Take my life, I'll hand it to you - Jalex - (4&5/?)

Sep 21, 2010 02:34

Title: Take my life, I’ll hand it to you.
Author: Me, CherylMcMinorrr
Pairing: Jalex (Eventually, once the story kicks off, anyway)
Chapter: 4 & 5/?
Rating: (atm,) PG.
Summary: based on the House of Night series, by P.C and Kristin Cast (at this current moment I‘m not sure how strongly or loosely based on the plot of that it‘ll be). Just because he thought his private school equated to hell-on-earth, didn’t exactly mean that Alex wanted to be forced to enrol at the local Vampyre finishing school: Dulaney House of Night, where he‘d undergo some quite farfetched physical changes, wherein there‘s a chance the whole process would physically kill him. (Sorry, I fail at writing summaries.)
Disclaimer:Contains some quotes/lines/ideas belonging to the authors of the original House of Night series. No copyright infringement intended. I don’t own the members of All Time Low or any other band members mentioned. Title is from ‘Poison’ by All Time Low. This hasn’t happened, duh.
A/N: I know I’ve spelled ‘vampire’ as ‘vampyre’ as that’s how it’s spelt in the series this is based on and it didn’t feel right changing it because I love the House of Night books too much. Seriously, if you’ve not read them, you should. I’m actually using the first book ‘Marked’ as a guide to write this, but I don’t think I’m gonna stick to what happens. I can't sleep, so I wrote two more chapters.

Master list

“As you might already know, the healing process in vampyres, even in a fledgling is much quicker than that of a human, so I see no problems with you leaving the infirmary. So Alex, how about meeting your new room mate?” Pete asked me much later, after I’d slept some more and once again awoke. No. I dry swallowed. “Okay.” He smiled at me and I was too nervous to say anything more, so I smiled back. “Usually, I’d take you to meet your adult mentor first of all, Alex, but seeing as that’s me, there’s no need for it.” He told me as I began to follow him out of the large, heavy oak door. Pete walked in front of me with such a confidence and spoke with such power and leadership. I wondered if this would happen to me during the change or if that only came to certain vampyres. To a High Priestess or Priest of Nyx. Or whether it was mainly just down to personality, some of it had to be learnt though? I guessed I’d find out. I was definitely becoming anticipatory of my new life at the House of Night.

We walked down a narrow stone hallway, brightly lit by more torches, and small chandeliers filled with candles. I realised this was because light from fire was a lot easier on vampyre eyes than the electric light fittings that most modern buildings used. There were no windows, but I understood that was because vamps didn’t like sunlight and it didn’t feel claustrophobic like you’d imagine a room with no windows to feel. Just like the stone walls didn’t cause any uncomfortable feelings. I didn’t see another vampyre or fledgling in sight, although I kept looking around expecting to see one. I’m sure Pete noticed and informed me that as it was 4am, so classes would have been out for an hour, meaning fledglings were likely to be in their dorms as apposed to around school. He went on to explain about the whole sleeping through the day and being awake all night, but I kind of expected that; it was a common vampyre stereotype really. And it wouldn’t have made sense to be awake during daylight hours if vamps found sunlight almost unbearable. He informed me that teachers are available out of school times and that the gym and stables remained open until dawn. The kind of thing you’d expect new students to be told, really, it almost felt surreal being told information like this, normal information while in my current situation and walking through a school for fledgling vampyres.

“Oh and the temple of Nyx is open at all times, but we hold a formal ritual in there twice a week after school. The next one is tomorrow. Have I forgotten anything?” He asked, while we hastily trudged through corridors of the school. We stopped for a while as an orange ball of fur approached us and jumped into Pete’s arms. I jumped, before realising the ball of fur was actually a cat. I exhaled slightly, but never having been a cat lover, I didn’t fully relax, instead I eyed it curiously. “Do you like cats, Alex?” Pete asked and I was sure he knew my answer already, but I attempted to lie anyway “Love them…” “Alex cats are highly intuitive, they can sense how a person feels about them and will mirror that in their own actions, I think the intuition is why they’ve always been closely linked with vampyres.” I could understand that, imagine a cat going for you, fangs flaring and hissing. I gulped. “Are there a lot of cats around here then? I won‘t have to keep one as a pet will I? I had a pet dog back home…” I rambled on, nervously. “Yes there are. And no, not unless a cat chooses you, then you’ll belong to him or her, not the other way around, we don’t own them. And, although dogs are loyal and can definitely can learn from humans, they don‘t nearly have the intuition, stamina or intellect of cats.” I nodded, I think I understood, however much I wanted to huff at his last comment, I was always a dog person so I didn’t think Pete and I were going to see eye to eye.

