Take my life, I'll hand it to you - Jalex - (10&11/?)

Sep 26, 2010 22:56

Title: Take my life, I’ll hand it to you.
Author: Me, CherylMcMinorrr
Pairing: Jalex (Eventually, once the story kicks off, anyway)
Chapter: 10 & 11/?
Rating: (atm,) PG.
Summary: based on the House of Night series, by P.C and Kristin Cast (at this current moment I‘m not sure how strongly or loosely based on the plot of that it‘ll be).
Disclaimer:Contains some quotes/lines/ideas belonging to the authors of the original House of Night series. No copyright infringement intended. I don’t own the members of All Time Low or any other band members mentioned. Title is from ‘Poison’ by All Time Low. This hasn’t happened, duh.
A/N: I know I’ve spelled ‘vampire’ as ‘vampyre’ as that’s how it’s spelt in the series this is based on and it didn’t feel right changing it because I love the House of Night books too much.

Master list

“Did you wanna…?” I questioned, gesturing towards the horse with the brush, but it’d appeared his façade was back up. “Do you seriously always have to be everywhere I fucking go?” I sighed, but I didn’t bother replying, just continued brushing the horse. “Why do you feel the need to act like that?” I asked, feigning innocence and not bothering to turn and look at the other boy. “What?” He snapped, every bit defensively. “So hostile towards other people. But then sometimes you’re not, so all it’s gonna result in is the impression that you’re bi-polar.” Jack seemed to exhale. “I’m not fucking bi-polar, Gaskarth.” “Right and I’m not really a horse lover.” It sounded more sarcastic than I’d meant, I actually wasn’t much of a horse lover. He seemed to snort. I wondered why he didn’t just leave. He looked down at his watch uneasily, before averting his gaze back to me. “Shit! I’m, no, we’re gonna be late for the Full Moon ritual!” I looked towards him, suddenly remembering the formal ritual Pete had told me about. “I don’t know where Nyx’s temple is.” I admitted and Jack snapped. “Oh, come on!” and picked up some of the things I’d been using on the horse to put away. I pulled my shoes back on and followed behind him silently and he didn‘t attempt to make conversation.

We’d been walking for what seemed like forever in silence when Jack stopped for me to become level with him and then spoke. “Why do you even try and talk to me?” I turned to look at him properly and I saw the confusion in his eyes. “What do you mean?” “I mean that all I do is act, as you said, hostile towards you and yet you still attempt to speak to me.” I was caught off guard by the entire situation, I glanced around the corridor in which we stood, as though an answer would jump out of a dark corner at me. I know you’re hiding things from the entire school! Haha. That wouldn’t have gone down well. “Not everyone’s always what they seem, I just thought it’d be easier to talk to you or act indifferent than act the same back.” He nodded, throwing me a look I didn’t understand, before setting off walking again. All I could do was follow, because I knew I’d never find the ritual on my own. “Someone. Someone died in my last class. That- that was why I was visiting the stables. I haven’t been there as much recently.” I didn’t even realise he was talking to me at first, he spoke so quietly. It took a while for the words to sink in. “I- I always used to go to the stables to, I don’t know, reflect on my life.” I empathised with his words, I had, had places back home where I’d used to go to escape from it all, yet I didn’t know how to react. “Who?” I asked back, in the same harsh whisper he’d spoke with. “I don’t think you’ll know him Gaskarth, you’re new, this kid Max. He was in our Vamp Soc lesson.” I vaguely remembered a small dark haired kid sitting along the isle from Jack and I. He’d seemed fine then. I honestly didn’t know what to say, I felt a little shaken and bummed out.

“He- he was coughing throughout the whole of last lesson and I didn’t let myself think of it. I just… Just. I ignored it. But I knew it was gonna happen, the entire class did. I think even he did.” I nodded, feeling really bad for the kid. And his family. And his friends. “It was horrible. There was lots of blood, he- he coughed most of it up.” Jack was shaking at this point, lost in the memory. I didn’t know what to do, honestly, I never expected to see a vulnerable side to this guy. “Jack. It’s okay. Some people rejecting the change is inevitable.” What else was I supposed to say? “Just be glad it wasn’t you.” “This time.” I didn’t know what to say to that, I was already so scared about this happening to me. He stopped, then coughed, his voice going back to emotionless. “We’re here.”

