Take My Life, I'll Hand It To You - Jalex - (17/?)

Oct 16, 2010 05:22

Title: Take my life, I’ll hand it to you.
Author: Me, CherylMcMinorrr
Pairing: Jalex
Chapter: 17/?
Rating: R
Summary: based on the House of Night series, by P.C and Kristin Cast
Disclaimer:Contains some quotes/lines/ideas belonging to the authors of the original House of Night series. No copyright infringement intended. I don’t own the members of All Time Low or any other band members mentioned. Title is from ‘Poison’ by All Time Low. This hasn’t happened, duh.
A/N: I know I’ve spelled ‘vampire’ as ‘vampyre’ as that’s how it’s spelt in the series this is based on and it didn’t feel right changing it because I love the House of Night books too much.

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A/N: Sorry if this confuses you...

We entered the small kitchenette of the dorms, which due to the early time of morning was empty and I hastily swivelled on my heals and turned to Jack, this really wasn‘t the time for small talk.

“Fuck, man, are you okay? You looked like you were about to attack me for a minute there.”

I almost hissed in response, I don’t even know where the sound came from, but I held it in and took a deep breath, attempting to keep calm about the totally unnerving situation I was in.

“Blood. I’m fucking craving it.” I spat. I didn’t know where the anger came from, but I assumed it came from holding off the cravings for so long, from almost denying my body of the stuff.

“Urm... Okay, Gaskarth, just don’t attack me or anything. That was one of the things I wanted to talk about anyway.”


I snapped, couldn’t he see I was in no state to be talking? I’d end up jumping him before we got finished. He ran his hand through his hair in thought, looking a little anxious.

“Eh. Right… Well -”


His head snapped back up to look at me. I couldn’t help but be impatient. I really didn’t mean it. I started bouncing on the balls of my feet in an attempt to calm myself down and focus my brain.

“Right, erm, we’ll go to the kitchen and…”

“How’s going there gonna help?” I hissed out, right in his face, grabbing him by the t-shirt. He retracted himself from my grip carefully, watching me cautiously.

“No, not where we get food from, back in the kitchen they store the blood from the vamps’ blood donors, like I told you yesterday…”

“Are we allowed to go in there?” Not that I cared, I was beyond that, I was acting like an addict in need of a fix. That’s what I felt like. Not that I knew what that felt like, but I could assume what I was feeling was like that.

“I don’t know, I mean we’ve never been told we’re not allowed in there, but I don’t think we are allowed in there, just come on before I change my mind about sneaking you into rooms I’ve never been in.” He started to head out of the kitchen, I saw Travis shoot him an inquisitive look, but didn’t manage to see the look he gave him back as I was walking behind him. He was walking at a fast pace, rushing.

“I’d don’t think you’d want to deny helping me while I’m in this state, I might try and ‘attack you’ as you said before.”

I didn’t mean to sound as venomous as I actually sounded with that statement, it felt like it wasn’t actually me talking, but some freaky blood-thirsty, deranged version of myself. I guess that’s what I was.

“Yeah well, you’re lucky it’s so early and no one’s around. And you’re lucky that I was even awake, what would you have done? Attacked some poor kid? Oh and you’re definitely lucky Hayley’s not around, she’d want your head on a platter if she knew I was helping you.”

“I don’t care if I’m lucky about any of those things, just hurry the hell up and then we can talk about whatever you wanted and then I can go hang out with my friends or something and you can go back to Hayley.”

Jack suddenly stopped in his tracks and I thought he’d decided he was sick of me and was gonna just leave me in some random part of the school or something, but when I looked around I noticed we were in front of a metallic looking door, we appeared to be around the back of the canteen.

“Vamps never lock the doors, because they don’t expect us to go snooping around the school, I hope if they find out, which is inevitable, that they’ll understand. Although… Oh it doesn’t matter. Come on quick.”

He stopped his ramble and pushed the door open, revealing a small, empty looking kitchen area.