“A dog lover, ay? If a cat chooses you, you’ll soon be converted. I should know, my gift from Nyx is the affinity for cats. As well as healing powers.” What? Affinity for cats? I threw him a confused look and he went on to explain. “Well, some vampyres can be gifted with special powers from Nyx, to help them on their journey, every High Priest or Priestess is given a special affinity, they can be anything really, something physical, or connected to the elements or animals.” Well, that was pretty impressive. My face must have said that I though exactly that, because Pete laughed. There was so much to take in, I hoped I’d remember it all. “I know it’s a lot to take on board Alex, it’ll all sink in soon and you’ll start becoming used to learning all these strange new things about our kind.” I nodded. Our kind. Me included. It was gonna take a while to get my head around this. It was liked being plopped slap-bang in the middle of a new culture, with different values and being told that this was in fact what I was, without major warnings. In fact, that was exactly what it was.

“Oh and Alex?” I faced him once again as we continued to walk, this place was massive. “You must remember that we’ve all been where you are now, even the maturest of adult vampyre will have started off in your shoes, unsure, confused, becoming something you didn’t fully understand, without much choice in the matter, during and once you’ve completed the change into a mature adult vampyre you’ll start feeling in control of your own path again, I promise.” He smiled slightly as he finished and I blurted. “That’s if I complete the change.” but without hesitation he responded. “You will, Alex, you will…” and he glanced at where my hair was covering my strangely filled-in mark before continuing. “Nyx has chosen you, we’re not sure why, but you’re definitely special. She won’t have done this to let you fall.” I was about to mention my vision at this point, when something deep inside me told me that, that would be a bad idea, so I kept my mouth shut; deciding to trust my intuition, after all, that’s what a vampyre would do, right?

The sound of a ring-tone blaring dragged me from my thoughts and I looked at Pete, it certainly wasn’t my fault, and he profoundly apologised to me before pulling out an ipone. It was the strangest thing, seeing a creature as anciently mythical and mysterious as a vampyre using a piece of modern technology, to say the least. He was speaking quickly into the phone, glancing at where I was stood a distance away from him, waiting because I didn’t know the way to go. I hoped I’d been paying attention to the route we’d walked enough to even find my way around the place. I was betting I wouldn’t, I’d be the loser new kid who got lost. Some things never changed. I sighed and Pete moved back over to me. “Alex, I really have to go and check on a student in my office, if you could just follow the hall way to the left you’ll reach the main entrance, it’s a large oak door, you can’t miss it. Head outside into the courtyard, you’ll see a fountain and a couple of stone benches to the right, you can sit and wait for me there, if you don’t mind? I nodded. As well as having to take on board all this new information, I was having to take orders, just like in my old school and to top it all off I had to remember directions. Before I could even ask him to repeat the directions, he’d already disappeared off through a doorway. I didn’t even like the thought of being alone in this place, after all, it was filled with vampyres. And cats. Vampyres and cats, I sighed and started walking, keeping to the left, just like he’d said.


Chapter 5

When I eventually found my way out into the courtyard, I spotted the area he’d spoke about easily, but instead of heading straight over and sitting on the bench, I stopped to admire the breathtaking view before me. From the hill you could see the whole city, street lights standing out against the dark-blackness of the streets. You could even see the stars in the sky from up here. It was this I was focused on when I heard voices to my left and I instantly averted my eyes, noting that I was hidden quite nicely behind a set of hedgerows, which seemed to separate a large patch of grass, which I assumed was used some kind of recreational area, from the main entrance to the school, which was where I was stood. Taking a quick glace right, I noticed a car park off in the distance, behind the set of benches I’d been told to wait near. However something in my brain told me to stay here, hidden from the two voices but where Pete would still find me if he came back. I focused in on them, it sounded like two fledglings and they appeared to be arguing.

“No, Hayley!” Possibly the Hayley that’d I’d seen briefly before?
“Why not, Jack?” She spat back. Jack? Like who’d been in my room when I awoke?
“You know exactly why!”
“No, I don’t, fill me in.”
“I’ve told you. I don’t swing that way.”
“You did.”
“Did. Past tense.”
“But, we went out once.” She’d started to sound desperate.
“Went. Once. Again, past tense.” He definitely sounded like he was being a little harsh with her.
“You don’t have to be so uptight about it.”
“I’m not. If you’d just piss off and leave me alone, that‘d be nice Hayley.”
“But, Jacky.”