I quickly spotted my group of new friends stood in a huddle by the temple and quickly overtook Jack to join them. Jonathan was the first to notice me and broke away from them, ran up to me and pulled me into a hug, which I soon realised wasn’t just for the friendly gesture, when he mumbled the words “Don’t push him about it unless he wants to talk.” into my ear, which confused me up until the exact moment he stepped out of the hug to walk beside me back to the others. Josh looked pale and jittery. I offered Rian and the twins a small smile, then threw Josh a concerned look. “You okay, bro?” He nodded, but his eyes filled with tears. I did the first thing I could think of and pulled him into a hug. “It’s…” I rocked him gently. “Max.” I sighed and took at step back from the other boy, keeping my hands on his arms and looking him over, while I bit my lip. I’d never even considered that he may have been a friend of one of my friends. Jack could have warned me. I felt really bad for him, he started swaying himself backwards and forwards on his feet, like he was unsure what he wanted to do. I hadn’t known the kid long, so I really didn’t know how to comfort him. I felt Rian’s hand on my shoulder and turned my head to look at him. “Josh, I’m going to take Alex into the ritual, are you going to be okay with Jonathan, Ryan and Brendon?” He nodded again, tears freely streaking down his cheeks now. I felt bad leaving him, but Jonathan was his room mate, so I assumed he’d be a better comfort than me.

“Why is everything just going on like normal?” I blurted, the moment Josh was out of earshot. We’d just joined the small line of students waiting to enter the temple. I heard Hayley snicker behind me, but I chose to ignore it. “We’re supposed to get used to the idea that this could happen to anyone, at any time. The only people who’ll really be bothered are those in his classes and his friends. Usually third formers too, because we’re new to it, but by the time we’re in a higher grade we’ll probably think nothing of it.” I hated that… It sounded so heartless to me. I knew there was a greater chance of students dying here (well then again, with the drinking, smoking and drugs taking of some of today’s youth, maybe not), but just because this could happen to any of us at any time didn’t mean people shouldn’t be allowed to grieve or even remember. “That’s awful.” Rian nodded his agreement. “Not much we can do though.” I sighed in agreement, feeling quite disheartened.

The moment we entered the temple, the gentle smell of incense filled my nostrils. “Okay Alex,” Rian looked at me then nodded over to the door. “Just follow behind me, when the vamp at the entrance traces the pentagon on your head and says ‘blessed be’ all you’re expected to do is say it back, then join me in the circle.” I nodded in understanding. “Isn’t the pentagon a sign of evil?” “Actually, no, for hundreds of years the sign has actually stood for wisdom and protection. Four of the points on the star actually represent the four elements, the fifth one stands for spirit.” I nodded, calmed by the smells around me.


Chapter 11
A/N: The poem used is actually taken from ‘Marked’ from the House of Night series, apparently it’s Lord Byron’s ‘She Walks With Beauty’. Actually, I kept a lot of this ritual similar to the one in the book, because I’m tired and not in the right frame of mind to have planned my own one out or anything. I had wanted to write the ritual as one chapter, but the damn thing’s long.


Upon entering the actual hall the first thing I noticed was the insane amount of candles. They were everywhere. There were huge white ones hanging from chandeliers on the ceiling and even more lined the wall. The only furniture in the room was a large antique table situated in the center of the room. It contained a large stone statue of the goddess and offerings similar to those on the table in the dining room. There were also more candles and some large sticks of incense. My eyes became drawn to a burning fire which seemed to be coming from a hole in the floor. It flickered wildly, large flames seeming to stop at waist height. It was beautiful and enticing in a controlled-danger kind of way. The room had started to fill up and kids were beginning to form a huge circle around the center of the room. I headed over to where Rian was stood, over near one of the far corners of the room. I was quite nervous about the ritual, unsure exactly what it would entail. As more people filed into the room, I noticed Hayley, Jack and their posse head over to the opposite corner of the room and I attempted to catch Jack’s eye, but he seemed to be having another heated discussion with Hayley. I really wanted to understand their situation, but I couldn’t.

I gave up trying to lock eyes with Jack when the rest of our group broke free of the crowds of students and sauntered over to us. Josh’s eyes were still red and puffy, but he seemed to be holding himself together a little better than before. I gestured for him to stand at the other side of me and placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. My eyes landed on the other side of the room, to where Jack was staring right at us, a glare burning in his eyes. Jonathan noticed and a disapproving sound left his mouth. “Barakat’s a-” He was cut off by four beings gliding into the room and I watched as they split to stand at four points of the circle, like the 12, 3, 6 and 9 sections of a clock. Two more people entered the room then. One of them was a rather tall man, with brown-ish hair and a pleasant smile. He was dressed smartly, as were vampyres that had dispersed to the points of the circle. Jonathan seemed to be gushing from next to Rian, I threw my room mate an inquisitive look and he explained in my ear. “That’s John O’Callaghan, Vampyre Poet Laureate, he teaches Poetry Elective but also English Literature to some of the older pupils. He’s one of the first male Poet Laureates in hundreds of years. I think Jonathan has a bit of a crush on him.” I could see why. The guy was hot. He began to speak and his musical voice flowed gently, he’d make a good vocalist.

