Nothing Like You And I 1/?

May 29, 2009 21:37

Title: Nothing Like You And I
Author: darkbluerain
Rating: PG-17
Pairing: Jack/Alex
POV: Third
Summary: Just by looking at Jack Barakat, you can tell he really doesn't give a fuck what people think about him. Alexander Gaskarth didn't wake up one morning and go, "I think I'll start dressing in drag more often."
Disclaimer: None of it happened. Borrowed some ideas from Transamerica. Title belongs to my favorite song by The Perishers.
Author Notes: Nothing to report, today...
Previous Chapters: Prologue

At exactly four twenty eight PM, Alex's phone rings, waking him from the relaxing nap he was taking on his couch. Groggy from napping, he fumbles around sleepily until his fingers finally find the phone.
" 'Lo?"
"H-hey Alex. Listen, I've got a favor-"
Alex interrupts the caller with a groan. "Oh, come on John. Jail again? What the hell for this time?"
"Nothing serious, I promise! I got in a fight in front of a bar is all. Come get me, please?"
"Give me about an hour and I'll be down there."
It's John that groans this time. "Come on man! You, uh, you don't need to get all 'made up' to come down and get me."
Alex is already searching through his makeup bag, and is mentally searching through his closet to find a blouse that would match the pink eyeshadow he'd just found. Would a skirt or a pair of skinny jeans look better paired with his white blouse?
"John, you know I have to. How about forty minutes, okay? I'll just throw my hair in a ponytail instead of wearing a wig. And I'll only wear a bit of makeup. I promise. We can even go get something to eat afterwards if you want. How about it?"
John grumbles his agreement and hangs up. Alex sighs as he slips the phone into the purse sitting on his end table and heads for the bathroom. John usually did something stupid every couple of months and ended up spending a night in jail. And Alex was usually the one to come pick him up the next day. The only thing John ever hated about calling Alex to bail him out was a) he felt as though he really oughtn't do this to poor Alex over and over again, and b) Alex insisted upon dressing like Aislinn when he came to pick him up.
Alex didn't always dress like a girl to go out. Sometimes he didn't mind being plain old Alexander. But being in a police station, he much preferred being dolled up and girly. That, and the men that worked there recognized him as Aislinn, due to him picking up John so often.

A stout, short haired man with his sleeves rolled up looks up from his desk when Alex enters the door. A small smile stretches across his face. "Hey Aislinn. Back for John again?"
Alex smiles back, his lips shining with cherry lipgloss. He replies with the alluring, feminine voice he taught himself years ago.
"Yeah. Always in trouble."
Walking the path he was all too familiar with, Alex paid John's bail and was lead back to the cell where his best friend was being held. The floppy haired boy was more than glad to see Alex. The muscular guard was the same one that was always there, a man in his thirties named Ross. John immediately embraced his friend.
"Thanks so much, Aislinn," He knew better than to accidentally call Alex by his real name, "As always, I totally owe you."
"Yeah yeah, that's about twenty four times you owe me, O' Callaghan."
Before they make to leave, Alex notices one lone soul sitting in the cell John had previously occupied.
He can't be much older than Alex is; maybe nineteen, twenty? His hair is a neatly disheveled mass of midnight black. There's a bruise forming on his left cheek, and a small cut across the back of his hand. His body is obviously skinny as a rail under the bright red hoodie he's wearing. There's something in his face, something in this boy's dark, intense gaze that makes Alex want to do something.
"Hey Ross. How much for that guy's bail?"
"Ten dollars."
Alex's face screws up in confusion. "Only ten?"
"The kid's in here a lot, and it usually takes a couple days for someone to come claim him. We feel bad, 'cause we know his friends don't have much money to spare. He just got in last night, right before your friend did."
Alex quickly reaches into his wallet and withdraws a ten dollar bill, handing it to Ross. The boy's head perks up as Ross motions for him to come forward. "Alright, Barakat. Free to go again. Try and stay out of trouble for once, yeah?"
The boy nods, allowing a smile to form on his face and giving Ross a small wave as the older man shuts the cell door and walks away.
This leaves him, Alex, and John standing together. John mumbles something about having to go to the bathroom, leaving Alex alone with this strange, albeit attractive, boy.
The aforementioned boy runs a hand through his hair. "Err...thanks. My name's Jack, by the way."
"No problem. I didn't want to leave you there like that."
A few more seconds of silence pass, in which both Alex and Jack are sneakily trying to check one another out. Alex adjusts the strap of his purse before speaking.
"Hey, me and John are gonna go get something to eat. You, uh, you wanna come with?"
Jack's expression brightens. "Really? Okay, cool. Thanks...uh, I didn't catch your name."
Alex smiles, leading Jack out to his car, and his impatient best friend waiting in the backseat.
"Aislinn. My name's Aislinn."

author: darkbluerain, chaptered: nothing like you and i, pairing: jack barakat/alex gaskarth, rating: pg-13

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