I heard someone walk away and then the silent sound of sobbing. I didn’t know what to do. I assumed it was Hayley that was crying and just when I was about to act like I’d just exited the building, heard her crying and as a result ask her what was the matter, although I already knew, the big doors opened and I noticed the shape of Pete step out into the darkness, as gracious as ever. “There you are, Alex! Didn’t make it over there?” “Uh. No. I was just admiring the view of the city.” It wasn’t really a lie, so I could get away with it. Or so I told myself. Pete seemed to buy it, although I was a little freaked out that I’d just lied to a highly powerful vampyre. He smiled. “It really is amazing, isn’t it?” And then we continued our fast paced walk, heading over the patch of grass in which Jack and Hayley had just before inhabited. I didn’t see a sign of Hayley, she must have scampered when she heard Pete.

Once we’d crossed the area, we entered through a smaller wooden oak door, into another castle looking building. It may have even been connected to the one we’d just left. I didn’t know, this whole place, everything, it seemed like some kind of strange maze to me. “Now. If you want to get to know your way around the place, I’m sure your roommate will be pleased to show you.” Pete informed me, I was starting the question if the adult vamp could actually read my mind. Then I guessed it more of him being able to sense my mood change. The whole intuition thing. I was starting to feel like I’d never get used to this school. We actually started to pass a few students and vamps as we headed further into this part of the school and I noticed three things; they all either bowed or nodded respectfully at Pete, anyone who had a full set of vampyre tattoos was extremely good-looking, making me feel kind of inadequate. I mean seriously, no wonder so many vampyres make it as actors, singers, musicians and the likes. And number three and probably least important, that although students wore a ‘uniform’ it didn’t seem very formal, just black or dark clothing with a specific emblem on the right breast. You’d think seeing as though the vamps are so up on the arts, they’d notice the cliché in students wearing a black uniform, maybe that was the point. I didn’t get it.

Oh and I noticed another thing, which caused me to feel slightly uneasy. All eyes that passed us fell on my filled-out mark, until I was subconsciously pulling my fringe right across it, making sure nobody could see. And yet some people still looked, news must have got out about the kid with the weird mark. Did something seriously always have to cause me to be a misfit whenever I started a new life? Last time, after the move from England, it was my accent, clothes and music taste. Here it was going to be the way my mark was weirdly filled in for a first year fledgling. I couldn’t win. I just hoped people would get used to it. Last time, I’d changed as a person; I picked up a more varied taste in music, I dropped the accent and wore different clothes. It’s going to be hard to disguise a fully sapphire crescent moon tattoo, when my fellow fledglings only have an outline.

We finally reached the dorms and to my surprise, the doors were painted in a shade of white, as apposed to the wooden oak colour of the rest of the building’s doors. That wasn’t the biggest surprise I received that, when she opened the door to the boys dorms and common room, whatever I’d been expecting, it wasn’t what I laid my eyes on at that moment. The walls weren’t stony like out in the corridor, but instead decorated in different shades of blue and turquoise, there were sofas and beans bags spread around the room, facing various TV sets which appeared to have Sky and there a couple of desks to one side of the room. The whole room was lit by chandeliers and a big fireplace warmed the place. It was actually nice, it felt homely. You wouldn’t even know vampyres lived in it unless you were told. There were some doors over to the far left, which I assumed lead to staircases and dorm rooms and there was an archway which lead to a small kitchen area. I could easily live here, I decided. I was embarrassed when Pete introduced me to the entire room, but they all through me a series of ‘hello’s and waves. I spotted Jack sat in the corner looking stony faced, but he was the only person I actually recognised. I noticed there were some girls hanging around the room too, meaning they mustn’t be too strict on us staying in separate common rooms.

Pete soon lead me through the common room and up a staircase. I noticed all of the doorway’s had a different symbol on and again I assumed they represented which grade we were in. The stairway lead to a corridor filled with doors that had room numbers plastered over them. Some were painted with bright colours or patterns, but mainly they were either a light-wood colour or white. They reminded me of a corridor of dorms you’d see in a human University. Pete knocked on one of the doors, before offering me a reassuring smile and leaving me alone. I sighed again. He kept leaving me alone in this big, scary new place. “Come in!” called a male voice, it sounded kind and welcoming. “Hi. I’m supposed to be your new room mate? I’m Alex.” I mumbled nervously, looking down at my shoes as apposed to the boy stood in front of me. “Hi.” I looked up at the boy in front of me and noticed the buzz-cut which meant the outline of a crescent moon easily showed on his forehead, almost glowing and he had the brightest, most genuine smile I’d ever seen plastered on his face and I instantly felt at ease. I shook his outstretched hand quickly, smiling. “My name’s Rian Dawson. Welcome to the House of Night.”

pairing: jack barakat/alex gaskarth

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