Take my life, I'll hand it to you - Jalex - (12&13/?)

Oct 02, 2010 04:17

Title: Take my life, I’ll hand it to you.
Author: Me, CherylMcMinorrr
Pairing: Jalex
Chapter: 12 & 13/?
Rating: PG-13 for now.
Summary: based on the House of Night series, by P.C and Kristin Cast (at this current moment I‘m not sure how strongly or loosely based on the plot of that it‘ll be).
Disclaimer:Contains some quotes/lines/ideas belonging to the authors of the original House of Night series. No copyright infringement intended. I don’t own the members of All Time Low or any other band members mentioned. Title is from ‘Poison’ by All Time Low. This hasn’t happened, duh.
A/N: I know I’ve spelled ‘vampire’ as ‘vampyre’ as that’s how it’s spelt in the series this is based on and it didn’t feel right changing it because I love the House of Night books too much.

Master list

The four women who personified the elements moved towards to table where, along with Pete and John, they picked up a goblet. “All hail night and the full moon!” Pete said. “All hail night, from whom our blessings come. On this night we give thanks to thee.” The four women moved back to their place in the circle. “In the name of Nyx and Erebus.” Pete called out. “We ask for the power from your circle that you give us the knowledge to speak the language of the wilds, to fly with the freedom of the birds, to live with the power and grace of the feline, and to find an ecstasy and joy in life that would stir the very heights of our being. Blessed be!” I grinned, Pete’s power and majesty shone throughout the entire building. I wondered if there was a possibility that some day I’d be able to claim the entire room like that, I doubted it though. Pete drank from the goblet he had, before he offered it to John, who drank and then said “blessed be”. The four women quickly moved around the circle, offering each and every person a drink from the goblet. The red wine was sweet, not bitter like the stuff my mom had locked away at home. Once everyone had drank from the goblets, they were returned to the altar in the middle of the room.

“Tonight I want each and every one of us to spend at least a moment or two alone in the full moon. Let it’s light refresh you and help you to remember how extraordinary you are… Or are becoming. Bask in your uniqueness, revel in your strength. We stand separate from the world because of our gifts. Never forget that, because you can be sure than the world never will. Now let us close the circle and embrace in the night. ” In reverse order, Pete thanked all the elements and sent them away and it caused me to feel a little bit sad, like when you’ve been spending time with your best friend and then they have to go back home. Thinking like that instantly brought my mind back to Gabe and Caleb, I’d have to contact them and soon. I was pulled out of my thoughts of home by Pete ending the ritual. “And now we end this rite, merry meet, merry part and merry meet again.” The crowd chanted the words back to him and my first ritual was officially over.
The circle broke up too quickly for my liking, I’d have liked to stand around for a while and reflect on what just went on, but everyone was already heading for the exit and I followed, with Josh and Rian keeping a hold on each of my arms. Once we were outside, our group of friends rejoined and we stood in a small circle. “Guys, I have to go to the Dark Daughters and Sons’ thingy…” I reminded them, biting my lip, this was definitely the part I wasn’t looking forward to. “Want us to save you a place at the table?” Jonathan asked, he had his arm around Josh who, for the record, looked like he could possibly break down at any moment. “It’s okay, I think I’m being fed there…” I informed them. “They’ll probably feed you raw meat.” “Yeah and dead creatures that Hayley caught in her spider web!” “Stop it, you’ll freak Alex out.” I looked between them all, I really didn’t want to go to this thing. “I’ll take you to the rec-hall.” Rian smiled and I nodded, tried to ignore the uneasy feeling building up in my gut and set about following him.

When we reached the entrance to the large hall, Rian stopped and looked at me apologetically, he couldn’t go any further with me. “Well, here you are then…” I sighed. “If I’m not back by the end of the ritual, tell my family and friends I love them.” “Alex, I don’t think it’s going to be that bad.” I shuddered at the thought of how bad it could actually be, they could be doing any kind of freaky ritual shit in there. The building was on a small hill towards the east side of the school and wasn’t connected to the other school buildings. There was a set of large stone steps up to it’s big heavy oak door and it looked foreboding, so much so that it was hard to believe that it was actually a rec-hall. “Right, well… I’ll see you after. Save me a place at dinner? I shouldn’t be too long.” I hoped I didn’t sound as nervous as I felt. “Okay I will, but don’t feel like you have to rush back to us, you might meet someone you like and then-” I cut him off by scoffing. “I’m not going to hang around with or become one of them, Rian.” I told him harshly and his eyes glinted with something I couldn’t read, but I didn’t want to be late so it’d have to be later when I pressed him about it. I saluted and headed off up the steps, while he waved at me with a reassuring smile on his face.