She walks in beauty, like the night
Of cloudless climes and starry skies

As he spoke, he moved towards the circle and eventually entered it. His voice easily carried through the room, silencing everyone and earning their attention. The man who entered the room with him also moved around the circle, although he stayed silent.

All that’s best of bright and dark
Meet in her aspect and her eyes…

I averted my gaze from John and towards the man who’d entered the room with him and realised that it was Pete. He was dressed smartly, in a white shit with a grey waistcoat, bowtie and a black blazer. It was the first time I’d seen him not wearing skinny jeans.

Thus mellowed to that tender light
Which heaven to gaudy day denies.

Somehow they both seemed to end up in the center of the circle by the end of the poem. Pete took a goblet from the table and lifted in, in a mock toast. “Welcome Nyx’s children to the Goddess’s celebration of the full moon!” At this point the adult vamps in the room chorused “Merry meet!” I was trying to take everything in still, feeling slightly out of place, like if you enter a church after having never been to church. Pete placed the goblet back on the table and picked up a lit, long white taper and placed it in a candle stick holder, then he began to approach one of the vampyres who’d stood at coordinates of the circle. The vampyre saluted her and my eyes were drawn from their greeting when Rian spoke into my ear. “We’re supposed to face each of the four directions as Pete evokes the elements.” I nodded, the room was beginning to feel really stuffy.

Firstly we faced East and I saw Pete raise his arms and his voice echoed throughout the entire temple. “From the east I summon air and ask that it carries the gift of knowledge to fill our circle with learning.” I instantly felt the air change, it circled my entire being and ruffled through my hair, cooling the stuffy air of the room around me. I glanced quickly around the room at everyone else, noticing I was the only one seeming to be effected by the presence of air. Unless I was imagining the element taking over my body. The vampyre standing towards the east pulled long thing yellow candle forwards and Pete used his own candle to light the object. We turned to the right and he continued in the same manner. “From the south I call fire and ask that you light this circle with the gift of strength of will, so that our ritual will be binding and powerful.” The air filling my presence lifted into a wave of intense heat, it was so real I felt my brow become laced with sweat. Still, I couldn’t see it affecting everybody else. Next we all faced West and I knew the next element would be water. “From the west I summon water and ask that you wash the circle with compassion and that the light of the moon can bestow healing to our group, as well as understanding.” The sound of gentle waves hit my ears as he lit the blue candle and a cooling sensation seemed to clear the heat that had overtaken me. Next would be earth. “From the north I summon earth and ask that you grow within this circle the gift of manifestation that the wishes and prayers from tonight will come to fruition.” The sensation of water trickled away and instead my nose was filled with the smells of a hot summers day and I could feel a hot grassy meadow beneath my feet.

The sensations washing over me, although unusual, didn’t fill me with any dread. I felt light and in place. Pete faced the center of the circle once more and we all turned as he once again approached the altar. John himself was stood there, by the fire which was still alight, holding a large purple candle. “And last, I summon spirit to complete our circle and ask that you fill us with connection, so that as your children we may prosper together.” Unbelievably, I felt my own spirit leap, as though I were a bird trying to fly away and I had the sensation just like the one I experienced in my reoccurring dream of flying. I watched the now lit purple candle be placed on the table.

Pete started moving around the circle and he spoke to us rather than at us, meeting our eyes and allowing us to feel included. “This is the time of the fullness of the moon. All things wax and wane, even Nyx’s children, he vampyres. But on this night the powers of life, of creation and of magic are at their brightest, this is the time of building and of doing.” It was strange seeing the powerful man who had spoken so kindly to me at my hospital bed actually doing something with the great power than radiated from his being. I realised that Pete had just cast a circle. This was the kind of thing the media labelled ‘black magic’, the dangerous and the unknown, yet the vampyres, the other side launched into it so freely and I certainly didn’t feel in danger. Close to Nyx, the goddess of night, but definitely not endangered. I remembered part of the words of her speech in my vision: Darkness does not always equate to evil, just as light does not always bring good. And I smiled at the truth of her words as I watched the candle light radiating off of Pete. I glanced around and noticed how he held the hold room’s attention, he seemed good at doing that, a powerful leader... And he was good with words. “This is the time when the veil between the mundane world and the strange and beautiful realms of the Goddess become thin indeed. On this night one may transcend the boundaries of the worlds with ease and know the beauty and enchantment of Nyx.” I wondered what Nyx’s plans for Max had been, if that’d been why he had ‘transcended the boundaries of the worlds’, but the moment the thought crossed my mind and instinctual pain in my gut told me there was something wrong about that, that I was wrong, though I didn’t know how. John started to recite more words and I become lost in them, feeling way more a part of the ritual than I had at the start of it.

pairing: jack barakat/alex gaskarth

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