Fireworks. [Chapter Three]

Oct 06, 2010 20:32

Title: Fireworks
Rating: PG - 13
Pairing: Alex and Jack, if the kids don't believe, make them believe.
POV: Third, focused on Alex
Summary: So it's true what they say, if you love someone, you should set them free.
Disclaimer: Totally fictional, I don't own either Jack or Alex.
Credit: Title to YouMeAtSix
A/N: I'm currently sick with a throbbing headache and stomach cramps, but I just had to post, haha. I hope it's okay <3


Alex began to toss and turn in his sheets, his dreams slowly turning to nightmares, sweat dripping down his face. Voices were screaming at him, shouting so loud that their words were unrecognisable. One word however, was crystal clear.
“Jack. Jack. Jack.”

The boy awoke tangled in his quilt, his hair sticking up in all different directions. His breathing was heavy as he sat up, he took several gulps of air as his body calmed itself down. Fuck, he’d never been like this before.
His fingers tightened around the duvet, before he found himself able to swing his legs over and step out of bed. Throwing the covers off, he noticed small droplets of blood, splattered across the white sheets. “What the...?” He knew it was stupid, but the first thought that crossed his mind was, “Have I just had my first period?”
Then he noticed the pain in his wrist, it all made sense now.
“Ugh, I must have rubbed the scabs against the fucking mattress.” He muttered to himself, before pulling at the sheets. He couldn’t let his mum see the mess he’d made, that would certainly strike up a conversation, or more of a ‘telling off’ over the matter.
Carrying the bundle beneath his arm, he staggered towards his wardrobe, swinging the doors open with one hand. This seemed like a good spot to hide the ‘evidence’, (he felt like he was James Bond, or something).
Taking a look at his wrist, Alex was sure it’d be fine, as long as he wore a long sleeved shirt, cardigan, or hoody, nobody would suspect a thing. That’s how it worked before.

Opening his chest of drawers, Alex selected an outfit for that day. A thunderbolt patterned pair of boxers, dark grey jogging bottoms from yesterday, a white v-neck, and a simple black cardigan. That seemed like an okay attire, it wasn’t like he had anything special planned.
Sliding off his underwear from yesterday, he slipped into the new pair, sitting comfortably beneath his protruding hips and pelvis. If there was one thing that Alex was proud of, it would have to be his body. Though he despised the gym, and exercise in general really, he was always watching his weight and diet. As long as he maintained that perfect “V”, leading down to his crotch, he would be happy.
Picking up his jogging bottoms off the floor, he shook them out violently to make them less creased. As he shook, he noticed the smallest piece of paper gently float to the ground, settling into the carpet.
Bending down, bottoms hanging over his arm, he lifted the paper in front of his face, examining it closely.
It was then he noticed the writing.
Jack’s writing.

“You wanna come over to my house tomorrow?”

The boy’s words echoed in his head. Alex had completely forgotten, fuck, shit, fuck.

His eyes darted to the clock as memories from yesterday’s conversation flooded his mind. Jack said to be there for two, and right now, it was ten to. “Oh for fuck’s sake...”
Well, at least his original plan of being late would go into action.

After pulling on his bottoms he raised an arm to sniff his armpit, checking for that disgusting body odour. It wasn’t too bad, he could last a few hours, and it wasn’t as if Jack would be sitting there sniffing him the whole time, that would be worrying.
Wrinkling his nose, he grabbed deodorant off a shelf, spraying beneath both arms, before a quick spray covering his whole body, focusing also on his crotch.
Five to two.
Clutching his t-shirt in his hand, he sprinted for the bathroom, unsure as to why he was bothering to rush. He was rarely on time, he always wanted them to wait for him.
Why was Jack any different?
Alex had been asking himself the same question, over and over, and over again. He still didn’t know the answer.

It took a mere five more minutes for Alex to wriggle into his v-neck, run a brush through his hair, a little bit of wax for extra style, and then he was completely ready.
Snatching his cardigan away from his bed, he finally leapt down the stairs to say a quick goodbye to his parents. “I’m off out!” He called as he unlocked the front door. He slammed it shut behind him before his mum and dad even had a chance to reply.

Checking his mobile every now and again, the time kept ticking by with each and every step he took.
“Just stop thinking about it, stop thinking about him, stop thinking about everything.”

- - - -

6 Drovers Way, that was the address, right?
Alex checked the piece of paper he had crumpled in his palm.
He eyed up the house nervously, it was fucking huge. It was obvious there were many rooms throughout the place, he guessed the boy wasn’t an only child like himself. That hurt to admit.
He paused outside the large front door, as if waiting for the right moment to press the doorbell.
He held his breath as his index finger pushed into the button, the sound of the ringing bell alarming him, causing him to take a step back.
He heard scrambling from the inside of the house as someone rushed to open the door, and within seconds, Alex was looking upon Jack’s beaming face. “I didn’t think you were going to turn up.” He admitted shyly, stepping aside to let Alex into the place he was forced into now calling home.
Alex shrugged, “I wasn’t going to.” Another half-lie. He wouldn’t have arrived if he didn’t find the paper.
Jack rolled his eyes, shutting the door behind the older male who was beginning to fidget with the sleeves of his cardi.
“Do you want me to hang that up?” Jack was only offering, but Alex shook his head firmly, “No.” He snapped, though immediately felt guilty, and shook his head once more.
“Everybody’s out today, so I thought we could watch a few movies, just sit in the living room...” Jack murmured, feeling uncomfortable in Alex’s presence. He thought maybe the other would have given up on his ‘act’.
Kicking off his shoes, Alex stared at the pictures hanging on the walls. There were portraits of people Alex assumed were the American’s family, and he noticed a photograph of a child who looked very similar to Jack. “Ha, nice picture.” He commented, a little sarcasm lacing his words. It was cute though, he’d give the kid that.

Following Jack into the room, Alex raised an eyebrow at the large forty-two inch plasma screen moulded into the wall.
This kid surely had to be rich, no?
Alex just had to laugh, the boy didn’t need friends, surely he had everything he needed in the form of money? Alex had always been a materialistic person.
“Sit down.” Jack gestured to one of the couches, where Alex obeyed the order, sinking into the cushion, his head resting back.
“Woah, this is actually so comfortable.” He laughed, maybe Jack would make the perfect friend, after all. But was Alex really that much of a bastard to just use the kid for his possessions? Very much so.

Jack already had a dvd shoved into the player, apparently ‘The Lion King’ had tickled the boy’s fancy.
“Are you serious? I thought it was only girl’s that watched Disney films?” Alex scoffed, his suspicions of the boy's 'faggotry' only becoming stronger.
Jack frowned, “Does the box have a gender specification? No.” He retorted, rather proud that he was beginning to grow a spine. He’d learnt that from Alex and the boy didn’t even know it yet.

Alex was slouched against the back of the sofa, making himself comfortable, and he raised his arms above his head as he stretched and yawned.
As his arms lifted, the sleeves of his cardigan rolled down.
The wounds of his wrist were exposed.
Alex didn’t realise, but Jack did.
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