On the way through the door, I tried convincing myself that this would be no big deal. That it was just like some kind of student meeting at my old school, but I just couldn’t stomach the idea. At least it would be over soon. “Merry meet, Alex.” Hayley greeted me icily from beside the door the moment I entered. Jack was stood slightly behind her, with his hands behind his back, looking at the floor and rocking on the balls of his feet. I couldn’t let her know that they intimidated me, which they did. “Merry meet, Hayley! Merry meet, Jack!” I even offered them a sweet smile, Hayley scowled, probably because her cold behaviour wasn’t seemingly getting to me, then she traced the sign of the pentagon on my head and spoke a very unenthusiastic “blessed be.”, which I returned cheerily, seeing as she seemed to hate me sounding happy.

Jack looked up at me once she was done and the same discomfort that showed in his body language was shining in his eyes. I could only wonder why he seemed so uncomfortable, probably because he was hanging around with Hayley, even though he was choosing to do so. Every bit of his personality intrigued me and I had no idea why, but I tried to push all thoughts of this aside, because kids like Jack just weren’t the kind of people I wanted to associate with. They are the kind of people that waltz around school, for whatever reason, acting like they own the place, that even though they’re in exactly the same place as everyone else, they think it’s okay to act like they’re better than everyone else, that instead of seeming distant and socially awkward by not speaking to anyone but their little clique, it just makes them more popular, kids want to be them, are happy to be acknowledged by them even if it’s just in the form of sarcasm or a snide comment they probably don’t realise is said in that way. People look up to them when all the signs are screaming that you wouldn’t want to. It made my blood crawl, because there was no way they were actually better than everyone else.

Looking around the rec room, I noticed that there were large black curtains draped around the edges, with shapes sticking out of them, which at first freaked me out, until I remembered that this was the rec-hall, so they’re probably just pushed all the TV’s and gaming systems up to the walls and hid them. The circle itself was made up of candles in tall glass containers, they lit up the faces of the few kids who were standing around in a loose circle. I recognised Travis Clark and William Beckett as two of them. No one was wearing their embroiled symbol that was supposed to be worn on the uniform, but I did notice they all had the same silver chain around their necks. “You need to hurry…” I jumped at the sound of Hayley’s voice from beside me. “We brought some clothes for you to change into.” I nodded feebly, she could have brought me anything, but I guess it wasn’t conventional to be at this ritual in my school uniform. She began walking quickly and I followed, at loss for what else to do. She handed me a simple black shirt and a white tie. “Just, you can keep your jeans on… For future reference, you’re supposed to dress up for Dark Daughters and Sons’ rituals.” There was nothing wrong with the words, but the way she said them held a certain manner of distaste I didn’t like. I wondered where she’d even got the clothes from because they clearly weren’t hers, as if she could read my mind she answered, still sounding foul. “They’re old clothes of Jack’s.” Now, how did I feel about that, wearing clothes that had belonged to Jack Barakat? Well, I had no other choice, being dressed in my uniform made me feel more out of place than I already did, like gate crashing a party dressed in a banana costume.


Chapter 13

“Okay, well I’m going to be leading the ritual so I won’t be able to hold your hand through it.” I may or may not have lost my temper with her at that point. “Look Hayley, I don’t need you or anyone else to fucking hold my hand throughout the fucking thing, I’m a big boy and surprisingly I’m capable of looking after myself! Stop being so fucking patronising all the time!” I let out a breath after that, it felt good to blow off steam. “No, of course, you’ll just breeze through the damn thing like you have with everything else since you got here! After all, you are Pete’s favourite fledgling.” I let out an incredulous laugh, finally realising that Hayley had such a stick up her arse because of the Pete-being-my-mentor issue. I really didn’t need this, I’d just wanted to fit in, you know? Anything for an easy life and all that… No. That doesn’t happen with me. Ever. Travis and William smiled warmly at me as we re-approached the circle, but I wasn’t going to be fooled by their act of niceness, they were still part of Hayley’s posse. Still, it didn’t help that Hayley lead me over to stand in between the two.

