Fireworks. [Prologue]

Oct 04, 2010 21:53

Title: Fireworks
Rating: PG - 13
Pairing: Alex and Jack, if the kids don't believe, make them believe.
POV: Third, focused on Alex
Summary: So it's true what they say, if you love someone, you should set them free.
Disclaimer: Totally fictional, soz.
Credit: Title to YouMeAtSix
A/N: So this is my first time ever writing a slash fanfiction, but I've always wished to do so, and now I'm doing exactly that. I apologise in advance for novice mistakes, and I would appreciate constructive criticism (:


The smell of disinfectant was becoming almost natural to the light haired boy. Even the whitewashed walls were appearing more homely than usual, but perhaps that’s what happens when you find yourself staring upon them day after day. It wasn’t as if Alex planned for it to be this way, it was his decision after all to sit here day in, day out. He couldn’t bear to leave the other male’s side, not after everything that had happened. This was all Alex’s fault, and by being here, it was the only way he could even begin to put things right.

His brown eyes lay upon Jack’s pale, stone cheeks, he missed the way the boy would blush easily, he longed to see a little colour rise to the surface. Honestly, Alex longed for anything from the other male. A gentle squeeze of his fingers, a bat of an eyelid, just something that could offer him a little hope. He knew he was pushing his luck, however, and as he gently pushed Jack’s fringe across his forehead, Alex forced a smile behind sad eyes. “It’s ridiculous, you know,” He hushed, his thumb softly running up and down Jack’s hand, “Everyday I sit here, but I never know what to say.” The older boy had never been good with his words, “The doctors always stress at me to talk to you, because they say you can hear me. They tell me you seem more peaceful when you hear my voice, as if it settles you into a slumber, but I don’t want you to sleep... not right now.” Alex rubbed his eyes, his voice cracking beneath all the emotion, but he could do it. “Last night, after being pulled away from this shit hole, I lay in our bed just staring at the empty space next to me. It didn’t feel right because you were supposed to be there.” Alex lifted Jack’s limp hand to his mouth, gently pressing his lips to the cold skin, “Ha, and it made me smile when I pictured you lying there. Your hair a mess, covering your beautiful eyes, your mouth slightly opened, a small smile tugged at the sides, and the way you would giggle... I hated you for that at first. I would settle down into my pillow, an arm around your shoulders and I’d be ready to drift off. Then all of a sudden this noise escapes your mouth, and you would giggle for what felt like hours. I never knew somebody could be so happy in their sleep, but I gradually got used to it.” A tear slowly rolled down Alex’s cheek, settling above the dimple created by a reminiscent smirk. “Soon, it was impossible for me to fall asleep without the sound, but I never told you that. I know you often wondered why I would wait for you to drop off before I did.”

A laugh escaped Alex’s mouth, as he began to gently squeeze Jack’s hand in his palm, “So as I lay facing the ceiling, just imagining you there, your nose nuzzled into my chest, I thought for a moment... I mean, I say now that I can’t live without you, so how did I ever survive before you even interrupted my life?” Leaning back into the chair, Alex decided to make himself a little more comfortable. His hand still clasped to his lover’s, he lifted his feet for them to rest on the side of Jack’s hospital bed. “And at that moment, I thought back to the very first day we met... your stupid jeans, your stupid hair, you were just plain stupid in general. But there was something about you that I just couldn’t get my head around, and only now, sitting here, do I realise that maybe love at first sight isn’t such a myth after all. It seems possible, logical, in fact, and I know you tire of me slipping into the past every now and again, but for once, I think you might just enjoy listening to this. Even if you can’t show it just yet, I know you can hear my voice.”

The older male could think back to every little detail, as if it all simply happened yesterday, but if only. He would love to relive it all again, even the moments where both boys wished to rip each others hair out, or perhaps say each other’s names, and in the same breath they’d say something that they’ll grow to regret. Arguing was common, but so was the hugs, the kisses, the play fighting, the teasing to no tomorrow. All of their memories, both the good and the bad, were hanging by a thread, Alex just had to hold on, he couldn’t let go.

“So here it goes, Jack. This is our story.”
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