“We need to hurry, they’ll be making breakfast soon.”

He told me over his shoulder, pacing across the tiled floor and pulling open one of the large, metal, refrigerated containers. It was filled with cheese. He opened the next one. Meat. I moved to the one that was slightly further away from the others, pulling it open. The sight freaked me and weirdly thrilled me all at once.

“Ugh.” Jack mumbled, walking over and looking into the container. There were stacks upon stacks of clear bags, like the kind you’d expect to find on a drip in a hospital, all filled with the scarlet red stuff.

“Right, here.” He mumbled, pulling two out and handing them to me, then shutting the container’s door and turning his back to me.

“Tell me when you’re done.”

I couldn’t help but laugh at the way he was covering his eyes with his hands. I’d be freaked out too if I didn’t want it so much. Yet after what had gone down yesterday in the Dark Daughters and Sons’ ritual, one would wonder why this would even freak him out. I bit the corner off of the package and started to drink. The familiar feeling flooded me, but the taste was nothing like that what I’d tasted yesterday, instead it was flat and cold. It did the job I needed it to do though and I felt surprisingly human when I was finished, less of a monster than I had done when I was having the cravings.

“I’m done.” I mumbled, dropping the plastic into the bin. He turned around slightly, checking I was being serious before facing me completely.

“You wanted to talk?”

“Yeah, but not here, we need to go.”

We headed back out into the corridor and Jack managed to assume the same fast paced steps from before, guessing he wanted me to follow him, I trailed behind like a lost puppy until we stopped dead in the middle of a darkened corridor. We stepped over to the side slightly and were almost hidden by the shadows.

“You’ve not, like, brought me to a secluded area so you can maul me to death or anything have you?”

“No, dumbshit, seeing as you’d probably have the upper hand in a fight anyway, what with the weird Vampyre blood-craving shit, I’ve brought you here so no one will overhear us.”

“Right. Okay. What did you want?”

“Well, I wanted to talk about the blood cravings, which evidently are bad.”

I nodded, I needed him to get to the point because the corridor we were stood in was fucking creepy and I wanted to get back to the safety of my dorm.

“You probably should talk to Pete about them, as I’ve said, but try and not let on it’s as bad as is, if you can help it…”


“I. Just. What if I told you that sometimes things aren’t what they seem?”

I shook my head, I didn’t understand what he was getting at.

“You need to figure it for yourself, I don’t want to influence your decisions or anything, you have to make up your own mind…”

“Jack just fucking tell me what’s going on!”

“You’re already getting at it, Alex, you must have noticed some things are odd. I mean you’ve questioned mine and Hayley’s friendship so I guess in a way you’re on the right lines. I also wanted to talk to you about Hayley, she's not a normal fledgling... She may seem all bad and she does do some uncalled for shit, but that's not the only side to her...”

I was bewildered, like he was talking tongue twisters at me, my first thought was him hinting at the fact he was hiding in the closet? But that was stupid, why would he be being so cryptic about that.

“I kind of want to grab and shake you right now, Gaskarth. This is simple. Just, don’t be so trusting of certain people, yeah? No matter how good they seem…”

Was he talking about himself? My brain couldn’t handle this.

“Why won’t you just tell me what you’re getting at?”

“I can’t tell you directly, not yet, you don’t know the half of it. I’ve not even spoke to Hayley about this, so for now you really ought to figure it out yourself. We're only fledglings, there's nothing we can do anyway, not really. I really can’t spell it out anymore, I‘ve practically laid it out in front of you. You probably just need to see the evidence. Make sure you look closely at things. You’re clearly special, with the early blood cravings and the filled out mark, maybe you could try and dim it down as much as possible in front of your mentor, at least for now, if you get what I‘m saying?”

“But wh -”

I was cut off by the sound of footsteps and hushed voices and instantly both of our heads turned to face the intruding sound. We watched in silence as a head of orange hair and a head of dark hair approached.

pairing: jack barakat/alex gaskarth

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