I wondered if it was too late to get out of here, in fact I was up for running for the exit and never looking back when Jack looked up at me, as though he knew exactly what I was thinking, with such an unreadable, sincere emotion in his eyes that I suddenly felt like I had to stay and I became routed to my spot, a feeling which lasted long after he followed Hayley into the center of the circle. I focused my attention off of Travis and William, who appeared to be talking with their eyes and instead paid attention to the center of the circle. It was similar to that of Nyx’s temple, except it had a chair pulled up beside the table and it looked like Hayley was trying to convince Jack that it would be a good idea to sit in the chair and he appeared to be attempting to refuse her pleas. I didn’t see the fuss, all he had to do is sit in the chair, maybe it was a pride thing? Eventually he appeared to slump into himself and agree, then a cloak was placed across his head and he disappeared from my vision.

The table was draped with the same black material as the walls and it contained the Goddess statue and various offerings to her as usual, there were several goblets and a pitcher. Oh, and a knife. It had a long, wooden handle and a long curving blade which looked entirely too sharp to be cutting fruit or bread. I silently gulped and averted my eyes from the weapon. Cassadee was busy lighting several of the incense sticks and totally ignoring Hayley and Jack and the little dispute that had taken place right in front of her. Immediately the room filled with a smoke, a green and ghostlike smoke that curled around the room. Instead of the sweet smell of incense that had filled Nyx’s temple the smell that hit me was bitter, yet familiar, but I couldn’t pin-point exactly what the smell reminded me of. I sniffed again, intrigued and my head started to feel a little woozy and the room began to spin, just a little bit. The incense was definitely odd, it seemed to change as it filled the room, like expensive perfume that changes with each person who wears it. I can make out the smell of spices, but there was something else at the end of it, that made the scent tangy and bitter… it was dark and mystic… alluring in it’s… naughtiness. Then I knew the smell, maybe it was a testament of the company I’d kept back home or perhaps it was just the fact I was a teenager who’d attended a lot of parties, but it was definitely the distinct smell of pot that was lacing the room under the sweet smell of spice. Were they honestly filling the room with that stuff? I choked on a breath, hoping that my spluttering cough hadn’t been too loud. I looked around for a professor, quite shocked that they would allow this, but none were in sight, that would explain a few things.

Music began to play, pulling me from my thoughts, not because it was an enjoyable sound, the music was disturbing. Was it seriously too late to bolt? I glanced at the door, I wasn’t stood that far away from it. I knew I couldn’t leave though; Pete had, after all, requested that I attend. I was still becoming used to the strange tribal music playing throughout the room when Hayley began to dance around the circle. I was feeling light headed, like I could hit the floor, but I forced myself to remain standing as much as the room seemed to be spinning as dizziness overtook me. I glanced Hayley dancing, I’d say she was pretty if she didn’t have such a foul personality, then I directed my attention to the hooded figure of Jack and I couldn‘t help but wonder what was going to happen to him. At this point I was expecting anything and everything. The music stopped while I was till staring at the chair where Jack sat, trying to convince myself not to feint due to the heavy atmosphere still in the room.

Hayley picked up a big purple candle from the table, which was already lit and the knife and I trained my eyes on her carefully and watched as she began to evoke the elements as Pete had. I had to admit she was good at it, even if she wasn’t as good as Pete. Feeling each element once again wash over my skin calmed me enough to stop feeling feint and dizzy and I actually felt quite peaceful once she was done. Before she even did what she did next, I somehow already knew it was going to happen. “This is the time of the fullness of our Goddess’s moon. There is magnificence to this night. The ancients knew the mysteries of the night and used them to strengthen themselves.” She sounded so nonchalant as she spoke, I wanted to sigh and speak the words for her, with just an edge of enthusiasm or something. “Secret… Mysterious… Magical… True beauty and power in vampyre form - not tainted by human rules or law. We are not humans.” She reminded me of a boring head teacher trying to conduct an assembly. “And all your dark daughters and sons ask tonight, in this rite is what we have petitioned each full moon for the past year.” Her words all began to merge into one and I couldn’t listen anymore. I just didn’t find her interesting and her tone of voice bored me. I didn’t start paying attention again until she approached Jack and knelt down beside him with the goblet at the side I couldn’t see. She seemed to whisper a few short words and his figure seemed to nod, although I couldn’t exactly see what she did. She then continued moving around the circle, speaking something along the lines of humans being ignorant and intolerant. I hoped she didn’t hear me yawn because a second after she stopped right in front of me.

