Take my life, I'll hand it to you - Jalex - (3/?)

Sep 19, 2010 20:19

Title: Take my life, I’ll hand it to you.
Author: Me, CherylMcMinorrr
Pairing: Jalex (Eventually, once the story kicks off, anyway)
Chapter: 3/?
Rating: (atm,) PG.
Summary: based on the House of Night series, by P.C and Kristin Cast (at this current moment I‘m not sure how strongly or loosely based on the plot of that it‘ll be). Just because he thought his private school equated to hell-on-earth, didn’t exactly mean that Alex wanted to be forced to enrol at the local Vampyre finishing school: Dulaney House of Night, where he‘d undergo some quite farfetched physical changes, wherein there‘s a chance the whole process would physically kill him. (Sorry, I fail at writing summaries.)
Disclaimer:Contains some quotes/lines/ideas belonging to the authors of the original House of Night series. No copyright infringement intended. I don’t own the members of All Time Low or any other band members mentioned. Title is from ‘Poison’ by All Time Low. This hasn’t happened, duh.
A/N: I know I’ve spelled ‘vampire’ as ‘vampyre’ as that’s how it’s spelt in the series this is based on and it didn’t feel right changing it because I love the House of Night books too much. Seriously, if you’ve not read them, you should. I’m actually using the first book ‘Marked’ as a guide to write this, but I don’t think I’m gonna stick to what happens.

Master list

I was dreaming that I could fly, which felt amazing, I was free. I didn’t have to stay in one place or feel restrained or like I had to do anything. I could make my own destiny and if anyone told me otherwise, I could just take off and fly away. No one could catch me, because they were tied down, they couldn’t lift off of the ground, so I was just floating through the grey sky, wind lapping at my hair and I was completely alone. It was an amazing feeling compared to how badly I’d been feeling lately. Why had I been feeling so crappy lately? I moved, finally awake and then it hit me like a train, bringing back the pain running through my head. I was becoming one of them. I was turning into a vampyre. Shit.

When I opened my eyes, I was met by a pair of dark-brown eyes, slightly darker in shade than my own and I looked round, instantly confused and pretty sure I had been, just moments before, sitting in my car. Well before the ~vision~ happened anyway. I was a little confused about the vision, my thoughts were kind of hazy, but I didn’t let myself focus on that, instead I stared back at the boy in front of me in a confused manner. He had black hair with bits of blonde in it, resembling a skunk in many ways and it just sort of fell over his forehead, but I could make out the markings of a fledgling vampyre hidden underneath his hair. I gulped, realising I’d never been this close to a vampyre before and yet he intrigued me, I couldn’t ignore the intoxicating stare of his eyes if I tried.

“Jack?” I heard a musical voice question and he jumped back, taken aback by the intruding voice and I looked over towards the door to spot a man dressed fully in black, with black hair falling over his forehead, although I could see the swirls and spirals of his markings framing his eyes, meaning he was an adult vamp. My initial reaction was fear. Fear of the power and darkness that so clearly radiated off of him, in a much more elegant way than it had off of that tracker vampyre who had marked me. “Why didn’t you tell me our new fledgling was awake?” “Sorry Peter. I was just… His tattoo…” “Be gone with you, Jack. Don’t you have lessons to attend?” The lanky boy nodded before exiting the room I was in. The room itself was odd, stony walls with real burning torches hung on the walls for light. It made me shudder for unknown reasons. “Hayley? Is this the fledgling you saw?” I noticed an orange haired being appear from behind the adult vampyre and I assumed she was another fledgling. “Yes, Pete.” And she glanced over at me and gasped, before looking back towards the vampyre I’d learned was called Pete. Not really a fitting sounding name for a vampyre. Then again, I didn’t think my own name sounded fitting for a vampyre and here I was, becoming one.

The fledgling named Hayley seemed to disappear after this and Pete began to approach me. I was unsure about what was happening, really and I knew one thing, Pete would definitely be no match for me if he decided to attack me. He had dark hair, which came over part of his forehead as I said before, without fully covering his vampyre tattoos. He had quite thin, dark, hazel eyes and he wore what appeared to be a pair of skin-tight jeans and a simple black shirt. He had a small build and structure. Yet, the way he talked, walked and even stood showed off the amazing of power he actually held. His vampyre tattoo’s themselves were amazing, there were thick spirals and swirls coming from the crescent moon shape itself, lined with stars and shapes I could only assume were music notes. I felt slightly intimidated by the guy and I instinctively moved back into the pillows of the bed I’d found myself in as he got closer and eventually took a seat beside my bed.

“How are you feeling, Alexander?” “My head kind of hurts.” I admitted, I couldn’t help but succumb to his voice, it was as though you couldn’t not reply to him. It contained a certain amount of power. something I’d already realised was common with the vampyres and Pete himself and yet however powerful, his voice was sweet at the same time and almost homely. “That’s usually an effect that will come from spending too much time out in the sunlight.” He informed me. “However, it could be to do with something else; actually Alexander, I was wondering if you could explain to me how your mark became so filled in?” I gave him a questioning look. “What?” “So you don’t know either.” He looked almost pained at this, as though he couldn’t understand something. “What I don’t get, Alexander, if you only got tracked and marked earlier today, how do you already have the mark of a mature vampyre on your forehead?” He asked rhetorically, and probably causing myself to sound stupid in front of this amazing vamp, I asked. “It’s filled out?” To which he reached for the mirror beside my bed and held it out for me.

There I saw myself, well someone I almost recognised as myself staring back at me. My brown-ish coloured hair was sticking out in all kinds of manners from just having been lay down and my coffee-brown eyes seemed brighter than they had before I’d become a fledgling. My skin was the slightest shade paler, as though I’d covered myself in a thin layer of talcum powder, but it seemed to glow. And there, as I pushed my fringe further off of my forehead, I realised what the fuss was about. The crescent moon shape was fully filled out in the unique sapphire colour of the vampyre’s markings. It was just like Pete’s minus the artistic swirls and patterns. I gasped, bringing my fingers up to the shape on my forehead. “Well, it’s certainly different. Nyx definitely works in strange and unclear ways.” Pete concluded, eyeing me seriously. The mention of Nyx brought my thoughts back to the vision.

“Excuse my ignorance!” He stated suddenly, after a moment of silence. “I’m still relatively new to this… I’m Peter Wentz, high priest of this House of Night.” He offered me his hand to shake, which I did. I took it that that meant he was kind of the head master of the place. “Are we at the House of Night?” I asked, looking around. “Oh, yes, excuse me again young man, you won’t know a thing that happened since you… Uh, passed out in your car. We found you just outside of the gates. Well actually the fledgling that was here when you awoke did, Jack Barakat…” I nodded, to me ‘Jack’ didn’t sound like much of a vampyre name either. “Well not just him, Hayley... er, saw you coming. He was a little shocked at finding you, but he came straight to me, he's a good kid really. Anyway, you were brought here and I’ve been watching over you since.” For a vampyre he seemed nice, not something that you’d expect after years of the biased media portraying them, erm, us as monsters. “Your smart little Audi is currently in the process of being repaired.” He admitted and I didn’t press for details of why my car had needed repairing, I knew It’d have probably crashed into something. “One last thing, at the start of a new life each fledgling should be offered the chance to change their name, would you like to?” I shook my head, not really. “I’d rather just stay as Alex, well, Alexander. Alexander Willam Gaskarth.” I ‘tut’ed at my full name, it sounded so Posh. “And so it shall be, Alex.” He smiled at me, a toothy smile that showed off a set of vampyre teeth.


A/N: Next chapter will be better, this was kind of a filler and there'll be more of Jack's character.
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