to his hip and resting the other at the nape of his neck.

"Hmm?" He hummed.

"Did you... Did you miss me?"

Jack's POV

"Did you miss me?" Alex asked, shifting uncomfortably beneath me. His voice sounded concerned. I leaned back far enough to take in his whole face. His warm eyes searched mine, begging for an answer.

"Of course I missed you." I smiled softly and cupped his cheek in my hand. He sighed in relief and nudged my thumb with his nose.

"How much...?" He asked hesitantly, tracing his fingers along mine. I smirked, knowing where this was headed.

"Mmm..." I shrugged and sat up, leaning back against the sofa. "Not that much..."

"R-Really...?" Alex whispered, his voice cracking. My eyes grew wide. Oh god. Oh please god, no, He's gonna cry. I turned my head to see his bottom lip quivering. He bit his lip, trying and failing to stop the shaking. I sat up and wrapped my arms around his slender frame, pulling him to my chest.

"Lex, please don't..." I hid my face in his mousy brown hair, taking in his smell as I did. Vanilla and almonds. "I was just playing... You know I'm a horrible liar..." I felt him tug at my shirt and mumble something into the fabric.

"What?" I asked, confused.

"You're an asshole." His insult muffled by my chest. I sighed and gave his shoulder a light shove. He leaned back to look at me.

"I've missed you so much, it literally hurt to breathe." I stated plainly, resting my hands on his hips. "I couldn't sleep. I couldn't eat... I missed y--" I was cut short by a pair of lips being crushed against mine. Our movements matched each other almost instantly and I felt the fireworks ignite. I let out a soft moan, relaxing into his embrace. His mouth formed perfectly to mine, like it was made for me. Within seconds, Alex was straddling me, kissing me harder than he ever had. I let my eyes drift closed and returned the pressure. I needed this warmth. Two weeks without the heat of Alex's body against mine was excruciating. His soft lips and wandering hands were thawing the icy longing that had been forged in his absence.

I ran my tongue along his bottom lip, begging for entrance. He was more than willing to oblige. His mouth fell open and my tongue darted in, finding his in seconds. Our tongues battled for dominance as our kiss deepened, the passion growing stronger. He tangled his fingers in my hair and I tasted a fire that was distinctly Alex. Sweet, calming, and envigorating all at once. I almost moaned - or maybe I did. I wasn't paying attention - as that gorgeous flavour covered my tastebuds. He tasted like a heavenly mixture of honey, vanilla, and a hint of... I've never found a word for that third taste. I guess it was just the flavour of him.

He bit my lip gently and pulled back, desperate for air. The smile on his face was so beautiful, it put all the stars to shame. I hummed happily, enjoying the euphoria I got from kissing him.

"So..." He panted. "Missed me that much then?" I grinned, tucking a few stray hairs behind his ear. His cheeks were flushed and his lips swollen and pink. He exhaled blissfully as I planted a light kiss on his forehead.

"More than you know." I rested my forehead against his a we just sat there for a few moments, catching our breath.  A smirk played on my lips as I watched him. He opened his mouth to say something, but a loud beep from his phone cut him off. He pulled it out of his pocket and giggled.

"What?" I questioned. He laughed and leaned forward, his lips ghosting over mine.

"So how 'bout that party?"

pairing: jack barakat/alex gaskarth, rating: nc-17

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