“Drink, Alex and join us in asking Nyx for what is ours by the right of blood and body and the mark of the great Change - the Mark that she has already touched you with.” I know, I know, I probably should have said no to her. It’s not like I trusted her, but at that moment I thought of her words, of how not once since I’d been here had any of my friends tried to get in touch with me, nor had my family. My own mother didn’t even want to know. Even my best friends. I was sure Gabe had said that this wouldn’t change our friendship and I know Caleb had been scared of me when this first happened, but the guy was kind of in love with me or something, so he shouldn’t have let this spoil our friendship, right? Yet he had, if the lack of contact was anything to go by. Had they even thought about me at all? I took the goblet and drank, without allowing myself time for doubts or letting myself think up pathetic excuses for my friends and family. It was wine, but it didn’t taste like the wine I’d drank during Pete’s ritual. It was also sweet, but there was a bittersweet taste that was like nothing I’d ever tasted before; it caused a sensation in my mouth and travelled with a hot bittersweet trail down my throat and left me with a desire to drink more and more and more of the substance. It was like a steaming chocolate pudding which once cut drips with melted chocolate source and tastes amazing. Or a warm hot chocolate with mini marshmallows and cream and a cold day by the fireplace. It was overriding my senses. I think Hayley noticed my reaction to the drink, but all she did was bite her lip and offer me a triumphant smile before uttering a “blessed be.” which I was quick to return, trying to come back to my own senses.

She moved to Travis with the goblet and I couldn’t stop thinking about the delicious taste of the wine. It smelled familiar and incredible, but the sudden rush of dizziness in my head had stopped me from concentrating on where I’d tasted it before. It hardly took any time for her to get around the entire circle of kids with the goblet and then she returned to the center, I watched her finish off the contents of it herself, feeling incredibly jealous that I couldn’t have more. I didn’t know what had come over me. When she was finished, the music started again and she danced her way around the circle once more, laughing as she blew out each candle and sent the elements away. “Merry meet, merry part and merry meet again.” We all responded and as the music stopped, my head once again stopped spinning, but I could still taste the strange wine on my tongue. I couldn’t figure out why it tasted familiar and I wanted more of it.

Everyone started to talk and laugh as the circle broke up and I still couldn’t shake the feeling. I looked over at Jack, not understanding the meaning of him being there, in the chair that is, obviously he was here because he had some weird love-hate friendship going on with Hayley. Jack jerked around, pulling himself into the sitting position and the hood fell down. The look on his face was definitely pain mixed with shame and something else. He met my eyes and suddenly I realised what had been in the wine. I should have known. Blood. Jack’s blood. I gulped once again and couldn’t continue looking at him. I watched the floor and shuffled after the crowd of people leaving the rec-all, feeling embarrassed although I had no idea why.

I couldn’t remember what I’d been told about blood lust and I cursed myself for not reading that far into the Fledgling handbook, but I was pretty sure I shouldn’t be getting it this early into the change or this intense. I wanted Jack’s blood. Badly. I found Hayley on my way out of the door and I had to stop and ask her. She gave me an amused look when I stopped in front of her. “Did the…?” “Did the what Alex? I can’t read minds you know.” I bit my lip. “Did the wine…?” “Did the wine what?” “Did the wine have… blood… Jack’s blood?” She nodded, looking like she wanted to laugh at my uneasiness. I wanted to ask her questions, but I didn’t want to look stupid or give her more reasons to patronise me, so I decided I’d save them for Pete. Now she’d confirmed it, I felt hot and cold all at once, feverish even, at the thought that I’d just drank blood. The thought that I’d drank it and liked it. Wanted more even. I shuddered and heard her laugh once more. No wonder Jack didn’t want to sit in the chair. “I wouldn’t have chosen Jack as a refrigerator usually, but the kid we were gonna use happened to reject the change earlier today. And Jack owed me.” She smiled mischievously with her last sentence, but I didn’t pay too much attention. She’d just given me a whole new pile of things to think about it my already overcrowded head. Were they going to use Max as a… What did she say? Refrigerator? “Refrigerator?” She sighed impatiently at me. “Refrigerator, Snack Bar, those fledglings that are practically human and pathetic they have no other use? That’s all humans are to us; refrigerators.” I didn’t agree with her words one bit. Her beliefs seemed a little biased and prejudiced. As I left the building I still couldn’t believe it. I’d drank blood. Jack Barakat’s blood. I’d liked drinking his blood. I was a freak. Everything seemed to zone in on me and it finally became too much for me and I feinted on the cool ground outside the rec-hall.

pairing: jack barakat/alex gaskarth

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