I'm lost without you (epilogue)

Sep 13, 2010 21:45

Title: I‘m lost without you
Author: Me, CherylMcMinorrr
Pairing: Jalex
Rating: PG?
Genre: Fluff, I guess.
Summary: Epilogue to I'm lost without you. ...and they lived happily ever after.
Disclaimer: This hasn’t happened. Title belongs to Blink 182.
A/N: I don’t like this one bit, but it’s the best I could pull out of my brain, so you’re stuck with it. Also, a lot of it is based on what I remember of my mum and step-dad’s wedding, as they got married in a registry office as apposed to a church, so hopefully I was quite accurate. I couldn’t remember the title of the person who’s like a priest, but not because they’re not religious... like the person who marries them, so I tried to mention them as little as possible.
Dedications: Anyone who commented on or bothered to read this story, thank you.

“Dadddddddd!” the toddler cried ebulliently, as she ‘ran’ the length of the hotel room, her steps being easily followed by a walking Alex. She quickly became shocked by Jack opening the door in front of her with a ‘boo’ which caused her to giggle and turn in the direction she just came, gripping onto Alex’s legs and hiding behind him. “Where’s Evie gone, ’lex? I’m sure she was here a minute ago.” Jack played along with the little girl, who giggled even harder behind Alex and then dived at her father. The older man watched the scene in front of him with a crooked grin as Jack picked up the little girl and span her around enthusiastically, while she flapped her arms and declared “I can fly! I can fly!”

After 5 minutes of the little game, Alex broke it up, “Come on Evie, we best be going.” he mumbled, before he lifted the toddler from the younger’s grip and set her back down on her feet. She ran to grab one of her toys from the other side of the room as the two men said goodbye.

Alex hugged his fiancée tightly, he’d been over generous with his affection ever since the hospital incident, like he needed to prove how he felt or something. “Well, I better hurry, wouldn’t want Evie to be late for her meeting with the devil.” Jack laughed at the older man’s description of the little girl’s mother, but he couldn’t say he disagreed. “You know, it’s not too late to ask my mom…” he mumbled into his lover’s shoulder, before turning to share a look of disapproval about the mother of his child with Alex. “And what would the stupid woman say to that? She‘d only say we‘re keeping her daughter from her, blahblahblah.” He laughed again, Alex made his hate for her way too clear. “And if we’d have asked your mom from the start there would have been no need to invite IT, but we’ll just have to deal now, it’s only for one night.” Jack nodded and smiled at the older man, who still hadn’t released him from his grip. He then began to push him towards to hotel room door, “Anyway… You better leave before Rian and Zack get here and literally throw you out that door.” “Right. Jack, I’m leaving, but aren’t you forgetting something?” He questioned, sauntering back past him and picking up the toddler. “Oh. Right.” Jack giggled, before planting a quick kiss to Alex’s lips and shoving him out of the door.

Evie’s mother was staying in the hotel just opposite the one Alex, Jack and most of their wedding guests were staying in, so it wasn’t that long of a walk to drop the little girl off. When he arrived she was waiting in the hotel lobby, systematically checking her watch as though he was late or something, which he definitely wasn’t. She saw the pair, waved and waltzed over, as though they were friends, which they definitely weren’t, but they at least had to act civil for the sake of the little girl. “Here we go, princess, you’re only staying with your mommy for the night, okay? So daddy and I will see you tomorrow.” he told the small child as he placed her on her feet, this moment bringing back memories from months ago when he’d almost lost the precious little girl to the woman in front of them. “How’s Jack?” she asked, to which he replied with “Fine. Just… Look after her, okay?” and handed the child’s hand over, clearly not in the mood to stay and talk with the woman. Then he turned his attention back to the little girl, being sure to smile and wave, before leaving again. Worry filled him as he then set out to meet up with his parents, who were staying with some of his family, where he’d also be spending the night.

* * *

He was being interrogated from all angles, while sitting, squashed onto a sofa, inside some aunt or uncle of his’ cramped living room. “So, Alex, didn’t see you as one to marry another bloke?”, “Since when were you gay anyway?”, “Wasn’t Jack your best friend?” the room was too full every angle screamed ‘claustrophobic’, he didn’t recognise half of the people here, although they were supposed to be somehow related to him. He just wanted to go back to Jack. But he couldn’t, because they stupidly decided that they’d part and then wouldn’t see each other until the actual wedding. The thought of the wedding itself filled him with nausea. What if something went wrong? What if someone didn’t show up? What if JACK decided not to show up? A shudder ran down his spine, he had to get out of the room, he wasn’t even listening to the million people talking to him all at once, it felt like the room was spinning and zoning in on him and all there voices were jumbling together. He needed to phone Jack, they hadn’t said they wouldn’t speak at all, so he assumed that would be alright. He quickly excused himself, opening the back door to ‘get some air.’

Ring. Ring. Ring. “Pick up the damn phone Jack!” “What?” “Oh, hey.” he let out a breathe and calmed at the sound of the other’s voice. “What is it Alex?” he barley heard the younger man speak over the sound of the other people in the room with him. “Hang on.” he spoke, not letting Alex respond to his question and he pictured Jack moving the phone away from his mouth. “GUYS. SHUSH A MINUTE!” and then he heard what he assumed was Jack walked out of the room and pulling the door shut. “Sorry, stupid noisy band mates and crew. What was I saying?” Alex couldn’t help but laugh. “Nothing, actually. I was about the tell you how suckish it is here and how I wish I was back there with you and all the guys.” “Yeah, but we agreed…” Alex sighed “I know, I miss you.” He could practically see the younger man biting his lip and wondering what to do. “I could always come and see you?” “Do you know where I am?” “Yeah.” “I love you Jack.” “I love you too, Alex.”

