Take my life, I'll hand it to you - Jalex - (1/?)

Sep 18, 2010 01:47

Title: Take my life, I’ll hand it to you.
Author: Me, CherylMcMinorrr
Pairing: Jalex (Eventually, once the story kicks off, anyway)
Chapter: 1/?
Rating: (atm,) PG.
Summary: based on the House of Night series, by P.C and Kristin Cast (at this current moment I‘m not sure how strongly or loosely based on the plot of that it‘ll be). Just because he thought his private school equated to hell-on-earth, didn’t exactly mean that Alex wanted to be forced to enroll at the local Vampyre finishing school: Dulaney House of Night, where he‘d undergo some quite far-fetched physical changes, wherein there‘s a chance the whole process would physically kill him. (Sorry, I fail at writing summaries.)
Disclaimer: Contains some quotes/lines/ideas belonging to the authors of the original House of Night series. No copyright infringement intended. I don’t own the members of All Time Low or any other band members mentioned. Title is from ‘Poison’ by All Time Low. This hasn’t happened, duh.
P.O.V: Alex.
A/N: I know I’ve spelled ‘vampire’ as ‘vampyre’ as that’s how it’s spelt in the series this is based on and it didn’t feel right changing it because I love the House of Night books too much. Seriously, if you’ve not read them, you should. I’m actually using the first book ‘Marked’ as a guide to write this, but I don’t think I’m gonna stick to what happens.

We exited last period maths into the crowded corridor of my private school not a moment too soon. I actually despised that lesson, hell I actually despised the entire school, but having my friends around me made it easier, somewhat easier anyway. Speaking of friends, my best friend; the one, the only Gabriel Saporta was trotting along beside me, trying to keep in line with my brisk steps as he babbled on and on in true Gabe fashion. I was barely even paying attention, instead my line of vision was focused on a figure by the door. His eyes seemed to be scanning the crowd of students for something or someone at a dauntingly fast pace and it was clear, well clear to me, that he wasn’t human. Which could only mean one thing: he was a vampyre. Even though his would-be-obvious vampyre markings were covered, it was obvious from the darkness and power which seemed to radiate off of his very being. The fact a vampyre would even bother to grace the grounds of this school with their presence could also only mean one thing: another student was about to fall victim to, -ahem- I mean become forced to enroll at, vampyre finishing school. I appeared to be the only one to notice his presence. Clearly and tragically more evidence of my freakish inability to fit in with the pupils of this hell-on-earth.

“Anyway, I’m sure she’s totally into me…” Gabe’s rant was cut off by the overpowering voice of the adult-male vamp. His voice unmistakably belonged to someone dead. Well not technically dead. More like… Un-dead or supernatural. Maybe even superhuman. Science, the media and the general public couldn’t seem to agree on a title. Basically his voice held more power than that possible in any human. He must have been a well respected vampyre to say the least. It wasn’t, however, his dangerous and seductive voice that filled me with fear; it was the words that next fell from his lips. “Alexander William Gaskarth.” Eep, you’ve guessed it, that’s me. “Night has chosen thee; they death will be thy birth. Night calls to thee; hearken to her sweet voice. Your destiny awaits you at the House of Night.” I mean, I know I‘ve been ill recently, but it‘s just a damn cold, it couldn‘t be me starting the change, the dreaded change from a human to one of them. This cannot be happening was all that was reeling through my mind before he raised a finger and swiftly pointed at me. I don’t know if this was the cause of or just a coincidence to the piercing pain that shot through my head at that moment, causing all conscious thoughts to be lost as I, myself, fought a losing battle to remain conscious.

When I regained consciousness, my eyes found the face of a silenced Gabe Saporta, which instantly worried me as Gabe was never quiet. Never. “This should happen more often if that’s what it takes to shut you up.” Yeah, disorientedly, I said the first thing that came to my head. Probably not a good move on my part, but it got Gabe talking again. “Alex! Don’t say that! That was horrible! He’s marked you! He did it! You’ve got that hideous outline on your forehead! What are people going to say?” I looked around at the emptying corridor, noticing how the judgmental fools of this retched place were doing their best to act like nothing had happened instead of checking on the wellbeing of a fellow student. Typical. The pain in my head was unbearable. “Shut up Gabe. My head kills.” He shook his head, looking horrified. “What’s Caleb going to say?” Caleb Turman is another of our friends and my would-be-boyfriend-if-I-were-gay. “I don’t care right now, Gabe, I’m in fucking shock!” I practically yelled at him as he helped me up. Which was another bad idea as the ground seemed to move beneath my feet. God damn it, that vampyre had sure made me feel rough. It was almost like a hangover.

“Can you walk?” I took a step and an unsteady step before beginning to walk relatively normally. “Alex. Look at your forehead man.” I really didn’t need to. I could tell from the burning sensation rippling through my head that the out-line of a sapphire crescent moon, the sign of the vampyres, was now permanently etched into the space between my eyes. The outline, of course, was just the symbol of a fledgling vampyre, fully grown adult vamps had a filled out crescent moon, along with additional tattooing. I’d learnt that much from the media. Mostly from all those “How to spot and avoid vampyres” articles. I internally groaned at the realisation that I was being forced into becoming what society was constantly telling us to stay the hell away from. Just my Luck. Never mind what would bloody, god damn, Caleb think. What would everyone think? And more importantly, fuck, what would my parents think? They’d hate me. They’d kill me. Figuratively of course as I was, in the eyes of the media, Un-dead. How could this happen to another member of my family? Something in the gene pool? Of course, none of my current friends knew about that.

Yes, this has happened before, although it pained me to think about. It was a few years a go, before I came to this school even. My older brother had been Marked, the way I just was, I guess. All I know is he fell ill, always randomly coughing and the likes, then one day he came home one day with this God forsaken marking on his forehead, kind of the same as the one I knew I’d been marked with, although I was yet to look. My parents hadn’t taken it lightly at all. They’d screamed, shouted and in my mum’s case, cried. Vampyrism was wrong apparently, against their religion, against their society. Basically they regurgitated all those words the media had fed them. They down right refused to send him to the house of night. Another thing about vampyres, this time something not a lot of humans knew or acted like they didn’t, if a fledgling vampyre remains away from an adult vampyre for too long there is much more of a chance their body will reject the change. Sure, there’s always the chance anyway, but it’s much less of one. So, my brother obeyed their wishes, covered up his tattoos and attempted to go on as normal. And I was forced to watch him get sicker and sicker, until eventually his body did just what I mentioned and rejected the chance. Of course at the time I didn’t know that, I didn’t know until after. Just imagine, if I’d know that then, I could have helped him sneak to the bloody school and maybe he’d have still been with us. But that didn’t happen, however now, I knew two things. My parents views wouldn’t have changed, they wouldn’t have learned from their ways and they definitely wouldn’t allow me to attend vampyre finishing school. And number two, regardless of what they said, I was going to the Dulaney House of Night and avoiding the fate my brother fell under.


Should I continue this? Y/N?

pairing: jack barakat/alex gaskarth

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