About 10 minutes later, the back gate opened, startling Alex from his day dream as he stared at the night sky, clouds were dotted about, but you could still see stars where the sky was clear. Seeing Jack approaching from the blackness behind the tall garden gate turned his shock into happiness. “Took me ages to find it.” the younger man breathed, approaching his lover, who eloped him in a hug. “It’s horrible in there, it’s overcrowded and cramped and too warm.” he mumbled into Jack’s shoulder, inhaling his soon-to-be husband’s scent. A wet drop on his hand alerted him that it was about to start raining and looking up he could no longer see stars in the cloudy sky. It started out as a few gentle droplets but soon became a harsh, heavy downpour. The two men didn’t budge though, too wrapped up in each other to care about the weather. “I feel like we’re sneaking around.” giggled the older. “Well, no one knows I’m here.” they both shared a grin, before the taller of the two pressed a tender kiss to his lover’s lips. “You better get inside, don’t wanna be ill tomorrow.” he stated, running a hand through Alex’s dampened hair. “I don’t want to go back in there.” “It can’t be that bad.” “It is.” Jack just sighed, they couldn’t really just stand outside in the rain all night. “We could always go sit in my car?”

* * *

When Alex awoke he was in the living room on the sofa and he’d been changed out of the clothes he wore in the rain the night before, although the last thing he remembered was being in Jack’s car with Jack, so he must have fallen asleep at some point and been brought back into the house. He scanned the living room for a clock and upon seeing the time dived off the sofa, he’d woke up late, which meant he’d now be in a rush. He ran past the busy kitchen, not bothered to stop and ask why no one had got him up sooner, and ran into the en suit bathroom of the room he should have been sleeping in. He rushed his shower, before fretting about finding his suit and he had a mini moment of panic, before his mum walked in the room holding out the items of clothing he needed.

When he was dressed, he again rushed through the house, which was still filled with random family members, although not as many as the night before once again in search of his mum. Locating her in the kitchen, she instantly bustled him off to the hairdresser to have his hair straightened. Once the was done most people in the house were getting ready to leave and he hadn’t had the chance to feel nervous about what was coming yet. Maybe that was why no one had woken him up early, so that he didn’t have the time to worry.

He spent the whole journey to the registry office inside the car sandwiched in between his mum and his dad and he found plenty to worry about, practically ignoring his parents conversation in favour of staring out of the window, attempting to focus his mind on the various buildings and roads rather than the thought of what could go wrong. He wasn’t fully calm until they pulled up outside the place and were met by a woman and a little girl. He ignored the woman dressed in the pretty dress, who handed him her daughter’s hand and offered him a small smile before disappearing off inside the venue. He pulled the toddler into a hug. “Hey honey, don’t you look pretty?” he cooed, twirling her around. His mother pulled him out of his little bubble with a cough, gesturing that they had to go inside. He kept his grip on the little girl’s hand as he walked, his parents following about him. It wasn’t the conventional way to walk down the isle, but they didn’t really do conventional and it could have been a lot less conventional.

Entering the actual room he started to feel shaken, he could hear the music playing and he knew everyone, a lot of people who he or Jack weren’t even close to included, were on the other side of the door he was stood in front of. He wasn’t getting cold feet or anything, he was just nervous as hell. It was Evie that got him to enter the room when she spoke, it wasn’t anything to reassure him, but it made him laugh. “Hurry up so we can open the presents.” and so off he went, still holding her hand. He locked eyes with Jack and smiled, receiving a smile back and suddenly he wasn’t bothered about everyone else in the room, and continued to step with more speed, and once he finally reached the front of the room, he handed the small child over to his mother, before turning to face the man he loved and grinning.

The set up wasn’t as formal as a religious wedding, but they did speak their vows, Alex had written his own and they caused tears to fill Jack’s eyes but caused him to smile at the same time. He put them away in his pocket and then Jack spoke his own, not being as eloquent as his lover he’d had help from friends and the registry office themselves, but the words were just as heartfelt as Alex’s. They were then brought over to a desk along with their witnesses, their dads to sign the marriage documents and then were disrupted by Evie who shouted “Kiss the bride!” rather loudly and so they met back at the alter and kissed, receiving a bunch of “aww”’s . Then it was over and they stood together as people began to file out of the room and they were met by their friends, parents and daughter at the front. Evie jumped straight into Jack’s arms and he span around slightly, before turning back to the small gathering.

“After party?” asked Zack, once the room was fully cleared of random guests. “Pictures first.” “Good luck with that.” Rian told them, going to leave, but Alex grabbed him by the back of his collar. “No, you two were practically best men, so you’re needed in them too.” Rian let out a loud sigh, before a photographer shuffled into the room. Countless photos later and they were ready to leave. “No, you two go outside first.” Alex told them, holding back a chuckle. “Fine, if it means that much to you.” Zack huffed, heading outside with Rian, where they were quickly covered in confetti and met by cheers, until everyone realised they’d got the wrong people and quietened. Both boys turned back towards to doors when they were met by Alex, Jack and Evie laughing their heads off. “Not. Funny.” Rian huffed. “No, no, it was hilarious.” Alex managed through a laugh. “Can we go to the after party now?” Zack asked, wiping confetti from his hair and becoming impatient. Jack nodded, still not trusting himself not to laugh at their friends and the group shuffled towards the wedding car, Alex and Jack being greeted by everyone who had remained outside the building on the way to the car and eventually driving off from the register office.

pairing: jack barakat/alex gaskarth

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